Loving Me

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By Lynn


I saw her. The girl of my dreams. I had met her four years earlier and had a crush on her ever since. But she couldn't know that. You see, I'm lesbian. I kinda always knew I was - just a hunch. But when I was around her, I knew it was true. I kind of hated myself for it. I always looked around me and saw other girls with their 'boyfriends', but I just didn't feel right with a guy. I've had one before, but it wasn't true love. I don't know what happened, but I ended up telling one of my best friends on the bus I was lesbian and even told her who I liked. I honestly expected her to be mad, cause she had a boyfriend, but turns out she was fine with it. And she was honestly bi to begin with. Word spread about my little 'secret' and then my crush knew I was lesbian. At recess, she walked up to me, and I was scared out of my mind. Turns out she liked me all along. Now we're in a relationship and my other friends came out of the closet shortly after. My GF even came out saying she was trans and wanted so badly to be a guy. For once, I felt accepted for who I was.

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