Religious Parents and a Gay Son

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When I was 12 years old I came out to my parents as gay. My father was okay with it and supported and accepted me. My mother was completely against it. It started with her yelling at me because she thought I was a failure and I shouldn't have been born. After all, God hates gays. Slowly she didn't only verbally abuse me but also physically. She would hit me or slap me when I had done something wrong and soon she would knock me out and kick my ribs and back. I broke my ribs 2 times, the first time was 1 month after I came out, the second time was 5 months after I came out. After 4 months my mother decided that hitting and yelling at me wasn't enough of a punishment so she raped me. Not just 1 time, but many more times after that. My father worked abroad, he never noticed something. I started cutting and drinking, trying to forget about my mother and all of our problems. I once went to a high school party, somebody offered me a joint and the number of a dealer and that's how I became a drug addict. Ketamine and cocaine were my generally used drugs, but I never hesitated to use a quick shot of XTC or heroin. 2 months before my mother got sent to prison I overdosed on heroin. I had overdosed many times before, but never with heroin. It ended up with me having to stay in hospital for 1 week. That week my father came home and I told him everything. He said he was going to help me, but it took him 1 month to get free from work. I pressed charges against my mother, 2 weeks later we all went to courtyard, I told them my story and my mother got sent to prison for 14 years. I lived with my dad and slowly stopped using drugs, stopped cutting and stopped drinking. I'm gay, genderfluid and proud.

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