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"Where's Namjoon?"

Of course that was the first question Hoseok received when he seated himself at the controls. Looking at Seokjin, who approached him, Hoseok sighed."Namjoon isn't coming with us. He left me in charge. He's going to get himself taken as prisoner by the incubi who took Yoongi."

"Is he crazy?" Jungkook didn't understand why Namjoon would want to give himself up as a prisoner."We could really use his help here. But he's just going to sit around as a prisoner?"

"This might actually be a good idea, Jungkook." Seokjin felt like he could understand Namjoon's intentions. After all, they'd worked together aboard this ship for several years."He's going to keep Yoongi safe until we can rescue him."

"Why didn't he choose me to do that?" Jungkook would much rather be making sure Yoongi was safe, not standing around on this ship for the journey to Szarvoun.

Hoseok kept his gaze on the controls as he started getting the ship activated and ready for travel."I know you would rather be with Yoongi right now, but I also know that this is the best decision. You're too headstrong when it comes to Yoongi's safety. We can't have that. Namjoon will keep him safe without starting fights that could result in damage or further complication."

Seokjin placed a hand onto Jungkook's shoulder and frowned."He's right, Jungkook. You know he is. You would pick a fight and possibly end up putting Yoongi in even more danger. It's best for you to stay here and help us come up with a plan to rescue Yoongi once we get to Szarvoun. If it's possible, we can even try to intercept them before they reach Szarvoun. We both know how bad it'll be if we have to confront them there."

Not liking this situation one bit, Jungkook hit Seokjin's hand off of his shoulder then stomped away."This is BULLSHIT!" he yelled as he made his way down a hall with much frustration.

"Jungkook..." Seokjin wanted to follow after his best friend, but he knew that he shouldn't.

"His reaction is understandable." Hoseok couldn't make himself look at Seokjin at the moment. Keeping his attention on the controls was important for multiple reasons. He needed to get everything ready, but he also didn't want to show how upset he was."His mate has been taken away from him. Yoongi could be in grave danger. Jungkook wants to save him, but he can't do anything yet. He can only wait and imagine what could be happening."

"We'll rescue him." Wanting to be strong about this, Seokjin refused to let his concern for Yoongi cloud his reasoning skills."In the meantime, Namjoon will keep him safe."

Hoseok let out a heavy breath as he managed to get everything activated for their journey. He was surprised that he still remembered how to use these controls after so many years of living on Earth."Seokjin, please check our suits and weapon stash. We'll need the suits if we have to land on Szarvoun." He waited for Seokjin to walk away before he slammed his hands onto the panel, letting out some of his own frustration."Fuck, Namjoon..." Hoseok could only hope that his incubus mate would stay safe . He didn't want to be separated from both of his mates, but this was out of his control."If you get hurt, I'll kick your ass."


Namjoon walked for a while until he was far enough away from the ship. He couldn't just stay nearby while it got ready for travel. That wouldn't be wise. Besides, he needed to make contact with the other incubi who had come to Earth."I know you're around!" he called out as he glanced around the area. He wondered if he would know the incubi who came to Earth."Show yourself!" Standing still and listening, he heard nothing for a couple minutes. However, Namjoon quickly turned to the left when there were footsteps.

"Are you ready to return to Szarvoun now, traitor?" the incubus asked as he approached Namjoon from wherever he had kept himself concealed.

"You always were a stealthy one, Jihoon. Where were you even hiding, you sneaky bastard?" Namjoon had always been a bit lackluster when it came to stealth, but that was what he always had Seokjin for on missions. That was, after Hoseok left Szarvoun and vacated the slot for a stealthy warrior in his team.

Jihoon crossed his arms over his chest and huffed softly."That doesn't answer my question. As a former collector, you should know that you have to be taken to Emperor Minseok and punished. Of course, we both know the punishment for neglecting your role."

"I know." Namjoon took a single step closer to Jihoon."I'll go. I have a request though."

"A request?" That had not been expected."What?"

This was Namjoon's plan, and he knew it would work."Let me be with your other prisoner. Take us to Szarvoun together, not separate."

"I'll take you to him, but I make no promises. You know what a tyrant Minhyuk can be." Reaching out, Jihoon grabbed onto Namjoon's wrist."I am supposed to bind you now, but I'll leave you unbound if you cooperate. The moment you show any resistance, you will be bound and kept separate from the other."

"I understand." Namjoon had no intention of resisting his capture. After all, he needed to go along and get onto their ship to be with Yoongi."So Minhyuk is the captain for this capture? I bet he's loving this. He's always wanted to get the best of me." He knew Minhyuk well and also knew of his temper. He would need to be extra careful to keep Yoongi safe.

Beginning to lead Namjoon along, Jihoon nodded simply."Captain Minhyuk has become a successful collector, you know. He always swears that he'll please the emperor more than you ever did."

"He never let go of our rivalry from when we were still being trained." This was a problem, but Namjoon would find a way to not stoke the flames of Minhyuk's short fuse."Has your other prisoner been in any trouble with Minhyuk?"

Jihoon shrugged his shoulders."I wouldn't know. Only Junhong would know. I was with him earlier to snag that small one, but Minhyuk sent me after you so that he could return to the ship."

That certainly didn't sound promising."Where's your ship? Did you land here or stay in space?"

"We kept the ship just outside of the orbit and used pods to make sure we wouldn't be detected as we landed. If you wanted to remain here longer, you shouldn't have sent out that tracker." Jihoon rolled his eyes as he walked with the former collector."Though, I assume it was some sort of accident. Minhyuk has mentioned that you have the tendency to press things by mistake."

"No comment." Namjoon was ashamed of himself for pressing the button for the tracker. He had turned it off as soon as he'd noticed that it was transmitting, but it must have been on just long enough for their location to be grabbed by the nearest Szarvounian ship. He knew that this was all his fault. If he hadn't accidentally bumped the button for the tracker while moving the ship recently, this wouldn't be happening.

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