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        Muffled voices were all young Striker could hear. It hurt to open her eyes but when she did all she was greeted by was a very bright light. She brought a hand up and blocked the almost sun bright light. Blurry figures appeared in her vision now as well. She could tell they were wearing helmets. She wasn't sure of who they were and where she was.

        "Striker. Striker. Hey. Stay calm." A masculine voice slowly became more clear as she looked around. The light was moved and her vision slowly came back. Now she could see colors and shapes. Soon she saw the typical t-visor shape of a Mandalorian helmet. It looked to be mostly black with orange and grey. She soon recognized the man.

        "Zyrnn...?" Her voice was raspy as she looked at him. She looked back to her arm and noticed she was still in her skin-tight bodysuit. All the trainees wore these for daily training. She groaned softly as a wave of pain washed over her head as well as lower legs. She winced slightly but hid it from the Alor'ad.

        "That's right. It's me. Just relax. You're in the medbay." He spoke calmly. He reached up and took off his helmet. His face filled with worry and his forehead had a small bit of sweat on it. The young female shifted as she felt a hand on her other arm. She looked over and then saw one Mandalorian she had not met yet. She wasn't sure who they were. Her green eyes trailed to their chest plate and soon the galaxy-wide known medical symbol showed. It was almost always bright red. That is how most were able to pick a medic out of a crowd.

        "Alor'ad, Te adiik kelir cuyir ok. Evaar'la sol'ar ne'tra dayn teh dehydration." [[TRANSLATION: Sir, the kid will be ok. Young Sol'ar blacked out from dehydration.]]  The medic spoke clearly and confidently. The voice sounded masculine. She knew that these Mandalorians knew how to speak basic. Some, however, chose to speak their native tongue when the Alor'ads or any high-ranking person was around. In a way, it was a sign of respect. It also showed that they are not straying from the path that they chose to take.

        "Vor entye vod. Sa a baar'ur gar kar'taylir meg at vaabir meh mayen, bal Ni mean mayen, was at slanar wrong." [[TRANSLATION: Thank you vod. As a medic you know what to do if anything, and I mean anything, was to go wrong.]]  Zyrnn spoke in a very sincere tone to the medic. He got a nod and then the medic walked off to a datapad on the table. The Alor'ad looked to the door as he heard it open and heard quick footsteps. 

        "Striker!" Emar came over quickly. She had her helmet on as she looked over her foundling. Being the adoptive mother to Striker, she was worried. All she was told before she got to the medbay was that her kid had gone unconscious. Of course, she was out doing something when she received the information. She still had her cloak on because of going into the city for some supplies. 

        "Emar, she is alright. Just blacked out. The cause of the blackout is apparently from dehydration." Zyrnn said this as he tried his best to fill in his wife. He looked at her and then back to Striker who had her eyes open and looked around. The young mando was in pain. It felt like her legs were hit with a large piece of durasteel. 

        "Yeah. I am alright. I think I was also just really tired. The training was hard today." She said this as she slightly smiled. She sat up with a small grunt. She didn't want to tell them about what the trainer had said and that he had kept her over time. Striker didn't know his motive and just thought that it was how the training was. Also, the fact that she came into it late. Part of her wanted to ask Thraz but the other said it would get her into more trouble.

        "We should have put you in a different class..." Emar said this softly but quickly looked over to the medic. "Is she alright to leave and be in her quarters as long as someone else is there?" Her mother asked as she knew from the first day that Striker did not like the medbay. She remembered from the very first meeting that it took a while for the medics to even get close to her. Back then it was understandable. She had woken up in a new place and was badly hurt. Some of the medics were very surprised but understood. 

     "Yes ma'am. As long as either you, Zyrnn, or Xvan stay with her and make sure she is drinking fluids then all will be good. Also, try to get her to eat something." Emar and Zyrnn both nodded. Emar had things to do still but knew that Xvan would be able to watch her. The Alor'ads helped their adopted daughter get off of the medical bed and stand. 

        Striker stood and then let her eyes adjust. She looked around the room and then saw Xvan by the door. She knew that he was probably the one that carried her there and or called Zyrnn. She didn't speak much as her throat was still dry. Her eyes looked dull. So far nothing was too off for it to be asked about. She slowly walked as Zyrnn stood right next to her and braced her. She almost fell as she got lightheaded but grabbed onto her father and stopped her. 

      "Easy now young Sol'ar."  The medic said this as he watched them walk away. He went back to what he was doing quite easily. Aka filling out reports. Xvan looked at his mother and then his sister. He has a very worried look on his face. He was out of his training armor and just in regular clothes. As they were only 13 and 16 they could not have armor yet.  They only got their armor at the very end of their training years.

      "Is she alright?" Xvan looked at them as he followed them out the door. Emar wrapped an arm around him as she held Zyrnn's helmet in her other hand. She made sure he was close to her to get him out of the way of others.

        "She'll be ok. It is just gonna be a little bit before she is back to normal. Or at least better than she is right now." Their mother spoke calmly and kinda softly. They all walked as a group. People of the clan moved out of the way just in case. Some of them had body language that told Emar exactly how they were feeling. She didn't need to see their face to know. 

       The family approached the siblings shared room. Emar moved away from Xvan and opened the door. Striker and Zyrnn went in first and she got set on a chair. Emar handed Zyrnn his helmet as she took off her own. They were both worried for their youngest. Xvan was also worried. He went over and grabbed a bottle of water and handed it to Striker.

       "Drink that. I will go get food when you are hungry." He said this as he was worried. He knew that Thraz had gone hard because she was gone for so long after the rest of them were dismissed for the day. He was debating on if he should tell his parents. He sighed as he looked at them.  

       "Emar, Zyrnn, there is something you don't know."


What does it mean?! Anyway, this is the end of this chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. Stay tuned for next time. You shall have to wait and see what Xvan says to his adoptive parents and leaders of the clan.

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