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Namjoon wished he could go to sleep. He wanted to lay down and sleep to regain energy and strength. However, he didn't think he should do that. He needed to remain alert, just in case one of the other incubi came back to the room. From what he could see, Junhong could be trusted to not hurt Yoongi. Jihoon didn't seem fond of this situation, but he was also the loyal type. Minhyuk was the one who worried Namjoon. While pretending to be Yoongi's mate ensured that they could stick together, it also put Yoongi at risk of being treated very harshly by this ship's captain. Namjoon hadn't known what else to do.

All Namjoon could do at the moment was looking after the human as he slept. As he absentmindedly stroked Yoongi's hair, he thought about his mates. What he would not tell Yoongi unless it was absolutely necessary was the chance that one of them might die, if not both. He knew Yoongi must have already thought of that, so Namjoon didn't want to cause further fear for the little human. He thought of the possibilities, and he had almost no doubt that the emperor would kill him and/or Yoongi.

The thought of dying didn't scare Namjoon as much as the thought of losing his friend. He looked down at Yoongi and frowned. The human had accepted Namjoon and Seokjin like family. For that, Namjoon was eternally grateful. Despite relying on his mates a lot for the things he needed, he could never forget how much Yoongi had helped him. There was no way he would simply allow any harm to come to the human.

There wasn't much time for him to think about all of this. Or maybe there had been plenty of time, but he'd gotten so lost in his thoughts that the time had flown by. Either way, Namjoon's state of alert was thrown into overdrive when he felt the familiar shake of landing."We've arrived." This wasn't good at all. Hoseok and the others hadn't caught up to save them before they could reach Szarvoun. Namjoon had doubted it would happen, but he'd also hoped for it.

"Yoongi." Namjoon was very relieved that Yoongi had been able to sleep for however long they'd just be in silence after the star-jumping had ceased. Now it was time for him to wake up."Yoongi, wake up."

Being woken, Yoongi had to take a couple seconds to come to terms with the fact that everything hadn't been just a bad dream. He was on this ship with unfamiliar incubi, going to a new world, and naked."What's going on, Namjoon?" he asked with a yawn."Did something happen?"

Namjoon knew Yoongi wasn't going to like this. What about this situation was there to like?"We've arrived." he told him simply."We've just landed on Szarvoun."

Hearing that answer, Yoongi sat up and bit his lower lip. He knew this wasn't going to be good."They're going to take me to their emperor like this, aren't they?" Feeling uncomfortable, Yoongi wrapped his arms around himself and curled his legs, trying to hide his nude body."That's so humiliating."

Namjoon almost told Yoongi a fact that the human already knew, that the Szarvounians didn't care about nudity, but he decided that it was best to not say that. He could see that Yoongi was very uncomfortable with his nakedness. No amount of reassurance of the Szarvounians not caring would make the human feel better about this."I'll convince them to give you a suit like the one I'm wearing. I'll also get them to give you a mask. That way, you'll be able to breathe well enough."

"Do you think they'll listen to you?" That was a big concern for Yoongi. From what he could tell, the captain of this ship wasn't as nice as the other incubi. He assumed the one who had taken his clothes was the captain. After all, Junhong had told him that Minhyuk would be very angry to know that he had escaped from this room.

"They'll need to listen to me if they want our cooperation." This seemed like a good idea in Namjoon's mind."I'm going to refuse to cooperate if they don't give you a suit and mask. Besides, I'll let them know that you won't be able to follow them if you don't have a suit and mask because your body won't be able to handle the atmosphere."

"Just don't get yourself in trouble, Namjoon." As much as Yoongi wanted something to wear, he didn't want Namjoon to get himself hurt.

"I'll be fine. Don't worry." To Namjoon, Yoongi's comfort and safety were top priority. Hearing that footsteps were coming down the hall, he wrapped an arm around Yoongi's shoulders."Kiss me." They needed to keep up the act of being mates.

Though he really didn't want to do this, Yoongi obediently pressed his lips to Namjoon's. His heart pounded with surprise when their lips locked, Namjoon taking the initiative to start meshing. It took so much of Yoongi's willpower to not push the incubus away. Instead, he returned the meshing, knowing this had to be a part of Namjoon's plan. Of course, this also felt very gross because Yoongi had vomited hours ago and had no access to toothpaste or mints.

When the footsteps in the hall reached the door to this room, Namjoon cranked up the act to make it as believable as possible. He grabbed Yoongi and swiftly moved him to lie down, feeling the human's hands grip onto his biceps with haste. He knew he had just startled Yoongi, taking the opportunity to insert his tongue into the smaller man's mouth just as the door was opened.

Upon seeing the scene in front of him, the intruding incubus rolled his eyes."If you're going to mate, do it quickly. This will likely be the last time you two will have the chance." he spoke with such a hateful tone.

Turning his head, Yoongi broke free from Namjoon's initiated makeout."Namjoon, he's the one who...you know..."

Giving Yoongi's earlobe a nibble, Namjoon sneaked a whisper."Minhyuk. The captain." Pulling away a bit, he looked over at the other incubus."This wouldn't be the last time. I'm too valuable to the emperor. So is my mate."

"Not anymore. You're a traitor now." A wicked smirk formed over Minhyuk's lips."I've always wanted to destroy you. With your traitorous acts, I have no doubt that Emperor Minseok will grant me that privilege." Seeing the smaller man cling to Namjoon and become afraid, he found joy in the power he had over this whole situation."If you two are done fooling around, we should go. Let's not keep our beloved emperor waiting."

Namjoon stood, gently pulling Yoongi up as well, though he knew the human would rather stay curled up on the floor to cover his body a bit."We're not going anywhere until my mate gets a suit and breath mask. Otherwise, he won't be able to follow along. He can't survive in Szarvounian atmosphere."

"He will suffer then." Minhyuk turned around to leave the room with the expectation of the two prisoners knowing to follow him.

"We're not going anywhere." Namjoon repeated."We will stay right here until you bring a suit and breath mask for him. I will not cooperate until you do that."

Needing Namjoon and the little one to follow him, Minhyuk groaned with annoyance."Fine. I will return shortly." Stepping out of the room, he closed and locked the door once again.

Yoongi looked up at Namjoon and frowned."That was too easy. Something isn't right." He had expected more of a debate to get a suit and mask."And was all that necessary? You only told me to kiss you. Did you have to basically shove your tongue down my throat? Jungkook is the only one who's allowed to do that."

"Oh, I'm sure he shoves more than his tongue down your throat." Namjoon teased, receiving a light smack on his arm."And yeah, it was necessary. This act of us being mates needs to be completely believable."

"Fine. Just give me a little more warning before you do something like that. I don't like it, and..." Yoongi turned his gaze to the side."You kinda startled me."

Namjoon's gaze softened as he pulled Yoongi into a loose embrace."I'm sorry. I panicked a little. I knew we had to pretend to be mates, but I didn't know how far it needed to be taken because I didn't know which of them was coming. If it had only been Junhong, a little peck would have been enough, but Minhyuk hates me, like, a lot."

"I can tell." Leaning forward to rest his forehead against Namjoon's shoulder, Yoongi was trying really hard to keep himself from falling apart. He was hungry and very scared. Here he was, on a completely unfamiliar planet, a new world. He didn't know if he was going to get out of this alive. The chances seemed slim. All he could do was follow Namjoon's plan and hope Jungkook and the others would save them in time.

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