Lexi the Lesbian

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By Lexi


My name is Lexi, I'm 16, and I've known I was gay since the 8TH grade.

Yeah yeah, that may sound a little young. And it is, but basically I've known for practically all my life. All my life I have always felt very isolated, different, in a sort of way.

There was just always something off. I grew up with two older brothers, and I just grew up almost like them. Besides the fact that I'm a feminist and they aren't but- not the point.

When I was younger, I would have to go to a family friends house with my brothers because we were so young. The mom always had girly stuff for me to do. I never wanted any part of it, at all. I was just a girl who wanted to play legos or cars all day long or even watch spongebob. As I grew older, we all learned the term liking someone. Which was a disappointment to me. All the best guy friends I've had, all started ditching me because they thought I had a crush on them. I didn't really understand why they said that, I just wanted to be friends or just play legos. When I got older to the age of 10 and in the 5th grade, I noticed I had not once liked a guy in my entire life. Keep in mind I had no idea what being gay was or anything about LGBTQA+. I felt like I was the odd one out. I decided to date someone (yeah that's right I dated someone in the 5th grade leave me alone.) I dated them, didn't feel anything when they broke up with me.

Flash forward all the way to the 7th grade. There is now this girl, who is absolutely sweet and adorable. And I had feelings for her. She did too surprisingly. She was kind, amazing, and you could get lost in her blue eyes. But those exact reasons why are the reason why I fell out of love with her. We broke up. I moved on.

Then comes 8th grade. I got a new girlfriend. I had about 3 girlfriends that year, yeah I was a player. I had realized I never liked guys. Sure I thought some guys were cute, but I just never did.Now flash forward about 3 years. I've had about 7-8 girlfriends because well I'm 16. I'm in a happy place, and I wasn't always this way. I had these points in my life where I felt so out of place I just fell into a deep state of depression.

But I chose happiness and I took pride in my sexuality. I feel proud to be a lesbian, and to be apart of this worldwide community.

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