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Namjoon had definitely not enjoyed riding in a pod for the first time in so long. He had grown accustomed to the comforts of Earth and did not like how hard and uncomfortable Szarvonian transportation was. Upon arrival aboard the ship, Namjoon was taken straight to the supply room and given a Szarvonian suit. He knew he would be taken to the emperor for his punishment once they would get to Szarvoun, so he needed to be dressed like the incubus that he was. Besides, the suits were used for more than combat. Everyone in Szarvoun wore these suits. The material used to make them kept incubi and succubi in fit condition.

After changing into the suit, Namjoon left his Earthly clothes in the supply room, being instructed to do so by Jihoon."You're going to take me to the other now, right?" He needed to be sure that Jihoon would keep his word and take him to Yoongi.

"Of course." Jihoon motioned for Namjoon to walk with him, heading away from the supply room."When we get to his room, I suppose we'll see if he's managed to keep himself out of trouble or not."

Namjoon truly hoped that Yoongi had not gotten into any trouble with Minhyuk. He didn't want the human to get hurt or become any more frightened than he probably already was."Minhyuk better not hurt him. The people of Earth are a lot weaker than us. Striking him could do more damage than Minhyuk might intend."

That caused Jihoon to perk an eyebrow."The people of that world are that weak?"

"All the ones I've seen, yes." Namjoon had not met a single human he would consider as being stronger than him or other incubi.

"He's probably super scared then. If he's so weak, he stands no chance against any of us." Jihoon didn't quite know how he felt about that. As a Szarvonian incubus, he wasn't supposed to care about the feelings or well-being of the inhabitants of other worlds. Still, he didn't go through emotional detachment training because he wasn't a collector. Only collectors had to do that."Do you think that's why Hoseok is so weak?" Jihoon wondered."He's like them, the people of that world, right?"

Namjoon halted abruptly."How do you know that?"

A small chuckle slipped out from Jihoon as he stopped as well to look back at Namjoon."The little one called out for Hoseok when we took him. If Hoseok is in that world, it's logical to assume he went there intentionally because that's where he is originally from. It's widely-known that he wasn't born in Szarvoun. So that explains why he has always been weaker than the rest of us."

"Yeah." Namjoon knew he had messed everything up and wished he could go back in time to fix that mistake, knowing that he couldn't. Due to his mishap with the tracker button, Yoongi was abducted, Hoseok's location was known, and the incubi now knew an unconquered world they could invade. All of Earth was in potential danger because of him.

"Now come on. The little one is in there." Jihoon pointed ahead to a room that wasn't too far from them.

Knowing where Yoongi was being kept, Namjoon rushed to the room and unlocked it."Yoongi!" It pained him to see the human sitting nude on the floor, huddled in a corner. As soon as Yoongi looked up at him with teary eyes and wet-streaked cheeks, he ran over and knelt down in front of the human."Yoongi, everything's going to be okay!"

"Namjoon..!" Yoongi didn't know if he should feel relieved to have Namjoon with him or worried because this meant Namjoon was obviously a prisoner now too. He was pulled into the incubus' arms rather tightly, preventing him from pulling away. It threw his mind for a loop when their lips were pressed together, taking him completely by surprise.

 After a second-long kiss, Namjoon shifted to put his lips right next to Yoongi's ear."Play along." he whispered.

Yoongi really didn't want to ever be kissed by anyone other than Jungkook, but he knew there must be a good reason for this. Being told to play along, he wrapped his arms around Namjoon and whimpered.

Jihoon leaned his shoulder against the frame of the door."So that's why you wanted to be with him. He's your mate."

"Yes, he's my mate. If you separate me from him, I'll make this journey back to Szarvoun as difficult as possible." This had been Namjoon's plan to get the incubi of this ship to allow him to stay by Yoongi's side.

"I'll pass word along to the others. You two won't be separated." Incubi and succubi didn't have much consideration for the feelings of others, but they did respect the bond of mates. Cherished bonds were almost viewed as sacred. Purposely getting in the way of another incubus' or succubus' bond was frowned upon. It wasn't a law by their emperor, just an unspoken rule among their kind. After all, having a cherished bond was one of the very few pleasures they were permitted to enjoy.

Once Jihoon left the room and locked the door, Namjoon shifted to sit on his butt in front of Yoongi, peering at the scared human."Are you okay? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

Yoongi shook his head just a little and sniffled."I'm okay...I think."

"Why are you naked?" Seeing Yoongi like this made Namjoon wish Jihoon had allowed him to bring his Earthly clothes with him, instead of leaving them in the supply room.

"One of them took my clothes. He took everything I had." Yoongi was so embarrassed about his nudity, ashamed to be naked in the presence of anyone who wasn't Jungkook."I managed to get out of here earlier, but that made one of them mad. He took everything to make sure I wouldn't get out again."

Frowning, Namjoon reached out and gently stroked Yoongi's hair."Everything's going to be okay now. I'll keep you safe while we're with them. Hoseok and the others are on my ship. They're going to do whatever it takes to get you back home safely."

"Jungkook's coming to save me, right?" Yoongi trusted Jungkook with his life. He knew the young incubus would do anything for him. When Namjoon nodded, he felt like breaking down."I-I want Jungkookie~"

Namjoon was almost lost for how to react when Yoongi started to cry."I thought humans don't feel the pull of the bond. What's wrong?" Despite living on Earth for a few years now, he still didn't know a whole lot about human emotions, clearly experiencing feelings differently than humans did.

"Humans don't feel the bond...You dork..." Yoongi moved his hands up to rub his eyes as he cried."But...we feel sad...when we're separated from the ones we love...I love Jungkook so fucking much~" Even though he didn't feel the same sort of emotional pull that incubi did, Yoongi felt like his heart was making invisible grabby hands in the hopes that Jungkook would embrace him.

"You'll be with him again as soon as possible." Namjoon didn't even need to imagine how Jungkook must be feeling, in regards to the bond at least. He was feeling the pull of his own bond to Hoseok and Taehyung. Being so far away from his mates was painful. The only one who was spared the pain of a strained bond was Seokjin, who had his own bond issues.

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