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I was trying to read my husband's facial expression when that Girl addressed him as her DADDY.
But I can only see his handsome face radiating in the light with confusion.
He seems to be astonished himself.

The police tried to talk to the girl but she gazed them blankly. I saw them seeing my husband with suspicion. As for being a good wife I took hold of the kid and gently pulled her towards myself.

"Look at him carefully . Is he really your Dad?"- I asked pressing each of my word.
She looked at me and then towards Sanskar.
She bends her head down and then nodded in NO.

I asked then why she behaved so.
She replied that she mistook him with her father.

Cops started enquiring her but she said that she can't able to remember anything.
She leans more towards me looking scared from the police.

Doctor adviced the inspector to continue there investigation afterwards as right now the child was scared and seems to be in trauma due to which she won't be able to answer accurately .

A lady police goes towards her but she shifted more close to me holding my dress. I faked a smile and tried to remove her hands and pushed her towards the lady constable. But she again came back to me hiding her face saying she won't go with anyone except us.

I gazed her in shock.
Meanwhile police asked Sanskar to come outside with him.
I was standing near the window when I saw paparazzi there. Being known faces gives you a lot of attention . There is some or the other person noticing your every movements.
"Mr. And Mrs. Maheshwari's saved an innocent soul"
I knew it"LL be in the headlines tomorrow.

I saw the girl watching me n so I moved towards her.
She smiled at me. Looking all cool and composed.
I frowned seeing her suddenly behaving all fine.
I asked her about her name.
"Princess....... Cinderella"-she replied with a pause.
I chuckled and asked is it her real name.
_"Yap... Like Princess is my Prefix and my Suffix  keeps changing with the situation"
I looked at her all confused.
But who cares.
I just want to go to Home and sleep,that's it.

I saw my husband entering inside the cabin. Police is nowhere to be seen. I noticed him folding his sleeves. Damn! his toned muscles. I stopped drooling upon his looks and asked what happened.

He gulped trying to find some words to explain me.
Seeing his nervousness I imagined what it could be.
I shook my head in NO.
"Sanskar tell me , it's not like what I am thinking"
He parted his lips. Fuck those sexy lips. Arghh! Concentrate.

He drags me towards the corner and told that Police wanted us to keep the child for some days. As she is reluctant to go with them and like we saw she is in some sort of danger,So police adviced that our home will be the safe place for her.

I crossed my arms and said_"And you agreed cause you saw the media waiting for us and you didn't want them to write anything bad about you "like Sanskar Maheshwari left an innocent kid at need, right"
He nodded ruffling his hair.

Not having any other option we took that girl to home.
She totally changed from the way she was when we found her.
Suddenly she was all chirpy and overenthusiastic.

I asked her to shift in one of our spare rooms .
Sanskar moved to his.
And I looked at the Girl gazing around in excitement.
She starts jumping on the bed which pissed me off. And I asked her to stop.
"Okay now be good and sleep ....Princess Cinderella"- I almost mocked her for her name.
"Not Cinderella... Now I am Princess Aurora, I told you na my name changes with the situation."
I looked at her as if she is an Alien.
But then something striked me "so you mean to say that now as you are going to sleep that's why you are sleeping beauty Aurora and that time you were Cinderella for a reason too"
She nodded.
"And what was that"
She looked at me for a second and then whispered in my ears "Cause that time I ran away from my evil step mother and sisters"
"What...what did you said..You remember your family right"
"Don't lie. Just now u said about your mother and sisters."
"When? I didn't remember saying anything"-she said faking her innocence.

Damn! This girl is not what she seems to be. I have to Inform Sanskar.
I went to his room and told him about the matter.But he just ignored me saying I am unnecessarily taking stress. I was about to argue but
my phone buzzed n I saw emails regarding my work.
And for me work comes first.
I went from there to my room.
Took bath n changed into comfy night suit.

I went to grab a bottle from kitchen when I saw Sanskar's door open .
I found him totally engrossed in his project.
He didn't even had changed. I always admire his dedication towards work.
He is an explicit example of Hardwork.
He is extremely talented and ruthless when it comes to work.
People fear him but that's the quality which attracts me towards him the most. He inspires me.

I always see an upgraded version of myself in him.

He frowned at a point.
And I didn't miss to notice his features.
Being a guy he is blessed with some really beautiful features. I always drools upon his manly looks.

Controlling my desire.
I moved towards my room only to see that kid sitting on my bed.
She asked me if she can sleep here.
I was too tired to argue and so allowed her to sleep. I was about to go when she holds my hand and asked to be here only. I nodded and starts working on my laptop.
Seeing her asleep I moved out .


I went downstairs to grab some snacks and found my wife sleeping in a sitting position keeping her laptop open.

I moved n closed her lappy. Took her in embrace and climbed the stairs.
I saw the kid sleeping on her bed leaving no space.
Not haveing any other option I took her to my room n placed her gently on the bed.
My beard touched her skin n she mumbled something in sleepy tone making cute faces.
I chuckled.
And then starts working on my pending work.


I felt her moving . And so grabbed her hands tightly and said "Stay".
Her warmth gave me a peaceful sleep.
I was not ready to leave her any soon.
But my fucking alarm disturbed us.

I saw her looking at me.
I moved close to her getting tempted by her messy bed hair .
She thought I was about to kiss her and closed her eyes.
I glanced and kissed her forhead .
She opened her eyes .
Damn!! Those eyes does something to me.

I got off the bed and so does she hearing loud noices coming from the dinning.

We went downstairs and saw that kid banging plates and asking for food.
Ragini looked like she was about to kill her. I somehow controlled my wife and asked her to get freshen up. And meanwhile I asked the kid to behave .

Our cook was on leave so Ragini only makes food for us.
She came and started preparing chinese.
While doing so she cutted her hand slightly.
I got in for her rescue and sucked her finger on my mouth.
Not so sanitary , I know.
She looks shocked at my action and stared me.
Her eyes fuck! Are they oceans or what.
so deep.
I unconciously started sucking her finger more sensuously.
She bite her lips to prevent her moan.
We were on another world when the kid's voice bought us back.

I asked ragini to go and sit while I prepare the rest.
I puts an apron and starts making the breakfast.
I saw her checking me out n I smirked.
"Like what you see"
She just blushed and walks away.

The kid couldn't able to eat with chopsticks and starts messing up .
Being a clean freak , it was getting too much for Ragini.
I hold her hand tightly .
And she brushed off her not so good thoughts regarding the kid.
I passed a fork to the girl and we eat our breakfast.

"Thank you Uncle and Aunty" said the girl
"Don't call me that"-spatted Ragini
I muffled my laugh.
The kid thought for sometime and then brimmed happily saying_"okay then I"LL call you KING & QUEEN"
"whatever"-Ragini replied.
While I passed a smile to her.

I made some videos playing with the kid and posted on Instagram.
Soon the video got viral and people can't stop themselves from praising.
Well there isn't any harm in grabbing some attention right.


When i came back from office i found the girl sitting on stairs .
She complained of being bored.
I ignored her and starts moving to my room . When she blocked my way and said _" it won't be nice of me to go to police uncle complaining about you right"
I frowned at her statement .
She continued that if I won't take her to wander around some places then she would complain that I am not taking proper care of her.

I thought she was joking n moves up.
When Ragini came from her room and said where the kid is going.
I turned back to found her leaving the house

Shit. I cursed. And ran to grab her.

That day I got to know that this girl is not what she seems to be.


Hope u all have liked it...
Shower ur views on d comment box

Lots of love
Keep rockng n stay blessed
Your fairy😉

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