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"Where is he right now?" Seokjin assumed Yoongi and Jungkook would know Jimin's whereabouts. They were always the ones to know where everyone was. In a way, he could compare Yoongi's home to a command center.

"He's upstairs, sleeping." Yoongi fidgeted with his fingers on his lap as he was seated beside Jungkook on one of the couches, Seokjin being on the other one."That medicine from his doctor I told you about, he took it a couple hours ago, so he'll be asleep for a while longer."

Seokjin sighed softly, not knowing if he should be relieved or not. This postponed his reunion with the one he loved, but it also postponed possible rejection if Jimin didn't accept him back. His fear of rejection was slowly melting away though as he discussed things with Yoongi and Jungkook."That medicine...Does it prevent his nightmares?" He had been so upset to hear that Jimin had been losing sleep because of nightmares.

"I don't think so." Jungkook peeked at Yoongi for confirmation, seeing him shake his head gently."It just helps him stay asleep and go back to sleep more easily if a nightmare does wake him up."

This was definitely not the type of news Seokjin had been hoping to hear upon his return. He had hoped with all of his heart that Jimin would be happy and healthy, waiting for him with open arms. His love wasn't happy though, and lack of sleep for a human was unhealthy."Do you know what his nightmares are about? Has he told you?" Maybe it was something Seokjin could fix.

"You, actually." Clearing his throat, Yoongi knew he should explain, not wanting that to be misunderstood."Jimin told me that he has nightmares about you never coming home, about you getting hurt or dying. But you're here. You're back, and you're okay."

"He did his best to remain positive all this time," Jungkook added."But I guess it's hard to be positive for two whole years. We were all worried about you and Hoseok, but it must be much harder for Jimin and Taehyung to handle such a long absence with no news about the situation on Szarvoun."

Seokjin understood that. It pained him to know that his own well-being was the subject of Jimin's nightmares, but that told him how much Jimin still loved and cared about him."As I told you two already, the war is over, and Szarvoun is becoming a better place under Empress Chaerin's rule. Hoseok and I made sure Namjoon received a proper burial. His funeral was attended by so many; he was a popular guy, you know. He was a great warrior, and many Szarvounians looked up to him. Now that the concept of funerals is known there, no more bodies will be thrown into the dead hall and forgotten."

"Well, it's great to know that Namjoon can be at peace now." Yoongi lowered his gaze and sighed."We all miss him. At least you and Hoseok are back."

Now Seokjin had something to admit."Hoseok almost didn't return with me." Seeing the confusion on Yoongi's and Jungkook's faces, he continued."He wanted to stay on Szarvoun longer to keep helping Empress Chaerin lead everyone into a better lifestyle. As much as I know he wanted to help, I think he was also afraid to come back because he thinks Taehyung might not welcome him. After losing Namjoon, he's scared of losing Taehyung too."

This was something Jungkook definitely understood."Our bond is everything to us. If I ever lost Yoongi, I don't think I could keep myself sane. After all this time, Hoseok's bond to Taehyung is definitely broken, but with Hoseok being half human, he feels a different type of connection as well. If Taehyung doesn't accept him back, he'll lose that connection too and be all alone."

"He won't be all alone. He still has us." Yoongi would never even dream of leaving his friendship with Hoseok, no matter what happened between him and Taehyung.

"Do you really think he would want to be here if Taehyung rejected him?" That was a rhetorical question from Jungkook."I imagine he would hop back on the ship and return to Szarvoun if he couldn't be with Taehyung. You know how strongly he loves him. I mean, they were together for a decade."

"He's right, you know."

Those words, spoken with that voice, caused everyone to quickly look toward the doorway."Hoseok!" Jungkook jumped up from the couch and ran to his friend, ready to embrace him. However, he stopped abruptly when Hoseok put out a hand to block him, rejecting the embrace."Hoseok?"

Yoongi stood and hurried over to Hoseok as well."Hoseok, did you see Taehyung? I know he's at work right now, but did you get to talk to him?" His mind was racing. He truly hoped it went well. Not just for Taehyung and Hoseok but also for himself. He didn't want Hoseok to go back to Szarvoun and leave them again.

Hoseok slumped his shoulders with a simultaneous heavy exhale."I saw him." Just thinking about it made his chest ache."He was with someone else, a guy. It looked like a date."

"A date?" Yoongi hadn't heard of Taehyung having plans for a date during his lunch break from work.

"Let's not be hasty, Hoseok," Seokjin spoke from his spot on the couch. He had no plans to stand, really enjoying the feeling of finally sitting on something soft after being away for two years."Let's wait until Taehyung is free to talk. You can stay here and get reacquainted with being on Earth, like me. However this plays out, you're with friends, not alone."

As much as Hoseok was tempted to just run away and avoid the rejection he was sure would be coming, he gave a nod."Fine. Okay. I'll wait here." This wasn't going to stop swirling around in his head until it would all be over, so he decided to change the subject a little."What about you? Have you seen Jimin?"

Seokjin shook his head and leaned back a little on the couch."He's asleep, so I haven't spoken to him yet. I will see him later."

"Just go up there now," Jungkook said with a knowing look in his eyes."Even though he's sleeping, you can still see him. That'll help you feel more relaxed, right?"

"Would that be okay?" Seokjin, now that he knew about Jimin's nightmares, didn't want to disturb his sleep. Seeing Jungkook and Yoongi both nod, he tried to swallow his nervousness as he rose to his feet.

Yoongi watched Seokjin head out of the living room, but he called after him."Seokjin!" He knew this was going to hit his feelings hard."He's sleeping in your room!"

And that did hit Seokjin's feelings. He would have checked Jimin's room first, but now he knew that the one he loved was sleeping in his bed, perhaps using it as a substitute. Making his way up the stairs, his heart pounded with each step he took closer to his bedroom. It was surreal being home after so long. Everything looked familiar yet foreign at the same time. Approaching his bedroom door, he inhaled deeply then let it out slowly through his nose, attempting and failing to calm his nerves. He opened the door as quietly as he could manage, freezing at the sight that met his eyes.

Jimin looked so peaceful. As he was sleeping on Seokjin's bed, he was curled up in a ball with one of Seokjin's pillows being hugged in his arms.

Before he knew it, Seokjin could feel tears begin to trickle down his cheeks. This sight alone was enough to break him. He'd thought that he was home when he got to this house, but he'd been wrong. Standing here with Jimin in his sight, now he was home.

Meanwhile downstairs, Yoongi held a hand out to Hoseok and gave a warm smile."We're so glad to have you back, Hoseok. We've all missed you." When his hand was grabbed, he pulled Hoseok closer, turning this into an embrace. Everyone knew Yoongi was not the hugging type, but this was a special occasion.

Now that Hoseok was already in an embrace with Yoongi, Jungkook took the opportunity to join, moving around to wrap his arms around Hoseok from behind."Welcome home."

"Yes, welcome home." Yoongi had faith that things would work out tonight."We're going to discuss living arrangements tonight."

"Living arrangements? Oh, right. I need to stay somewhere." Hoseok didn't think he could just show up after two years and immediately start living with Taehyung again.

Pulling back a little, Yoongi knew this was going to be news."Actually, Jungkook's brother and his mate have been living with Taehyung to keep him from getting lonely."

"Wait a minute, what? Jungkook's brother?" Hoseok was really confused by this."Jungkook, you have a brother?"

"I do, yeah." Jungkook smiled, as he did every time he thought of his younger brother."His name's Junhong. He and Jihoon were on our ship with Jimin and Taehyung when we returned to Earth, so they came with us. They said Lady Chaerin sent them to the ship to make sure no one went in or out. That's when I met him for the first time." Jungkook tightened his arms around Hoseok and grinned."Having a brother is awesome. We hang out a lot and go to the gym together. I love him."

"I should thank them later for making sure Taehyung wasn't alone all this time." The amount of relief Hoseok felt at this news was enormous. He was so glad that Taehyung hadn't been living alone.

"Well, in the meantime, sit with us." Yoongi motioned toward the couches."Let's talk and catch up on lost time."

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