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"Why did you leave them?!" Jungkook shouted at Hoseok, completely distraught at the fact that Yoongi had been taken by someone."You never should have left them!"

Namjoon grabbed Jungkook's shoulder firmly and narrowed his eyes at the young incubus."It's not Hoseok's fault. Calm down."

"The front door being left open was clearly a distraction." Seokjin stated as he held onto Jimin's hand. His human boyfriend was shaking and obviously very upset."They probably knew that Hoseok would check it out and leave them."

"Why did they take him?! Why Yoongi?!" It was known to Jungkook and the others that Yoongi had been taken by incubi since Jimin and Taehyung had told them what had happened. Their kind's sleep power had been used on the two humans; that much was a definite fact.

Jimin squeezed Seokjin's hand as he thought about it."They knew Yoongi-hyung's name. How?"

"That means he was a specific target, right?" Taehyung kept his arms around Hoseok's waist, keeping the half-incubus on his lap."But we don't know why they targeted him. It makes no sense."

Hoseok shook his head a little."Nothing about this makes sense. How did they find Earth? Why did they come here? I mean, they would normally just land their ship here if they just happened upon Earth randomly and wanted to inspect it for invasion, but we never saw any signs of their ship landing. That probably means that they somehow were already aware of us being here and used pods to keep themselves from being noticed as they landed. They must have left their ship stationary in space."

That didn't sound good to Jimin at all."Wait, wait, wait. So if they took Yoongi-hyung to their ship, that means he's in space right now?" This was seeming too crazy, but he couldn't deny that it was entirely possible.

"For all we know, they could be on their way back to Szarvoun." When he saw Jungkook move away from Namjoon and head toward the front door, Seokjin released Jimin's hand and hurried to his best friend."Jungkook, where are you going?"

"After them." Jungkook frowned deeply when Seokjin grabbed his wrist."Let go. You know Yoongi won't survive in Szarvoun. If they're taking him there, I have no doubt that they'll present him to the emperor."

Namjoon rolled his eyes."Jungkook, you don't even know where the ship is. Only I do. I hid it."

Hoseok got off of Taehyung's lap and couldn't deny that things were looking pretty bad."We need to go after them and get Yoongi-hyung back. He doesn't stand a chance."

This talk about Yoongi being in danger and not surviving was making Jimin incredibly upset."How bad is it going to be for him in Szarvoun?" He needed to know.

This was something none of the incubi wanted to discuss, but it needed to be explained."Well, um..." Namjoon scratched the back of his head uneasily."He's not going to be able to handle the food. It'll be hard for him to breathe in the atmosphere."

"No one will be able to understand him." Seokjin added."They don't know what humans need to survive. And let's not even get into what will happen if he pisses anyone off."

Thinking about all of this, Jungkook could feel himself becoming more and more worried."They're going to hurt him if they try to make him use a fueler. Humans can't handle those. Szarvounian food will make him very sick. Hell, we don't really know how human bodies will react to our kind of food. And they don't know that he needs to eat every day."

Hoseok grabbed Namjoon's hand then looked back at Jimin and Taehyung."You two, stay here. We'll go after them and get Yoongi-hyung back."

"But..." Jimin didn't want to just stay here and wait. He wanted to go with them. How could he just sit around and wait while knowing that his best friend was in danger?

"Hoseokie-hyung, you know we'd rather go too." Taehyung knew it was dangerous, but he didn't want to just sit around and worry about his mates and friends.

"That is completely out of the question." Namjoon said with a stern tone. There was no way he'd put the humans in danger like that."In fact, I think Seokjin should stay too."

"What?!" Now that was definitely not okay to Seokjin."I'm as strong as you are, Namjoon. I don't need to stay here."

With a shake of his head, Namjoon sighed."I'm only going to let you go because Jungkook has much less experience and Hoseok isn't as strong. But we both know what will happen to you if they get their hands on you in Szarvoun."

"I know, but Yoongi is my friend. He is important to me." With this being understood, the incubi all headed for the front door.

Only Hoseok and Seokjin stopped at the door to look back at the two humans being left behind."Taetae, everything's going to be okay. I promise." Hoseok said before he flashed a reassuring smile.

Jimin ran to the front door and wanted to grab onto Seokjin but didn't, knowing that it wouldn't do any good."Seokjinnie~" he whined."I don't want you to go, but I know they need your help to bring back Yoongi-hyung. It's not fair." Jimin wanted his boyfriend to stay, but he also wanted his best friend to be brought back safely.

"I know, Jimin. I'll return with Yoongi." Leaning in close, Seokjin gave his human boyfriend's lips a soft peck.

"I love you, Seokjinnie."

In response, Seokjin just gently pat Jimin's head before leaving with Hoseok. Those words... How should he respond to them? He just couldn't. As he walked away from the house with Hoseok and the others, Seokjin stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants and lowered his gaze. He should have known that it was foolish to think that they could live in peace in this world for the rest of their lives. They were found, and now they had to rescue their friend.


Yoongi didn't even know how long he'd been alone since Junhong put him back into this grey room by himself. It couldn't have been too long though. Probably just a couple hours. Still, it felt like forever. He knew that he could just check his phone for the time, but looking at his phone screen and seeing the lack of service was depressing. So he was just sitting there alone on the floor, huddled in a corner.

"I wanna go home..." Yoongi mumbled to himself. This wasn't like the last time. He wasn't with incubi who could be swayed. He didn't have his friends with him. He didn't have someone who could translate and negotiate. He was alone. He was with incubi who couldn't understand and might hurt him.

He was a captive, a prisoner.

"What do they want..?" Yoongi had no idea why he had been taken or what the incubi were going to do with him. He was scared."Jungkookie~" he whimpered as he squeezed his eyes closed."Jiminie~" Being alone and afraid, Yoongi didn't even try to hold back the urge to cry. He just let it out, weeping into his folded arms that were resting atop his bent knees.

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