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To say that Yoongi was none-too-thrilled to wake up in a plain grey room with no windows, a single door, and one small ventilation duct would be a massive understatement."You got to be shitting me." He got up from his spot on the floor and huffed."Not this shit again." Even after all the time that had passed since he'd met Jungkook and the other incubi, he recognized this room. Or at least, he thought he did. It looked exactly like the room in which he and his friends had found themselves captive a few years ago.

Checking his pockets, Yoongi pulled out his phone, intending to call his friends for help. However, that plan was shot down when he saw that his phone had no service. With a heavy sigh, he slipped his phone back into his pocket before stepping over to the door."Hey! Let me out of here!" Yoongi grabbed the handle and tugged to no avail. Then, he kicked the door a couple times."Let me out!"

There was no response to the noise he made. Listening, he heard nothing. No voices, no footsteps, nothing at all. It was silent."Why am I here?" Since he wasn't hearing any other sounds, Yoongi figured this was his chance to try to escape, so he began tugging on the door handle again. That gave him no results though."Oh, wait." He had an idea that Jimin had taught him before.

Yoongi fished his wallet from his pocket and pulled out a credit card."I hope this works." He carefully wedged the credit card into the thin crack between the door and the frame, sliding it down to find the right spot. When he found it, he wiggled the card a bit and could almost swore that he had it, but disappointment reigned as soon as the credit card snapped in half."No, no, no..." Looking at the broken card, Yoongi frowned deeply for only a second until he realized that the door popped open.

Sticking the broken card into his pocket alongside his wallet, Yoongi ventured out of the room. He looked both ways down the narrow hall and wondered where he should go. He sure as hell didn't know his way around this place, most definitely an incubi ship. It had to be an incubi ship, right? The interior was almost exactly the same as Namjoon's ship. Or was this Namjoon's ship? Yoongi couldn't really tell.

As he cautiously made his way down the hall, Yoongi was confused by how big the ship seemed to be. Recalling how Namjoon's ship had looked from the outside, it shouldn't be this big inside, should it? Then again, it was an alien ship. Perhaps it was possible for this otherworldly transportation to be bigger on the inside than it was on the outside. Thinking back to that, Yoongi found himself wondering what the unfamiliar incubi on this ship were like. Could they be swayed as Namjoon and the others had been?

No, that was out of the question, wasn't it? Yoongi wouldn't be able to communicate with them. He could understand their language, but he couldn't speak it. Jungkook had offered to teach him before, but Yoongi hadn't thought it would be necessary. Perhaps he should have learned. Another thought that worried Yoongi came into his mind. He remembered Hoseok explaining to them that the incubi invaded and conquered worlds, killing all the inhabitants. Did that mean that his life was in danger right now? Hell, everyone's lives were possibly in danger.

But what could Yoongi do about it? If they were there to conquer, why did they abduct him instead of just killing him?"They better not want to fucking mate with me. I'm already mated." Reaching the end of the surprisingly-long hall, Yoongi came across an open door. He hadn't tried to open any other doors he had passed because he didn't know what could be in the closed rooms, choosing not to take the chance of opening a door and finding an incubus who might be hostile.

Yoongi peered into the room he had happened upon and saw that it didn't contain much. There was a weird metal slab in the floor that was several feet long and rather shiny. It seemed to almost glow and glisten. He wondered what it was, so he entered the room as quietly as possible and approached the slab, squatting down next to it. The slab seemed to be part of the floor, built into it. Reaching down, the human touched the slab but immediately retracted his hand at the feel of uncomfortably-high heat."What is this..?"

"Are you confused by the fueler?"

Quickly turning his gaze toward the open door, Yoongi saw one of the men from before. Understanding the language, it was even more obvious to him now that this man was an incubus from the same world as Jungkook, Seokjin, and Namjoon."Fueler?" He wanted to ask why he was here and what they planned to do with him, but he knew that he wouldn't be understood.

"You understand me, don't you? I know you are mated to one of our kind." The tall man spoke with quite a casual tone.

At that, Yoongi gave a small nod. He wasn't really used to hearing that language because Jungkook and the others never really spoke it around him, having no need to do so. Still, the knowledge of the language was embedded into his brain from mating with Jungkook.

The tall incubus stepped closer to Yoongi and squatted down near him to be at his level."You shouldn't have left your room, little one. You'll get in trouble. Our captain doesn't like to be disobeyed."

Yoongi moved himself a little away from the incubus, putting a small bit of distance between them. He was very uncomfortable right now and just wished he could go home. He wanted Jungkook. He wanted his friends. He wanted to be in the familiar setting of his house.

"I won't hurt you." the incubus said softly, as if trying to put Yoongi at ease and failing."But the captain will. Let me take you back to your room."

Seeing that he really didn't have much of a choice, Yoongi decided to just allow this incubus to grab his wrist. He rose to his feet at roughly the same time as the tall man and frowned deeply.

"My name's Junhong, by the way. You're Yoongi, right?" When he got a nod, the incubus smiled."Too bad you're already mated. If you weren't, I'd take you as my own."

"Don't even think about it, creep." Yoongi grumbled, knowing he wouldn't be understood.

"I wish I could understand, but I don't." Junhong's smile grew a bit wider."But that's okay. I'm sure Namjoon can help with that."

Yoongi jerked his wrist out of Junhong's grasp."Namjoon?"

"Yeah, Namjoon." The tall incubus reached out and grabbed Yoongi's wrist again."Now come on, small one. I have to take you back to your room before Minhyuk finds out you escaped."

As he was pulled along by Junhong, Yoongi didn't know what to think. This incubus seemed civil enough, but he really didn't want to meet the captain. How did this incubus know Namjoon, and why did he mention him? What was going on?

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