The Secret

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        "Emar, Zyrnn, there is something you don't know."  Xvan's tone changed from one of worry to one of apology and sincerity. He looked over to his younger sister who was sitting in a chair. She gave him a look of pled to not tell them as it was not bad. 

        "That I was kept after the training was done for the rest of the group. Thraz wanted to test my skills more on a blaster." The younger sister said this as she interrupted her brother from speaking. In her mind what had gone on to think that it was normal. She had read the things about how hard it was for some foundlings in training. She also read up on the type of training that most foundlings get when they first are accepted into a clan. 

      Zyrnn, her new father, looked between the two siblings before looking at his wife. He had a look in his eyes only the two could understand. His expressions then dropped and he looked at his adi'ka (son or daughter in mando'a).

       "Well, you are new and he had yet to meet you before you showed up today. So that would make sense. He just wanted to get a sense of your skills. After all, many think you will become a strong female Mandalorian." He spoke in a slight monotone voice. Didn't wanna make anything obvious. As the Alor'ad anything that was said that could be suspicious he had to keep tabs on. 

      "Well, I hope you did well and he has a better understanding. Hopefully, he does have a better understanding. We should be getting a report here soon from him." Emar spoke calmly and gave a small smile to the two siblings. She also had to keep tabs but different ones from her husband. "Alright, kids. You both get rest. Xvan, I need to meet with you in a little while but be ready if your vod tries to do something. After all, she is on bed rest." Emar stood slowly and then placed her forehead on Strikers gently. 

      "She will be fine buir," Xvan spoke calmly as he then stood close to where his sister was sitting. He watched the parents nod to each other, but their buckets back on, and walk out the room one after another. The door slid shut behind them softly. Soon the older brother turned and looked at her. He looked worried but also slightly frustrated. "Striker, why did you interrupt me?"

     "Because I am fine. Based on what I had read that is normal for foundlings. Trainers sometimes pull others away so they can get a better idea of how they are. That is what Thraz did with me." She sounded innocent as she spoke. There was a small hit of frustration back at her brother but it passed quickly. 

     "Vod, that isn't normal in all clans." He spoke as his tone got softer. Xvan was worried for his sister. She got put with one of the toughest trainers in the whole clan. Most young mando's would make it through his training and then after that become very disciplined. Only taking when they are told to, doing everything to the highest remark, training for hours every day if not called to do something else. He knew this because when he was younger he had befriended a founding who trained with Thraz. As time went on, the two adiik started to talk less and less. Growing apart all because the other didn't have time to relax and hang out. 

     Striker sighed and then shook her head. Ignoring what he had said and then laid down and rolled over. Her back facing away from him. She said nothing else as her breathing soon became steady and her form relaxed. The youngest Sol'ar had fallen asleep. The room fell quiet and the only sound that was heard was the occasional boots outside of the two's door. The clacking of boot armor hitting against the floor for some. 

     Xvan sighed and then turned around and walked over to a chair. He sat down and hunched over slightly. Memories passed through his head when he was younger. He soon closed his eyes and rubbed his face; taking in a deep breath and then leaning back. He was somehow not tired at all. He realized that his young sister was still in her training suit. Part of him wanted to wake her up but the other half decided not to. In the end, he didn't wake her. Letting her sleep for a while before training will be called tomorrow at 0830. 

------------------------------------{~Time Skip to morning~}----------------------------------------

      Striker groaned as her eyes blinked rapidly. She heard boots hit the ground at speed from outside the door. Metal clicking from inside the room. She turned over and then slid out of her bunk and stretched. The first thing she saw was Xvan's back. She squinted slightly as her eyes adjusted. 

      "Xvan, what's going on?" Her voice was ruff as she rubbed her eyes. The young mando slowly stood as she grabbed the top bunk for support. She saw him turn and look at her. 

    "Getting ready for training. You still have to be there but you will be on the sidelines. Watching and taking mental notes." He looked at her before walking over, He was already dressed in his training gear. "Now there is also mandatory water that everyone has to bring." 

      "Alright. I mean I have not changed so I am technically ready. Just need the water." Her voice was ruff still before she cleared her throat and swallowed some saliva. She heard boots by the door before they stopped. The sound of the pistons opening the door was quite loud as soon as someone woke up. 

     "Xvan, Striker, you two have a pass if you are late. No need to rush." The mando was unknown to them before they walked out the door. Their boots hit the floor, slowly becoming quieter the farther they got. The two siblings then looked over at each other. Xvan tosing his sibling her cantine. 

     "Hook that to your belt near the back, " Xvan spoke as he grabbed his own and hooked it on. He cleared his throat before speaking once more. "After that, tighten your boots and we will start to head to the training room." 

     Striker yawned before she nodded. She reached behind her and clipped on the cantine. She then kneeled and tightened her boots. She stood back up but then grabbed onto the wall. Slight dizziness hit her before going away. "Before you ask, I'm fine. Just had to stabilize myself." Her voice turned calm as she then opened her eyes once more and turned her head. Looking toward her older brother.  

     Xvan decided not to question her as he knows it has been a rough few days. He gave her a look that she understood and the two talked out the room. Walking beside each other down the hall. The training room wasn't far away from their room luckily. Only about a 15-minute walk at a normal pace. Maybe 7 minutes if you were running. 

     In the back of Striker's mind, she was worried that their trainer would try to keep her behind. Her head shook slightly and her eyes blinked a couple of times. This was not the moment to be thinking about stuff like this. They had to get to the training room. Or else, Thraz would not be happy and they would both be punished. 

      Soon they had arrived. Turning the final corner as the door had just closed behind Thraz. The siblings looked at each other before rushing toward the door. It opened and the two slipped in. The whole room was silent as everyone had noticed the two. Thraz turned on his heel and stared at the two trying to get into formation. 

     "Striker. Xvan. Glad to finally have you back here." His monotone voice had zero change of expression. His helmet was on and his voice echoed throughout the room. "Striker, you will be doing lighter training. Practice shooting in the range." He said this as he looked at his trainee. 

    Striker could feel his eyes piercing into her own. Her whole body tensed up but tried to not make it noticeable. She felt her cantine shift on her belt but ignored it. "Yes sir." She responded respectfully and then went quiet. Her head facing forward. 

    Thraz then turned his attention to Xvan. "And you, you will be close to her but still paying attention to the rest of the trainees. When Striker gets cleared for training once more, you will be the one to help her before I step in. Is that clear?" His monotone voice still echoed. He wasn't pacing like he usually would. He was just standing there staring at Xvan. 

      "Sir yes sir!" Xvan's voice was clear and loud. He then went back to being quiet and still. His eyes moving but not his head. He watched Thraz's movements before looking forward once more.

    "And for the rest of you, we will be working on hand-to-hand combat! You will watch myself and another clan member demonstrate before you try on each other. Injuries may happen, but it will be stopped if it escalates." Thraz started to pace once more before stopping at the last row. he then stood straight up and looked forward before his chest rose slightly, indicating he took a deep breath and was getting ready to speak. "Trainees! Turn around and start heading toward the hand-to-hand training area. One collum after another!" He stepped back and then collum after collum went toward the arena. Striker started to walk to the range before she was stopped and pulled aside by Thraz. He nodded to Xvan to follow the others. 

       "Sir, is there-" Before she finished Thraz's grip on her shoulder got tighter. She saw him lean down slightly before he cleared his throat. She swallowed as she prepared for something to happen. 

      "As soon as you are cleared by those medics, come to me. Immediately." His tone dropped as he spoke quieter and deeper. Thraz stood up straight and let go of the foundling's shoulder. 

    She took the hint and went toward the range. She didn't speak again unless she was spoken to. 

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