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Having no idea of how he was going to handle what he knew he was going to find, Hoseok sneaked his way through the hallways and corridors of the dome. He knew where the execution rooms were, but he didn't know which one Minhyuk would use. Though he hadn't seen or been told that Minhyuk was responsible for this, he knew that must be the case. Basically everyone knew of his rivalry with Namjoon. Who else would jump at the opportunity to do this specific execution?

Hoseok peeked into various rooms as he passed them, trying to find the right one. Of course, he had to be certain that no one was occupying the rooms before he peeked into them, not wanting to be caught. Little did he know that he already was. Hoseok was being watched with piercing eyes.

Room after room brought Hoseok no comfort, just messed with his nerves. He knew what he was trying to find, but the longer it took to find it, the more unsettled he felt. Silently, Hoseok scolded himself for breaking his promise to Taehyung. He had promised to not put himself in any unnecessary danger. Of course, this was unnecessary because he knew he couldn't change what had been done, but Hoseok wasn't about to just carry on with the plan while feeling what had happened.

For a moment, Hoseok hoped Seokjin and Jungkook were staying safe. However, he knew he would know if things went sideways. After all, with Jungkook powered by the fueler, there would be all Hell breaking loose if he went berserk.

It took only a few more minutes for Hoseok to find the correct room. When he did find the right room, he almost lost his ability to stay quiet. There was blood everywhere, typical of an execution room. However, the sight of the far corner brought tears to Hoseok's eyes and nearly threw him into an unresponsive state.

"Nam...Namjoon..." Shakily stepping to the far corner, Hoseok had to move both hands up to cover his mouth, forcing himself to not cry out. He dropped to his knees beside his beloved mate and tried so hard to not break down into hysterical sobs. The sight was horrific.

The former collector was covered in blood. His hands were still bound behind his back as he was lying on his side on the floor. Many tears in his suit implied a terrible beating and tons of cuts. The most haunting thing was that Namjoon's eyes were still open, despite the long thin spike sticking out the side of his head.

Even though he had already known of Namjoon's fate when he felt the bond break, it was still devastating for Hoseok to see him like this."Namjoon..." Hoseok reached out and gently closed Namjoon's eyes."I'm sorry I didn't get here in time..."

"Do you really think you could have saved him if you got here any sooner?"

That smug tone forced Hoseok into full alert. This was the unnecessary danger. Or maybe it was necessary. Looking down at his fallen mate, Hoseok decided this was necessary."I would have done all that I could." Rising to his feet, Hoseok clenched his hands into fists by his sides. Turning around, he glared sharply at the one who stood in the doorway, Minhyuk."You murdered my mate, and I'll destroy you for that."

The threat only made Minhyuk chuckle."Destroy me? Everyone knows you're only half incubus. It's impossible for you to be strong enough to even harm me. Even Namjoon has died by my hands now."

"Because you had him bound like the coward you are!" Rushing at Minhyuk, Hoseok threw a punch with all his might. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough. His fist was caught easily.

"So tell me, halfling. If Namjoon is really your mate, that means he lied about being the small one's mate. Is that right? In that case, who is the small one's mate?" Twisting Hoseok's fist, Minhyuk forced the smaller half-incubus to spin around, trapping Hoseok's arm against his back."Who must I kill after I finish with you?"

Out of spite and pure hatred, Hoseok let out a bitter laugh."You'll never kill his mate. Even if you kill me, you're no match for him. He's the strongest incubus to ever graduate the trainee program. And now he's powered on several hours of fueler energy, angry, and ready to annihilate anyone who keeps him from his mate. Jungkook." He felt Minhyuk flinch slightly and took his chance. Moving a foot back, he hooked it around the incubus' ankle and pulled forward, making them both fall to the blood-soaked floor.


Meanwhile, Seokjin's ability to keep Jungkook quiet and contained vanished when they reached the dungeon and found many incubus warriors in there, all wondering where the newest prisoner was. Hearing them wonder aloud to each other where the new "toy for mating" was pushed Jungkook into a rage. No one was permitted to speak about Yoongi that way.

Before Seokjin could stop him, Jungkook charged into the mass of warriors, instantly punching one in the face."Oh hell." Seokjin had no choice but to join and fight as all the warriors got involved in trying to fend off the fueler-intoxicated incubus.

Jungkook could not be stopped though. His rage at not finding Yoongi and hearing what these warriors had come to do to the human could only be sated with their deaths."Yoongi!" Jungkook cried out as he grabbed an enemy by the jaw, ripping it completely off and tossing it aside.

If Seokjin had not been harshly trained to handle such sights, he might have vomited right then. However, he already knew that this was going to be an extremely bloody fight. He wasn't as strong as Jungkook, but he was far from weak. As they fought, Seokjin didn't know if he was getting covered in the blood of his enemies or Jungkook's unfortunate victims. Sure, Seokjin wasn't pulling his punches at all, but Jungkook was sending parts flying. Some limbs and fleshy lumps even ended up in the cells, some prisoners feasting on the free meat like it was the first meal they got in days or even weeks.

With a gaze full of ambition and excitement at how this was going, Chaerin smirked and watched the fight for only a little longer before walking away from the dungeon. She had other things to do. First, she had to get Yoongi where she needed him. Her plan had no room for error, and it was going just the way she wanted so far.

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