My Regrets as a Lesbian Woman

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By The Unaccepted Lesbian


All of my friends say I am bi because i dated a kid for 2 hours. He turned out to be trans so it made sense that i was lesbian. But they still call me bi. The problem was i didn't actually love him. I was young and stupid. Ready to accept anyone who loved me whether or not i loved them.

My story begins in the 7th grade. It was new school and a fresh start. I had been hanging out with this kid. He was annoying at times. He never told me he was trans but I suspected it. We were sitting in an indoor recess room. We were sitting next to each other. Out of the blue he told me he liked me. Immediately I said i did too. Not sure if if felt the same way. He went around and told everyone. Deciding that i didn't have feelings for him i broke up with him 2 periods later.

After that our relationship as friends got rocky. It turned out he was super annoying and a complete jerk. He moved away over the summer, which i was happy about. The year starts to kick off. Its late September early october when i realise that I have feelings for my best friend now girlfriend. But that's a different story. Once i come out to my friends they say that i am bi because of the 2 hour relationship. I came out to my now girlfriend and she considers me bi, but I am lesbian.

It would have been that way whether or not i liked this kid because he was trans. No one will accept the fact that I am lesbian. Now it's been almost a year since I dated a trans kid. And I look back at that relationship and think if I had know i was lesbian then would i have fallen for him/her. Or would have already been dating my girlfriend. I look back at that and think i made the right choice to break up with him/her.

In the end I just know that I am an unaccepted lesbian with a girlfriend. My love life took a turn for the better. Let me just close with Have LGBT+ Pride whether or not you are accepted or not as an LGBT+.

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