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Getting out of bed in the morning had become much easier by now. Taehyung was back in a daily routine; get up early, eat breakfast with Jihoon and Junhong, take a shower, get dressed, go to work, and go to Yoongi's house in the evening. He couldn't say that he was completely over the grief, even after two years, but he had improved a lot. The loss of Namjoon still hurt, but it wasn't debilitating anymore. Still, as more time passed, Taehyung had to come to terms with Hoseok's lack of return. The hope that his remaining mate would return was slowly fading as each day passed.

Taehyung had to keep reminding himself that wars could take years to end. Even a civil war could take a long time. The thought of moving on and finding someone else to date did cross his mind, but it didn't feel right. Taehyung tried going on dates, but he just couldn't feel a spark with anyone. There was no connection. Even Jihoon and Junhong offered to welcome him into their bond so that he wouldn't be lonely, promising to take care of him in any way he needed, but Taehyung declined, appreciating the gesture.

"Do you think they're still alive?" Taehyung asked to break the silence as he was cuddled up with Jimin in Seokjin's bed. He had come over to visit after work, but only Jimin was home; Yoongi and Jungkook had gone to the store.

"Of course." Jimin, like Taehyung, had upsetting thoughts about the fact that Hoseok and Seokjin had still not returned after two whole years, but he was doing his best to remain positive."For all we know, the war might already be over. They could be helping everyone who was impacted by it. We both know that they're good people. They wouldn't leave if there was still more they could do to help."

That made sense, but Taehyung didn't know how much longer he could stay half as positive as Jimin."If they don't come back, maybe I'll stay single forever," he stated."No one can replace Hoseok or Namjoon."

"But you tried to date." Jimin had been supportive of Taehyung's attempts to get back into the dating life; he hadn't made the attempt himself though.

"Yeah, I tried, but I was never looking for someone to replace them. I just needed someone to--I don't know--fill the void." Taehyung let out a heavy sigh."Maybe I should have just accepted Jihoon and Junhong's offer to join their bond. We're just friends, obviously, but maybe I would be less lonely."

At that, Jimin shook his head."That wouldn't have been fair to you or them, in my opinion. I mean, imagine for a second that I'm an incubus, and I say to you 'let's mate and form a bond so that neither of us will be lonely.' But you and I are just friends." This example was a little uncomfortable, but it would get the point across."We would need to have sex to form the bond. And we would need to have sex occasionally to keep the bond from breaking. That would make mating feel like a chore, unless we somehow formed genuine feelings for each other. It would be awkward and potentially cause great damage to our friendship. That's what you would be doing with them."

Hearing that explanation, Taehyung cuddled more against his best friend."I guess you're right. I just hate feeling lonely. I have you and Yoongi-hyung and Jungkook and Jihoon and Junhong. I shouldn't feel lonely while having you guys as my friends, but I do, and it sucks." Being so lonely in spite of having such amazing friends was horrible. Taehyung didn't know what to do to make the feeling go away."You know, there's a guy at work who likes me. He hasn't said anything to me about it, but it's obvious. Maybe I'll give dating one more chance. I'll ask him out for lunch tomorrow and see how it goes."

"If you think that's a good idea, I hope it works out." Jimin snuggled more against Taehyung and pouted."Just try not to hurt him if you don't feel anything."

"I'll do my best." Hurting someone was the last thing Taehyung would ever want to do. He was just so tired of being lonely all the time."What about you? Are you ever going to try dating again if Seokjin doesn't come back?"

Jimin didn't even need to think about that, having thought about it previously."No. I don't want anyone else. If Seokjin never comes back, I'll never date anyone else. Just like you're my platonic soulmate, he's my romantic soulmate. I don't think I could ever make myself be with someone else."

"I envy you, Jimin," Taehyung admitted with a soft smile."You handle things so much better than I can. I keep going back and forth on what I want because I can't decide what will make me feel better."

"I can only handle things as well as I do because I have you and the others to help me. Having you guys around lets me know that I'm not alone. I have people who love and care about me. As long as I have that, I can get through anything, I think." Being a firm believer in the power of friendship and love, Jimin used that power to get through tough situations and do his best to remain positive. Jimin was going to say more, but he lost his train of thought when he heard a grumble."Was that your stomach?"

With a quiet chuckle, Taehyung nodded."Yeah, I haven't eaten since lunch, and it's past dinnertime."

At that, Jimin pulled away from his best friend and sat up."Let's make dinner then. Yoongi-hyung taught me how to make that baked chicken we had a few nights ago. We can make that."

"Ooh yes, that was delicious." As they both got up from the bed, Taehyung almost didn't notice that his worries melted away so quickly while he was with Jimin. Of course, the worries would come back, but for the moment, he could have a good time with his best friend.


"How are we going to do this?"

"You're really nervous, huh?"

"Aren't you?"

"Of course I am. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm even scared."

With a tight grip on the controls of the ship they were given permission to take, Hoseok lowered his gaze down to his lap."Scared? Should I be scared too?" At his own question, he felt some fear well up inside of him."What if we're not welcome back? What if they're mad at us for being gone for so long?" Then, the worst thought hit him."What if Taehyung really did move on?" Sure, he had hoped that Taehyung would move on and be happy in his absence, but he also wanted Taehyung to be only his. He couldn't help it; he loved him.

With a sigh, Seokjin seated himself on the floor beside the seat Hoseok occupied at the controls."The same thoughts plague me too about Jimin. Did he move on? Will he welcome me with open arms or anger that I was gone for this long?" Moving a hand up, he tousled his hair a little to push some more locks to the left side of his head."He's going to be so worried when he sees...my ear."

"That was your own fault." Hoseok turned his gaze to Seokjin and slumped his shoulders."And I have apologized for that at least a dozen times. Still your fault though."

With a chuckle at the memory, Seokjin felt his ear with the tips of his fingers."I never blamed you. I hurt you first, so I think that made us even. I'll explain it to Jimin when we see them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow..." Hoseok was so unnerved about this. As much as he missed Taehyung and their friends, he was scared that he didn't have a place among them anymore. He was terrified that he would not get his mate back. Honestly, he wouldn't blame Taehyung at all if he moved on. He just wanted to see the one he loved being happy.

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