I'm Trans?

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I've finally reached the age of 15 and have discovered that I am in fact trans (ftm).

I kept pushing the thought of me being trans to the back of my mind because I had never thought about being trans when I was younger. But then I realized something, I didn't have a vocabulary to put with my feelings. I always wanted to play with the "boy toys" and I always found it odd that I liked things boys did, such as, playing in the mud, finding bugs and getting awesome scratches on my legs from any and everything.

I also remember this one time I looked at myself in the mirror and saw myself more masculine, so masculine looking that I was scared. My first thought was, "This is wrong, I'm supposed to be a girl!" And I considered myself ugly ever since then. It was because I had this one mindset so crammed into my brain that I had no room to stretch my wings and know my true self.

I now know that I am, panromantic, asexual and trans. I still struggle with accepting myself (because I have homophobic parents and live in a conservative state) but every day I'm slowly starting to accept that this is me. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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