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"Are you sure this is a good time?" Jungkook asked Yoongi, who was in the process of tugging him into the bedroom by the front of his shirt."We might disturb Jimin."

Yoongi bit his lower lip seductively as he got Jungkook into the bedroom, peering up at his handsome boyfriend while stepping backward."Jimin is out like a light. You know he took that new medicine his doctor prescribed." Though he knew Jimin was supposed to take that medicine at night, he hadn't stopped him from taking it at noon instead, knowing how badly he needed to get some quality sleep.

"Yeah, but--" Jungkook couldn't even finish voicing his concerns as he was shoved against a wall. He knew his concerns weren't dire, but he still wanted to make sure this was okay. He and Yoongi had only gotten intimate when they were home alone for the past couple years, so he was wary about doing this while Jimin was sleeping just a few rooms away. So when Yoongi leaned up to kiss him, Jungkook grabbed his mate's shoulders, effectively stopping him."Yoongi, please listen to me."

"Come on, Jungkookie~" Yoongi whined."We haven't had sex all week. I'm horny." Still, despite how aroused he was, he pulled back when he saw the expression of concern on Jungkook's face."Shit, I'm sorry. I thought we were on the same page with this." He would never even dream of trying to force intimacy with Jungkook. He just hadn't been thinking about any possible issues."I know you're concerned about Jimin. I am too."

With a sigh, Jungkook moved a hand up to start gently playing with Yoongi's hair."I just don't want to disturb him when he's finally sleeping." He knew that he and Yoongi were both craving intimacy right now, but that couldn't overshadow his concerns."We both know he hasn't been getting much sleep for a long time now, ever since his nightmares started. Now that he has that medicine to help him sleep, I want him to sleep as well as possible."

That was completely understood by Yoongi. He wanted Jimin to sleep well too. He just hadn't thought that having sex with Jungkook while Jimin slept would be a problem. From what he had noticed since the medicine was prescribed a few days ago, it knocked Jimin out for several hours whenever he took it. That medicine sure was effective."You're right." Yoongi could see Jungkook's worry though."Let's just cuddle and makeout then. Does that sound good to you?"

"That would be nice, yeah." Jungkook couldn't help but smile as he and Yoongi stepped over to the bed and got onto it. He grabbed the pillows and adjusted them against the headboard before he and Yoongi leaned their backs against them.

Though, Yoongi was quick to turn and put his side against his pillow, cuddling against Jungkook, whose arm wrapped around his shoulders. Next, he moved his feet over to stuff them between Jungkook's knees for warmth."So..." Yoongi leaned in close to nudge Jungkook's nose with his own."Who should I blame for the cockblock? You or Jimin?"

"Blame me. I'll make it up to you later." Connecting their lips, Jungkook enjoyed the tender feeling. The first kiss of every makeout or intimate session was always the best, in his opinion.

As their lips began to mesh so softly, Yoongi allowed his eyes to fall closed. He could never put into words how happy it made him to know that he and Jungkook had the same preferences when it came to intimacy; rough sex, aggressive foreplay, gentle makeouts, tender cuddles. His heart thumped, as it always did, when he felt his boyfriend's hand find his own, their fingers interlocking.

Kissing Yoongi made Jungkook feel like everything in the world was in place, correct and perfect. It was one of his greatest comforts. He allowed for his senses to be overcome by the human he loved, wanting to be fully enveloped by him."I love you," he whispered against Yoongi's lips.

"I love you." Those words left Yoongi's lips so easily. He never hesitated to express his love to Jungkook, ever since they officially became mates. But the mood for this makeout was abruptly killed.


"What?" Yoongi pulled back from Jungkook slightly."Jungkook?"

Even Jungkook seemed a little confused."Seokjin. I, uh...I smell him."

"Wait a minute, what?" Pulling away more, Yoongi's mind raced."You smell him? That can't be...That would mean...he's home?" He didn't get another word. Instead, he was shocked when Jungkook suddenly jumped up from the bed and rushed out of the room. Yoongi was quick to follow. Was Seokjin really back? Was it only Seokjin? Was Hoseok back too?

Running downstairs as fast as he could, Jungkook immediately pulled open the front door, speechless by what he saw.

"Um...I didn't know if I should knock or not." Seokjin could see the looks of shock on Jungkook's and Yoongi's faces."Since it's been so long."

"Holy shit. You're really back." Yoongi didn't know how to react. He was overjoyed at the sight of Seokjin, but he didn't know how to express it.

Jungkook, on the other hand, couldn't hold himself back. He threw his arms around Seokjin, pulling him into a tight embrace."You're back! You're back!"

As his vision blurred with tears of joy, Yoongi stepped closer to the pair of incubi."Where's Hoseok? He came back with you, didn't he?"

Not attempting to get out of Jungkook's embrace, simply not wanting to get out of it, Seokjin peered over his best friend's shoulder at Yoongi."He's back too, yes. He went to see Taehyung." Holding back his own emotions the best he could, Seokjin asked what he desperately wanted to know."How's Jimin been?"

With shaky breaths, Yoongi motioned toward the living room."Come in and sit down. We'll talk."

"Okay, ah--" Seokjin was taken a bit by surprise, though he supposed he should have expected it, when Jungkook's embrace became strong enough to lift him up, his close friend practically carrying him into the house and to the living room.

Yoongi chuckled at the sight before closing the front door and following them into the living room. He would do his best to answer all of Seokjin's questions about the past two years, but he didn't know if he wanted to hear about what had happened on Szarvoun during the war. He was worried that he might hear something back that would sadden or possibly trigger him.


Running all around town was going to end up taking all of Hoseok's energy if he didn't pick up Taehyung's scent soon. Did Taehyung smell different now? Maybe he was using different body wash. But Taehyung's natural scent should still be the same.

After being on Szarvoun for the past couple years, the senses Hoseok had allowed to dull on Earth previously became strengthened again through training. He was hoping so hard that his heightened senses would find Taehyung quickly. He had to see him. Even if he might not get him back as a mate, he needed to see that he was doing well.

"Where are you?" Hoseok quietly asked into the wind. However, it didn't take much longer for him to finally find what he needed. A scent whiffed by his nose that he recognized. He would forever know that smell."Taehyung."

Turning in the direction from which the scent was coming, Hoseok sprinted toward it. His heart pounded from both physical exertion and excitement. His fear of being rejected or left behind vanished as he knew he was nearing the most precious person in his life. It felt like his whole body, heart, mind, and soul were all screaming Taehyung's name while his voice could not.

But he came to a halt when he reached his destination.

Hoseok could see him. He was so close, just across the street. But Hoseok couldn't step any closer.

Across the street, seated at a table on a patio attached to a restaurant, was Taehyung.

With another man.

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