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It was so quiet in Seokjin's bedroom as Jimin slept. Seokjin could only watch over him, anxiously awaiting the time when he would awaken. He desired so badly to hear Jimin's voice after such a long time. He wanted to hear that sweet voice say his name. And perhaps he was wishing for it really hard.


Being snapped back to reality by the sound of his name, Seokjin stepped closer to the bed. He'd just been standing a few feet away this whole time, not wanting to get too close and accidentally wake Jimin. However, his name had been spoken in such a worried tone that he couldn't resist getting closer."I'm here, Jimin," he whispered softly, seating himself on the edge of the bed.

Jimin appeared to be dreaming, his brow furrowing and nose scrunching. He made low whimpers, beginning to tense. A nightmare had him in its clutches.

Seokjin couldn't just sit there and watch Jimin go through this, so he reached out and started to gently stroke the human's hair."Jimin, I'm here. I'm right here."

As usual, Jimin couldn't remain asleep during the nightmare. He was too distraught by what he was seeing within his own mind that he jolted awake, eyes opening suddenly. A cry mixed with a gasp burst from him as he quickly sat up, scooting back until he hit the headboard."S-Seokjin?"

"Yes, it's me." Seokjin reached toward Jimin but stopped when the human squeezed his eyes shut."Jimin?"

"I'm still dreaming," Jimin whimpered."It's a dream." He couldn't believe what he'd seen. It was too good to be true."Why is my brain so mean to me?"

That brought a slight smile to Seokjin's lips."You're not dreaming. I'm really here." Shifting on the bed to pull his feet up and fully face Jimin, Seokjin opened his arms wide."Come into my embrace and feel the truth."

Dream or not, Jimin needed Seokjin. He needed to feel him, his presense. Opening his eyes again, Jimin lunged forward and practically dove against the incubus' chest. That was when he could feel it."You're here." Tears stung at his eyes."Oh my god, you're really here."

Closing his arms around Jimin, Seokjin felt so much joy."I missed you, Jimin. I thought of you every day."

"I thought about you every day too." Jimin moved his arms up to place his hands onto Seokjin's shoulders, shifting to place himself sideways on the incubus' lap. He was trying very hard to not start crying, but the tears were already falling down his cheeks, and his throat ached with the sobs he was holding back."I missed you more than words can describe. I love you." Saying those words reminded him of something, causing him to smack Seokjin's chest."You jerk."

"What?" Seokjin was taken aback by the smack."What did I do?"

"You said you love me. How dare you?" Jimin had held on to the memory of that moment."On the ship two years ago, you said you love me for the first time. You said it because you thought we'd never see each other again, didn't you? If we never saw each other again, you wouldn't have to go through with loving me." Getting worked up over this, Jimin moved back off of Seokjin's lap and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at him."I love you, but you only said it when we were separating."

This outburst made Seokjin beyond happy; Jimin loved him and wanted to hear those words."Yes, I thought it might be my last chance to tell you, but I truly meant it." His heart was pounding so hard, but that wasn't going to stop him."Jimin, I love you, and I'm sorry for not saying it sooner."

And just like that, Jimin threw himself back into Seokjin's arms."I forgive you." This was all he wanted, Seokjin and his love.

"When you're ready to do so," Seokjin spoke while stroking Jimin's hair,"I would love to form a full bond with you."

"You mean..." This was certainly not something Jimin had been expecting."You can?"

Seokjin had faith."I believe I can. As long as it's you, I can do it. Will you accept me as your mate?"

"Yeah. I-I mean, yes. Yes, of course." Jimin felt his cheeks burn with the idea of finally forming a full bond with Seokjin. He reached both hands up to Seokjin's cheeks, peering into his eyes."I would love that." As if in sync, they both leaned in close, but just before their lips could connect, Jimin gasped and pulled back."What the fuck?"

With concern, Seokjin pulled back a little as well."What's wrong?"

Jimin pointed toward the left side of Seokjin's head."What happened?" His fingers had grazed over the incubus' ear and felt how strangely it was shaped.

"Oh, I didn't want to mention this because I didn't want to make you worry." Knowing he had to come clean, Seokjin moved his hair away from his left ear, showing that it was indeed misshaped. It looked like a big portion of his ear had been crudely seared off."Hoseok shot my ear by accident. It was my fault."

"How was it your fault?" Jimin's gaze kept flickering back and forth between Seokjin's face and ear.

"I hurt him first. What I did was much worse." Seokjin knew that he and Hoseok would both never forget what he'd done."I faked my death during the war. I almost died, but when I was saved, I chose to not tell Hoseok I was alright until he was worn out from fighting," he explained."You see, Hoseok went into a rage when he thought I died. He was destroying our enemies. I couldn't just tell him I was alright and make that rage go away. Without it, fighting our enemies would have been harder. But when I finally showed him that I was alright, he understandably got mad at me. He shot at me. Well, not exactly at me. He tried to shoot next to me to express his anger, but his aim was bad since he was so exhausted, and he accidentally shot my ear."

"Wow." Jimin let out a small huff."I kinda don't blame him for reacting that way. I would be super pissed at you too for that. Is that the only injury you have?"

"The only permanent one." The ache in Seokjin's chest had faded and now been replaced by a flutter as he watched Jimin lean up and felt a tender kiss be placed on his malformed ear."I love you."

"I love you too." Despite having the intention of greeting Hoseok back as well, Jimin couldn't leave Seokjin's arms yet. He needed enough contact to make up for the past two years.


Besides, Hoseok was having a rough time anyway. He wrung his hands together as he stared at the ground from where he was seated on the two steps of the porch. The sun was setting, and he felt like his heart was sinking with it. The silence was killing him.

Taehyung had come over after work and been undoubtedly shocked to see Hoseok waiting for him. Needing privacy from their friends, they'd come out to the porch, but no words had been spoken between them yet. What were they supposed to say? After being apart for two years, this was anything but casual. Which of them was going to break the silence? What should be said first, and who would say it?

"I missed you." Hoseok knew, without looking, that those words drew Taehyung's gaze to him."I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He felt stupid, like a bumbling idiot."I shouldn't push my feelings onto you and make you feel obligated to take me back. Especially if you're...seeing someone else."

"Hoseokie-hyung..." The pain in Taehyung's chest kept growing as they were so close to each other physically, but they felt lightyears apart."I'm not seeing anyone." He didn't know what to think. They'd never had the chance to say goodbye two years ago. What were they now? Were they still boyfriends? Were they exes? Taehyung had caught Hoseok's words 'take me back,' as if they were broken up.

Not understanding, Hoseok finally looked at Taehyung."But you were on a date today, weren't you?"

That question took Taehyung by surprise. He hadn't expected Hoseok to know about that."I was. Did Jimin tell you?"

"No, I...I saw you." Turning his gaze away, Hoseok didn't want to show his sadness to Taehyung. He wanted Taehyung to feel free to make any decision he wanted, not be swayed by tears."It's okay. You can be with whoever you want. I chose to stay behind on Szarvoun. It was my decision to separate us. If that separation is permanent...I just want you to be with someone who will make you happy."

"You'll let me be with whoever I want?" Taehyung wished he could see Hoseok's face. He wanted to know exactly what he was feeling, though he could guess based on his body language.

"Mm-hm." Hoseok was losing trust in his own voice. If he spoke again, he would cry; he just knew it.

Reaching over, Taehyung hesitated for a brief second before placing his hand atop Hoseok's clasped ones."Hyung, will you go out with me?" When he didn't receive an answer, he felt worried until he realized that Hoseok's whole body had tensed."Yes, I was on a date today, but it was a trial date. I'm not seeing that guy. In fact, I told him that he's a good guy, I had a nice time, but I can't date him because my heart is still tied to someone else."

Hoseok tried to say something, but all that came out was a sob. He couldn't tell which emotion was making him cry now. His heart was confused. He'd been so scared and anxious. Sadness had come over him while they'd been sitting in silence. And now, he didn't know if it was safe to be happy with what Taehyung just said to him. Did Taehyung really want to get back together with him? Or was he just saying that because he could see how upset Hoseok was?

Taehyung watched as Hoseok fully turned away from him, understanding. He'd known Hoseok long enough to know what this meant. Placing both of his hands onto Hoseok's shoulders, Taehyung leaned forward to lay his head gently onto the crook of Hoseok's neck."I mean it. You're the one I want to be with. It's always been you. Ever since we were teenagers." As he listened to Hoseok begin to cry, he knew what was right."Yes, I went on dates while we were apart. I was lonely. But no one could ever replace you or Namjoon. I love you both so much."

"I love you, Taetae~" Hoseok couldn't keep himself together."I missed you~" Feeling Taehyung's arms wrap around him from behind, he allowed himself to be pulled back against his chest."I miss Namjoon..."

"I miss him too." Despite how sad they both were, in this moment, Taehyung finally knew that everything was going to be okay. They were with each other again, and they would get through this together from now on."But you didn't give me an answer. Will you go out with me?"

With a sniffle, Hoseok coughed out another sob."Duh~"

"You did the right thing, you know. Staying behind to fight and help Szarvoun become a better place. I'm proud of you." Taehyung could believe again.

"I couldn't have done it without you." Hoseok had used the thought of Taehyung to keep himself motivated during the past two years. He had to help Szarvoun become a better place to make sure no more worlds would be plunged into war with incubi, no more genocides, no more worlds being conquered."Thank you."

At long last, everything could be okay, and everyone could heal.

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