What Even Do I Like?

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By I'm Not Shy About Being Bi


Uhm so yeah basically I had a crush on this guy since like 6th grade right?

But then suddenly *gAsP* a really cute girl showed up in my freshmen choir class. I was so confused at first like wait wat I thought I liked that one guy. Turns out, she also liked me *WOOO* and we started going out. That was until....

*aNoThEr GaSp* The most annoying thing.... DEPRESSION.

I started going to see someone, and I told them about my girlfriend and me. I then decided that maybe I should tell my parents. So, I emailed my mom because I hate talking, and she was MAD. Not like, raging mad, but the kind where you are silent. She told me that if I wanted to "announce" this, then I better tell my dad. So, I emailed him all about the girl and how my friends knew and how my mom knew....

Big mistake. See, we had a "talk" about how I'm too young to decide who I love, and how I'm just saying I'm bi to get attention. So, I didn't tell them anything else.After a while, they got a bit more accepting, and that made me happy. But.... right when things are good for me, something bad happens.

My girlfriend dumped me because she, and I quote, doesn't "want to be with a mentally ill you if you're going to be so distant". So that ended, and I developed a crush for my best friend about two weeks after. Turns out, he liked me too.So now, here I am, happy with my new boyfriend, trying to forget about my ex-girlfriend, and life seems to be going well.

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