Personal Training

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      By this point, the sun was starting to set and Emar was still searching. She looked in the armory, central area, training room, med bay, barracks, and mess hall. However, now she was not looking alone. Zyrnn had come to help look for their daughter. Worry started to come over the Alor'ads' heads as they searched. As they walked by the training room, they heard a crash come from inside.

      "You need to be quicker. Watch your opponent's every move." That was the voice of Thraz. The crash was caused by him knocking the young Sol'ar into a rack. Obviously, at first, that is what he meant to do. His composer completely changed however when he heard the door hiss open. Looking up and over, seeing the maroon and gold armor of Emar and the orange, black, and grey of Zyrnn. "Ah, Alor'ads! Good to see you." He spoke calmly as he looked over and helped his trainee up with an outstretched hand. Thraz didn't verbally state it, but he disliked her ever since he was assigned young Sol'ar. She is an outsider and starting her training so late in her life. She may as well have been left out there to die. Or hell, let another clan in the area find her. This is what he thought of the situation. 

     "Good to see you as well. I see you have found our missing daughter." Zyrnn spoke as the couple walked over to where the training has been going down. He honestly half-expected Stiker to have some cuts on her because of the crash. Surprisingly, she was fine by the looks of it. 

      "Well, She actually found me. I was coming here to review some things and saw her training in close quarters with one of the dummies. She told me that she accepted my help with the preparations. We have already gotten started." Thraz had a hand resting on the brown-haired girl. Striker stayed silent as the other three talked.

      Emar was honestly quite surprised at what she had just heard. When the siblings were given the news, both were upset. However now, Striker was here and training at dusk. "Well, she should be resting for training tomorrow. Meaning that is technically when these sessions start." She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked toward Striker.

      Thraz nodded but then took a breath. "She will rest when we are done with this. After all, we are almost done. Just need to fine-tune a couple of things." His grip on Striker's shoulder tightened as he stood there. He watched as the Alor'ads looked at one another before nodding. It was a silent agreement between the two. Their helmets turned back toward the well-known trainer and their daughter.

       "Well we appreciate it Thraz and I am sure Striker does as well." Emar nodded to him before looking at her daughter. "Make sure to come to me when you finish adi'ka." Her voice was soft before she turned to leave. 

      Zyrnn gave a final goodbye. He followed his wife out and the room fell silent. The sound of shifting armor soon his Striker's ears. She knew who it was of course but didn't know what it was all about. 

      "Now, shall we continue?" A bit of venom in his voice as his hands let go of the young mando. Thraz took a step back as he tossed one of the blasters to the trainee. He heard it hit her hands. "Now, time to test if you can quickly deflect someone if all you have is your blasters." With that, he started to move backward slowly.

       Young Striker watched him as she held onto her blaster tight. The once-cold metal could be felt through her gloves. Now, however, the heat was coming through them as a feeling started to arise from deep within. She was snapped out of her trance by the sound of heavy boots moving toward her. By the sound of it, they weren't going slow either. Her eyes snapped toward her trainer before she rolled out of the way. If another second has passed, she would have been run into by a very large and heavy man. 

       Sol'ar was able to get her feet beneath her once more and stood up. She held the blaster tightly as she watched Thraz turn and look at her. A bit of fear striking into her as she saw this. Now was not the time to get distracted though. She had already almost gotten run over the first time from being drawn into her thoughts. The room echoed with a yell and then boots once more. Her feet spread apart wider to get a better stance. Waiting until he was closer before she ducked out of the way, slamming the butt of her blaster into his backplate. 

       A small grunt came from him as he regained his composure. He turned around before coming at her once more. "Are you going to keep dodging or are you gonna charge at me?" Thraz's voice was ruff. The young mando (in training) managed to dodge him again. For her, it was not hard dodging him at all. This fact, however, just pissed her trainer off more than he already was. 

       Striker rolled and then stood up. "Because you should always allow your enemy to attack first." Her tone was flat as she spoke. However, after she said it, a smirk formed but quickly faded as she heard the grunt in frustration and anger come from him. 

       "Take note, you want to strike first before they ever have a chance. You can end up dead like that!" The two started to circle each other. They are watching each other's movements very very carefully. The room was silent except for the shuffling of boots. Not even their breathing could be heard. Soon, a metallic sound was heard, and then a low hum. Striker's eyes moved over to Thraz's left hand, he was holding a vibroblade. His own actual blade. One that could harm and or terminate someone. 

       "Sir, I thought this was only training? Why are you using-" Before she could even finish, her trainer charged at her once more. Now with vibroblade in hand, the danger level had just increased.

       The trainee managed to dodge but soon felt a burning in her shoulder. She faltered a bit before she stood up and turned back around. She was not aware, but the wound that was inflicted on her was much worse than she thought it was. The blood was slowly being soaked up by her training uniform. However, it didn't phase her in the slightest. To be fair though, she was yet to be aware of the blood. Young Sol'ar stood there before she gave in. An idea soon arrived in her head. The chances of it working were 70/30. Did she do it anyway? Yes.

       Striker fell to her knee as she sat there for a moment. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Thraz's boots move closer to her. A soft chuckle reached her ears. Her hand moved to her shoulder and held it. Acting as if she was down for good. At least, for this training session. She looked up at him as she sat there.

       "You should have gotten up already. You need to learn to endure more pain and more sacrifice. You fight harder the more enemies you can take before you go down." His voice almost sounded disappointed but it still had a strict overtone. He offered a hand to help her up. "However, if you are truly done then I can call this session over."

       Striker then smirked softly before grabbing his hand tightly. She used what strength she had to bring him to the floor. Trying to lock him down. Was she trying to prove to him that a little injury wouldn't stop her? Yes. Luckily, however, she had done it quickly enough that it surprised him and caught him off guard. 

       The trainer hit the ground with a cladded thud. One of his pistols fell out of his holster as he hit. He lifted his head as he felt a knife against his neck guard. A smirk formed under his helmet as he tapped his hand on the floor. Striker got off of him and then offered a hand up.  He took it as he picked up his blaster from the ground. He looked at the girl and nodded. 

       "Good on you. That was smart. Acting as if you are more injured to get the upper hand." He placed a hand on her non-injured shoulder and gave a small squeeze. "With that, the session is over. Get some rest. I'll see you I'm sure at some point tomorrow." Thraz nodded to her before he placed his right fist over his left chest plate and tapped it. "Dismissed."

       "Thank you, sir." Striker nodded and then walked out of the room. The training went rather smoothly and she had worked up a sweat. The sting in her shoulder temporarily subsided as she walked toward her and Xvan's shared room. She glanced out a window and saw that it was pitch black. "It is later than I thought." 

       Soon she arrived at the room's door and placed in the code. When it opened she saw Xvan sitting at the desk with a datapad. He looked over and then stretched his arms out. He turned the chair and looked at his sister.

       "I was starting to wonder when you would get back." His voice sounded tired as he sat there with his hands resting on the back of his neck. The lights got a bit brighter and it caused him to close his eyes before opening them again. 

       "Hello to you too X."  Striker smiled softly as she went over to the bunk and turned her back toward him. She took off her training helmet and placed it on the bed. She took off her boots and set them neatly next to her bunk. At the time, Xvan scanned over his sister. He did this with anyone. He saw something before getting up to get a closer look and saw the blood-soaked cloth that was on her shoulder. 

       "You're injured. You should have gone to the medical bay." Xvan said as he walked back to the desk and grabbed a clean cloth before walking back over. Striker turned and looked at him. She didn't even know she had gotten injured. 

       "I'm injured?" Striker said as he looked at herself. Nothing was on the front but when she placed her hand on her shoulder, she felt the wet area where the blood had been soaked up. "Oh, kriff I'm injured." 

       "One, language. Two, pull your shirt down a bit and I can check it out." Xvan was just trying to be a good brother. He cared for her and knew that Thraz can go hard with training. "So, how was training? You made them worry by the way."

       Striker pulled her top down so that Xvan was able to see the injury. She moved a bit when the cloth touched the wound. "Training was...fine I guess. Don't really know how but I somehow managed to trick Thraz and then get him on the ground." Xvan paused as he looked at her. A confused but also impressed expression was across his face. 

     "You are something else ner'vod." He gave a small light-hearted chuckle before he went back to cleaning the blood away. By the way, it looked. It was definitely a slash wound. Which could only mean one thing. "Were you training with real blades?" Xvan pulled the cloth away as he moved to look his sister in the face. If they were, that is out of the ordinary, Usually, they would use training blades that were dull and blunt. Not really doing any damage except maybe a few bruises here and there. 

      The young girl looked away for a moment before looking back toward the boy who she had not known for long but it is like they were blood siblings. "Well, yeah. I thought it was fine and then Thraz obviously did as well. It is only something small anyway. Besides, we got training tomorrow as well." After she finished, she looked and saw the expression of concern on his face. It went from impressed to concern in a matter of moments. 

      "We...don't have training as a group tomorrow. Emar came back to me after they had found you. She told me that we have some guests tomorrow coming. They are from another clan we are allied with actually." After hearing this, Striker then tilted her head a bit. This was the first time she was hearing about this. But. it would seem that this was still recent news to Xvan as well. 

       "Guessing that means we have to be on our 'best behavior' then? No arguing and having things look clean and well-kept?" A small sigh escaped her lips as she placed a hand on one of her hips. She may only be thirteen and some amount of months but, she acted older sometimes. Or, that was just the typical teenager sarcasm that she had.

       "You guessed it! Now, I am gonna put a bacta patch on you so that as we sleep it will have time to heal. Or, at least start to." The two nodded in agreement as Xvan grabbed a small patch and placed it on her skin. He then temporarily walked over to the desk and stayed turned around as Striker changed into something more comfortable. This, however, did bring a small smile to her face when she saw this. 

       "Xvan, you know you could have just gotten in bed right?" She adjusted some of her clothes before she sat down on her bed. Her shoulder's dropped as she relaxed; ignoring the light tingling that was coming from her shoulder. 

       The boy turned around and then rubbed the back of his neck. "Hadn't thought of that." He tried to speak calmly before he hopped into his own. Hearing footsteps, he looked over and saw Striker by the light panel and dimmed them to be at a more comfortable level. Xvan yawned before he laid down on his back. 

       The two were in their beds as their breathing leveled out. Relaxing more and more as the day had been full of stress. They could finally sleep. Before they knew it, they were in a deep sleep. Not even the footsteps of the night patrol could wake them up now. 


That took a bit! Sorry, ya'll! Been busy with all the things per usual. I hope to get around more to this. If you have any questions, let me know by throwing a comment down. I know this has been slow but, it will pick up soon enough. There may be some time skips so just a fair warning! Thank you so much for reading and hope to see you back. If you want to see more of my books, maybe check out the others I have. Been thinking about making a new one recently.


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