The Explaination

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So, I was going to do this at 2am this morning, but I was shattered and I honestly needed sleep.

Prom last night was one of, if not, the best nights of my life. I got a free upgrade on the car I took for a BMW 3 series to a Jaguar XF, which we hit 100MPH in going down the M27 on the way last night.

As shown last time, this was my suit.

Curse getting sunburnt Sunday at Goodwood as my neck and nose show up real well. Also, of curse acne hit me like a bitch too.

It was amazing. Although the drinks were a rip off at £4.05 for a pint of Coke, and the food was only a small collection, the entertainment was top notch and also it was just fun to get suited and booted and have fun with mates.

Some pics from last night btw. I have loads more on Instagram, so if you want a look, go follow me at oco200301. I like being that road man again Shadow_Ice_King 😂

The second reason was finishing school last week.

A tradition in the U.K. is to get your shirt signed by everyone on the last day, and albeit for a couple of people trying to be funny by drawing swastickas on it. Also whoever did Gotta Catch Them All I give props to.

Out of all of my year, I was voted 2nd coolest somehow by everyone else. I was and still am struggling to understand how I did that but I did so I'm happy.

The third reason is that I went to Goodwood on Sunday as fore mentioned. It's the biggest car and motor festival in the U.K. and it was much better then when I went 9 years ago. That's partly due to me being older and smarter, but also it just had a better vibe about it. I missed out on a photo op with Robert Kubica, which was the only bad part, as my dad was called by my mum on MY phone, so I didn't have it to hand.

Lastly, I've been volunteering at my old primary school, which is where my sisters still go today. It's been fun so far, but also tiring. I fell asleep on myself during the evening twice last week due to fatigue, but I guess it's the experience that counts.

Tonight is after prom, which is going to be lit, and I can't wait for results day. But till next time, stay tuned for the adventures of my life!

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