My Version of Acceptance

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By Raven


I feel inspired by the abundance stories about the journey to acceptance when it comes to people's sexualities, genders and attractions, and it saddens me that I can't share a story like that. I don't have one. I fear I'll never have one.

But I believe the very first step before gaining acceptance from others, is to gain it from yourself, and growing up in a semi-strict Catholic family it took me years of questioning before I even considered that what I felt towards my same-sex peers was something that others don't feel towards their same-sex peers.

I'm queer, but I've learnt that that's okay. Maybe not to my religious family, or to my friends, teachers & fellow peers who attend the Christian school I go to, but that's okay.

I currently use 'queer' as my 'label', because I like to think of it as a good umbrella term, a way to say 'I'm not straight, but I don't have a specific label'.

Because of my situation, I think it's best I hide in the closet, at least until I've moved out and it's safer for me. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll fall in love with a guy, so I don't have to come out. Ever. But I die a little inside at the thought.

But I'm also scared that if I come out, I will lose everything I ever grew up with.And maybe my story is a little sad, but I consider the fact that I can accept myself as a milestone, because it might be the only one I ever have.

Stay safe out there, guys, gals & non-binary pals.And if you think it's not safe, hide in the closet; you can't get hurt there.

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