chapter viii.

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chapter eight – trip from hell.

She ran for a what felt like a long time.

Sage still felt like she was being watched and didn't want to risk being caught by the psycho from earlier, she needed to get to Mike and Jess and warn them about the killer running around. That was her main objective, no matter what.

" Where the hell am I? " Sage mutters, glancing around the forest surrounding her with furrowed eyebrows, everything was looking the same as she stumbled over another totem.

She turned around, kneeling down to pick up the totem, ignoring the chill that ran through her body from not wearing the appropriate outerwear (She was only wearing her sweater and a light jacket). It was freezing. Sage picked up the totem, staring at it while trying to figure out what the color meant.

danger totem.
found by sage.

Mike rushes towards Sage's limp body in the mines, taking in her visible injures as he immediately tried to wake up the brunette. She had to wake up.

He couldn't lose her and Jess in the same night, that wasn't something he could handle.

Sage continued down the path that was getting harder to see down as the night went on, she stopped suddenly as the trees to her right moved. Her breath hitched in her throat as she tried to see what was in the trees, ultimately failing at that, before deciding that her best option was to most likely run.

Darting forwards, Sage started running once again as the trees started to lessen and she ended up failing to notice the hole in the ground in her rush to get away from whatever was continuing to watch her. Tumbling down into darkness, the last thing that Sage saw was Mike's grief-stricken face as everything went black.


" Sage? Come on. . Please. "

Sage let out a quiet moan, obviously in pain from the fall she just took, as she slowly opened her eyes and immediately regretted it. The world around her was a blurry mess. The brunette felt a hand brushing against her head making her heart race immediately as she tried to smack the hand away from the source of the pounding in her head. The hand tried to touch her head again but Sage weakly smacked it away once again.

" Sage! It's Mike. " Mike. Mike was safe. Her home away from home, her best friend was okay. Sage started to blink furiously, hoping that the blurriness would fade away so she could see for herself that Mike was alright and it did after a few moments.

" Mike? " Sage muttered quietly, turning her head towards where Mike was kneeling on the ground and holding back a gasp as she stared up at him. He looked like hell. " What happend to you? " Sage looked down slightly, finally realizing that she was lying flat on the ground in what looked like to be a mine, " Why am I lying on the ground? "

" You don't remember? " Mike furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, but realized that Sage had fallen and most likely had a head injury. " You might have a concussion, Wolfie. You fell on your way down. Do you remember anything? "

Sage slowly sat up with Mike's help, hissing as he grasped her left shoulder making her frown, it was most likely dislocated. She suddenly gasped, the reason for her sudden 'adventure' hitting her, " Where's Jess, Mike? There's. . There's this psycho running around the mountain. He knocked me out earlier and I barely escaped. " Sage felt tears brim her eyes as she thought about the three that she left behind, " Oh God. I left them! I left Chris, Ashley, and Josh behind. If they're dead. . It's my fault. "

" It's not your fault, S. " Mike frowns kissing her forehead and carefully avoid the blood caked in her hair while trying to comfort the brunette. He lets out a sigh as Sage continues to try her hardest not to cry. Jess being taken plus their other friends locations not being known was making this trip turn into the trip from hell. Mike shakes his head as he finally reveals where Jess had gone. " Jess. . She got taken by this psycho I think. He pulled her right through the window of the front door. I chased Jess into the mines and. . " He chokes up slightly before shaking his head once again and clearing his throat. He had to be strong. " I. . I think he killed her or took her somewhere else. "

" Oh god. . " Sage mutters, her voice breaking. She would never get to apologize to Jess or see her ever again. Jess was gone. She looks up at Mike, whom had finally stood up. " We have to look for her. We have too! "

Mike nods immediately but frowns at how Sage was continuing to cradle her upper left arm, knowing she had dislocated it from his previous sports injuries. He kneels down once again and barely touches Sage's shoulder before a whimper escaped her. Sighing, he looks at Sage while placing a hand on her leg. " We both know your shoulder's dislocated, S. "

Sage frowns, but nods in agreement as she doesn't move from her place on the ground. Mike continues to stare at her making her grow confused, before suddenly realizing what he was wanting to do. She shakes her head repeatedly, regretting it as soon as her head starts pounding even more. " Mike. . No. " He raises an eyebrow, but doesn't say anything before Sage finally sighs relenting to what was needed to fix her shoulder temporarily.

Mike places his hand on the places needed to set Sage's shoulder back in place, his heart racing as he grew even more nervous. He gulps before kissing Sage's forehead once again, his last sign of comforting her before she'd be in even more pain.

" On three, " Mike mutters as Sage nods, mentally preparing herself for the pain. " One. . two. . " Three didn't come as Sage's shoulder was suddenly back in it's rightful place.

Mike tried his hardest to ignore Sage's scream that echoed throughout the mines, but he couldn't.

authors note.

hi uh i'm alive ?

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