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On the way to get Yoongi, Jungkook's cloudy mind kept repeating Hoseok's words in different orders. He couldn't fully remember the order everything had just been said because of the fogginess in his head created by the fueler boost. He was intoxicated and coming down from the high quickly. It was a good thing Seokjin was pulling him along. Otherwise, Jungkook might have actually collapsed and forgotten to get back up. His mind was that lost.

Seokjin gulped as he opened the door to the room in which Yoongi had been left waiting. He knew he wasn't the only one who felt terrible about leaving the human alone, but it had been done for his safety. They couldn't just take him everywhere with them earlier. Now it was time to get him to the ship, time to send him home. It didn't surprise Seokjin in the least to see Yoongi rush to Jungkook as soon as they entered the room."We're ready to take you to the ship. Jungkook can't carry you in his current state, but you'll both get there together."

"Is he okay?" It hadn't really been explained to Yoongi yet why Jungkook was in the condition that he was. He wrapped his arms loosely around Jungkook's waste, the tall incubus resting his cheek on the top of Yoongi's head; he seemed so tired."I've never seen him like this before."

"He's okay, I promise. He just used the fueler on the way here." Seokjin knew a better explanation would be given to Yoongi later. There wasn't adequate time for much details right now though."He is coming down from the boost. It's like being drunk and high at the same time. He's coming down from it." Of course, Seokjin had never been high before, but he had seen the way it was portrayed in movies, and he'd been drunk several times before during his few years on Earth, so he could make the guess that the mixture was similar to being boosted by the fueler. Though, he knew being drunk and high didn't make humans incredibly fast and strong, as the fueler did.

It effectively startled Yoongi when he suddenly noticed someone tall and dark step forward from behind Jungkook, having followed silently, Chaerin's mate. The tall, dark creature peered at Yoongi with his lack of eyes, but the gaze was still felt."Are you coming too?"

Seokjin looked at the creature, confused only slightly by the fact that he hadn't even known that they'd been followed."Why did you follow us? You better not be up to something." He didn't know if he could trust this creature. It seemed odd to him, despite being told that this creature came from a once-peaceful world. Perhaps he was just a little on edge about this creature following them because he wasn't familiar. After the terrible events that happened thus far, Seokjin just wanted to get Yoongi and the others away from anyone unknown and back to their safe homes.

"It's okay, Seokjin. He can be trusted." Yoongi didn't know much about this tall creature at all, but he felt like it was okay to trust him. Pulling away from Jungkook, earning a huff from the incubus, Yoongi faced the creature fully, wondering why he was with them instead of Chaerin."He kept me safe before you guys got to me." Yoongi only wished he could know this creature's name. He wanted to know what to call him.

Slowly reaching toward Yoongi with both of his large hands, the creature was sure to not startle anyone or arouse more suspicion. He was gentle as he lifted the human up into his arms and embraced him in a hug. A deep hum vibrated within him, perhaps his parting words. He knew he'd most likely never see Yoongi again, so he desired to wish him well.

Though he didn't know what the creature was saying, it was almost as if Yoongi could feel it through his actions and demeanor."I'll miss you too. Be well, okay." Yoongi hugged the creature in return before being placed back down onto his feet on the floor.

"You truly can make friends with anyone, can't you?" Seokjin couldn't even be surprised. He remembered how easily Yoongi had become friends with him when he'd been new to Earth four years ago. The human was so accepting and kind, regardless of how much he whined and frowned at times. Unfortunately, there wasn't time for this."We must go. All incubi are coming to the dome. Now is our chance to go to the ship." Holding a hand out to Yoongi, he was pleased when the human grabbed it."Hold Jungkook's hand too. Make sure he doesn't fall behind."

Holding Seokjin's hand, Yoongi reached his other hand out for Jungkook."Come on, sweetheart. It's time to go home." Once his hand was grabbed by his mate, he looked at the dark creature."Goodbye, friend."

"I'll tell you the plan on the way to the ship." Seokjin knew Yoongi wasn't going to be happy about this, but it was what needed to be done. No one was happy with this plan. Still, happiness wasn't the priority right now. Safety was.


"You keep little creatures as possessions?" Junhong asked, confused by the world Taehyung was describing to him. Sure, they'd seen some things during the short time they'd been on Earth to get Namjoon's team, but they hadn't been given the opportunity to learn anything about that world.

"Pets." Taehyung chuckled as he could see the incubus' confusion and curiosity."We don't just treat them like possessions. We take care of them and love them, and they love us back."

As Junhong was learning things about Earth, Jihoon was deep in thought. He didn't know what was happening at the moment, and that worried him greatly. What was the announcement in the dome? What was going to happen to Namjoon's team? How much longer did he and Junhong need to stay here with these two humans? Did the announcement have something to do with Lady Chaerin's plan?

Unable to stay in deep thoughts or join the conversation was Jimin. His gaze kept flickering between Taehyung and Junhong conversing and Jihoon seeming to stare intensely at a wall. The sounds of the conversation melted away as Jimin felt lost. Now that they appeared to be safe, he couldn't help but wonder what was happening outside the ship. Where were the others? Were they okay? Was he going to see Seokjin again? Just thinking about Seokjin brought tears to Jimin's eyes. He had to see Seokjin again. He refused to go back home without telling his boyfriend that he loved him and was sorry for not listening when he and Taehyung had been told to stay home. He couldn't let things remain bad between them.

They were all thrown into sudden alert when the entrance to the ship could be heard opening.

"Shit. The ship's been found." That was Jihoon's assumption.

"What should we do?" Junhong didn't know how they were supposed to handle this within Chaerin's plan."Lady Chaerin didn't tell us what to do in this situation."

Taehyung immediately stepped closer to Jimin and grabbed his friend's hand."Stay close to me." He saw Jimin nod and felt him return the grip on his hand.

"We'll keep these two safe." Jihoon didn't need orders to tell him to do that. Being in this situation was enough to let him know that protecting the two humans was a priority. Besides, he had too much heart to leave them defenseless or hand them over to anyone who may hurt them after making their acquaintance. Maybe that made him a weak incubus, but he didn't care currently.

Jimin could feel his heart pounding as whoever entered the ship was getting closer to their location. Multiple sets of feet were heard walking in their direction. Were they about to be found by friendlies or foes? He thought his heart might stop right before the intruders rounded a corner to come into sight. And when they did...

"Guys!" Taehyung was immensely relieved to see that they weren't intruders at all.

Jimin was quick to release Taehyung's hand and run to Seokjin."You're back! You're okay!"

"Well, somewhat okay." Seokjin let go of Yoongi's hand and placed both of his hands onto Jimin's shoulders."Was everything alright while we were gone?"

Taehyung looked at Yoongi and Jungkook and couldn't help but peered past them. Sure, he was happy that they were back, but..."Where's Hoseok-hyung and Namjoon?" The worst possible scenarios began flashing through his mind."Where are they?"

Junhong, peering at Jungkook, could see the state in which his brother was."He'll collapse if we don't get him down to rest." He stepped over to Jungkook, who couldn't even keep his eyes open for more than a second at a time by this point, and put an arm around his shoulders."Come with me, little Yoongi. We'll get Jungkook settled to rest."

Yoongi gave Junhong a nod before peering at Taehyung with sad eyes."Tae, we'll explain everything soon. I promise." It took every bit of strength he had left to not break down into sobs as he thought about what had happened and what terrible news he needed to relay once they would get home.

Taehyung felt his brain scream, but he was outwardly silent. What had happened? Where were his mates, his boyfriends? Where were they? Were they hurt? Were they trapped? Were they in danger still? So many negative thoughts sped laps around his mind that he couldn't even form the words with his mouth.

Jihoon relaxed a bit as he watched everything unfold. He didn't need to be on guard now that Seokjin and Jungkook had gotten back to the ship with Yoongi. Of course, he also wondered where Hoseok and Namjoon were. His hopes for Namjoon were not high, remembering that he'd been taken away by Minhyuk. Unless a miracle had happened, Jihoon could assume Namjoon was never coming back.

"Jimin, I have to tell you something very important." Seokjin knew that he shouldn't withhold this information any longer. He couldn't wait beyond this moment, needing to return to Hoseok."I'm not returning to Earth just yet."

"What?" The word barely left Jimin's mouth. He was so confused and unsure."What do you mean?"

Seokjin knew he wasn't going to get a good reaction, but this needed to be done."I'm going to stay here. A war is about to start, and they need all the help they can get. I'm going to stay and fight."

"What, no!"

"I'll return to you, Jimin. I give you my word that I'll come back to you." Seokjin could see the wetness in Jimin's eyes, tears threatening to fall down his pinking cheeks."This is important. Winning this war will mean that Szarvounians can finally live in peace. There will be no more need for them to destroy other worlds. They'll get to experience life, not constant war. Please understand."

"But, Seokjin, what if you get hurt? What if something happens to you?" Jimin's throat ached with the feeling of an oncoming sob."Seokjinnie, I don't want anything to happen to you. I...I love you so much. I love you more than anything. I need you."

Seokjin refused to let himself show sadness right now as he knew he wouldn't see Jimin again for a long time. He had to be strong, for Jimin's sake. If he broke down now, there would be no way for him to console his sweet boyfriend."I'll be okay, Jimin. Just wait for me. I know you can do that." Leaning in close, he pressed his lips to Jimin's forehead before whispering softly,"I love you." Despite his promise to return, he realistically knew that this might be his last chance to say those words.

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