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Being awoken from his sleep by the call of his name, Seokjin opened his eyes and sat upright on the hard floor. He spotted Hoseok in the doorway of the room he'd chosen in which to sleep."Is it time?"

Hoseok gave a simple nod."We're about to start star-jumping. Take over the controls. I'll go to Taehyung and Jimin." He was completely aware that the two humans were about to get very sick.

Seokjin didn't need to be told more than once. Rising to his feet, he rushed out of the room and down the long hall. He needed to get to the control room quickly and make sure everything would go smoothly while Hoseok would take care of the humans. On his way to the control room, he did take a brief look into the room Jungkook occupied, seeing that the youngest incubus was still using the fueler."He's going to be uncontrollable." he mumbled to himself.

Hoseok rushed straight to the storage room, seeing that Jimin and Taehyung were both still asleep. He had no doubt that the star-jumping was going to wake them with the worst nausea they had ever experienced in their lives if he didn't wake them first. Grabbing a couple small containers, Hoseok dumped the contents out onto the floor then squatted down in front of the humans."Tae. Jimin. I need you both to wake up." Using one of the containers, he nudged Taehyung a bit."Tae, wake up, babe."

Being nudged and hearing his name being spoken, Taehyung did awaken. He also heard Jimin whine softly beside him, seeming to wake up as well."Hoseokie-hyung?" Were they at their destination? He had imagined it taking longer than this. Seeing that Hoseok had a couple containers in his hands, he became confused."What's going on?"

"Hyung, is everything okay?" Jimin asked as he rubbed his eyes, still feeling quite tired. The two humans had certainly not slept enough.

"Take these." Hoseok held the containers out to the humans."You two are about to get very nauseous. We're about to star-jump."

"Star-jump?" Accepting one of the containers, Jimin held it on his lap."What kind of Star Wars crap is that?"

With a shake of his head, Hoseok shifted to sit on his knees."This is going to make you two very sick, so do your best to puke in the containers." This wasn't going to be pleasant for Hoseok either, which was why he couldn't remain at the controls during the star-jumping. Being half human, he couldn't handle it as well as Seokjin would be able.

Taehyung held the container on his lap with one hand, but he reached his other hand out to touch Hoseok's wrist with his fingertips, wanting some contact."Hoseokie-hyung, I'm really sorry. Jimin and I should have stayed home, but we were too worried for you and the others."

"I know." Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's hand and sighed."I'm sorry for getting so mad at you two. The way I spoke to you was wrong. I thought I only had to worry for one of my mates, but now I have to worry for you both. That scares me." Lifting Taehyung's hand, Hoseok pressed a soft kiss to his human boyfriend's knuckles."I will do anything to protect you."

"Listen, I'm glad you two are having a moment, but..." Jimin interrupted."What the hell is star-jumping?"

Taehyung, on the other hand, thought the term was pretty self-explanatory."Guardians of the Galaxy, Jiminie."

Hoseok figured that explanation worked."Yeah, basically."


As much as Namjoon didn't like having vomit drying to the leg of his suit, he was pleased that Yoongi was no longer sick. The star-jumping was over, and the human had passed out from exhaustion. Of course, this wasn't the grossest situation Namjoon had experienced. He had been in messier and smellier circumstances before, so Yoongi's vomit didn't really bother him. There were still several hours left until they would arrive on Szarvoun, Namjoon could assume. That would give Yoongi a chance to rest and regain some strength.


"I don't like this." Junhong said bluntly as he was seated in a barren room, watching Jihoon train alone with curved blades.

"You don't like what?" Jihoon asked as he didn't stop training. He didn't even look at Junhong, preferring to remain focused.

Junhong just couldn't focus enough to train though. Hence why he was just sitting on the floor and watching Jihoon."This whole situation. I don't like it." He knew he would be in massive trouble if Minhyuk ever heard him talk like this, but he knew Jihoon wouldn't tell on him."The emperor is just going to kill them both, you know. Or he'll kill Namjoon and keep the little one for something worse."

Stopping, Jihoon turned to face Junhong and sighed."Why is that bothering you so much? You know how our world works. You know the laws."

"That's why this is bothering me." Leaning his head back against the wall, Junhong looked up at the ceiling."We ripped the little one away from his world, which seemed much better than our own. The people there...They looked so happy and free. If Namjoon and his team were able to start living there and being happy, why should we take them away from that? Wouldn't it be better if we stayed in that world with them? We could be free, Jihoon."

Jihoon stepped closer to Junhong and squatted down in front of him."But look at what has happened, Junhong. We have taken Namjoon and that little leader. If we could take them, surely, others could find and take us. There is no lasting happiness for us. There is no freedom. We are slaves to Emperor Minseok."

Junhong clenched his hands into fists on his lap."I hate the emperor." He shifted his gaze to the side before looking straight at Jihoon."I was fully loyal until..."

"I know." Jihoon grabbed Junhong's shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze."Her death will never leave you." Rising to his feet, he nudged Junhong's leg with his foot."Now train with me. It'll ease your mind."

Seeing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with his thoughts right now, Junhong stood and rolled his eyes."Fine. Just for a little while." He couldn't let himself get too absorbed into his thoughts. He could get in trouble for that, especially if those thoughts led him to commit wrong acts.

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