chapter vii.

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chapter seven – hurt.

Sage hisses in annoyance as she continued dabbing at the still bleeding cut on her eyebrow. It had been a couple minutes since she had went a seperate way from Chris and Ashley, planning to comfort an obviously upset Josh after covering the cut on her eyebrow with an bandaid.

" Finally, " Sage sighs as she cheers silently in her head when she finally stopped the bleeding. The brunette quickly places a bandaid on the cut before leaving the bathroom, hoping to find Josh. " Where are you, Josh? "

She wonders down the hallway, not looking at the pictures of Hannah and Beth on her right on purpose, as she peeks inside the rooms with slightly open doors. Josh ended up not being in any of those rooms making Sage furrow her eyebrows in confusion.

" Josh? " Sage calls out quietly as she wraps her arms around herself, the grey sweater she wore was barely helping her keep warm, but the chill that ran through her body was not because of her being cold. It was the kind of chill that Sage got when she felt like she was being stared at and it made her grow even more nervous than she already was. She frowns before deciding to call out for Josh again, hoping that it was just Josh hiding from her. " Josh? Where are you? "

She got silence as an answer making Sage grow even more nervous, her heart started hammering as she continued searching for Josh.

" Sage. . " A distorted voice suddenly whispers from the kitchen door, making the brunette jump in surprise.

" What the fuck? " Sage mutters furrowing her eyebrows as she stared at the kitchen door in confusion. Was that Josh? She had no idea. She moved towards the kitchen slowly, hoping that it was just Josh playing a prank on her and not some murderer out to get her.

Sage opens the door slowly before entering and glancing around the kitchen, but somehow missing the man hidden in the shadows as she moved further inside. She walks slowly, still hoping it was just Josh trying to scare her, before deciding to call out for Josh, " Josh? Are you in here? "

" Josh isn't here right now. " The distorted voice says as the man walks out of the shadows, Sage immediately stumbling backwards but it was no use.

Sage tried to turn around and run, but that plan failed as soon as she felt the man grip her arm tightly. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out of her chest as she froze in fear. What was she supposed to do? He had her in his grip and Sage could think of nothing to help herself at this very moment. She was a failure.

" Please. . " Sage pleads as the man turns her around to face him again, missing the quick flash of regret in the unknown man's eyes. She continues to plead, obviously not wanting to die, until the man finally made his move.

He swung his fist back before punching Sage in the face, a scream erupting from her as soon as she knew what he was doing.

Sage's body immediately went limp as she faded into the darkness, the man quickly taking her limp body to hide in the shadows. He had other plans for her that didn't involve his plans for Chris and Ashley.

As soon as he heard the door open again and Ashley's voice echo throughout the room, he could only smirk. Everything was coming together just as he planned.


As Sage came too, everything was silent. She looked around confused until everything came back to her as her head started to pound.

" Fuck. " Sage whispers, cradling her head from the knockout punch that she had suffered from the psycho. She suddenly gasps, remembering that most of her friends were out there with no idea that there was a psycho on the loose. Mike was out there and could potentially die. Sage wouldn't be able to live with herself if Mike got hurt out there and there was something that she could do to stop it. She walked out of the Washington Lodge slowly, her head still pounding as she made her way into the forest.

Sage wrapped her arms around herself, trying her best to ignore the cold that had already started to affect her. She could do this.

She had too.

authors note.

oop, mike comes in next chapter! sage is always getting hurt in this book, i just want ya'll to know that as a warning.

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