Heart To Heart

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Im currently 15 I've never a problem with the LGBT group when growing up because I had people around me who were and are apart of that community so I saw and still see it as pretty normal, I actually had my first girlfriend in the 6th grade that latter led to me be outted on a bus full of strangers on my way home, which is a long story itself but since then I've identified as bi which as most already know is when i like both genders, but anyways I've had only one other girlfriend which only lasted a day due to paranoia like I've explained earlier I've been raised around members of the LGBT but was still in a very religious based environment and some still say it as wrong, so when a couple months ago I was struggling with being happy with my recent relationships which were up until now all guys, one of My friends who is also a fellow member of the LGBT community seeing this, sat me down and we had a heart to heart and during this talk we talked about what I was feeling lately and what I'm scared of and after explaining how I've been feeling a way stronger attraction to girls then guys recently and after letting me get that out there while she held me she uttered something that I'm not gonna forget she said "hun I believe you might be more lesbian than bisexual." And that sentence may not sound like much but it was to me after think for days on end I realised she was right, not only that but why she was. Like I stated before I've been raised to be and am still highly religious, that may not seem like something but it was, I realised all this time I've always liked girls more than boys I've never been truly happy with one, and that I let me fears, fears of rejection from not my family who matters but the very person I go to worship every Saturday morning and Wednesday night, At that moment I realised out of fear of that very rejection I chose to try and fit in without even realizing it... I've never liked boys, and I never will. But that's okay I broke out of that hold it had on me, and damn I feel free. When asked what's you're orientation? I don't studer or fault when replying "lesbian" im proud of myself for this small achievement. I'm no longer hiding and recently set a date to come out to my family. Wish me luck

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