The News

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      It had been a couple of hours since the siblings had gotten checked out and fixed up. The two now were walking to their parent's room where they had been called. It honestly was quite sudden. Striker, being the newest member as well as the youngest of the two, was worried slightly about why they had been summoned. In the back of her mind, she thought that their trainer, Thraz, had something to do with this. 

      "You're off. What's going through your mind?" Xvan asked calmly as he looked down at Striker. His voice was one of concern as he knew that she was acting oddly. Ever since they got the message from Zyrnn to come and see them as soon as they could. 

      "Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking about why we were called." She spoke as calmly as possible as she kept walking forward. The two together stepped toward the wall and let a group pass before they continued. 

      "Probably because of the display we put on. Zyrnn was there the whole fight you know." He chucked softly as the two came to the door. They knocked and then the door opened. As soon as it did open, however, Emar and Zyrnn were both looking at them. The two had their helmets sitting on a desk while they sat on the bed. 

      "Striker, Xvan, glad to see your both alright. You didn't tear each other apart too badly." Zyrnn, the clan Alor'ad, let out a small chuckle. Unlike his wife, Emar, who let out a sigh and shook her head. "We were talking to Thraz a bit earlier. He saw your performance for taking each other. As well as told us about your previous training sessions. Xvan, ever since Striker has been around, your scores have improved drastically. Striker, your scores are close to my past ones." He spoke calmly and clearly as he stood up and then gestured for the two to sit down.

      "Now, these aren't bad things. These are very good things to hear. However, we do have one worry. Striker, you are still technically a rookie even though you are technically old enough for a verd'goten (a Mandalorian right of passage for the youth) because you are the age of it. Thraz said that he would like to start working separately with you. To get you prepared for the trial. Everyone has to go through it. Xvan, that offer is also to you. You are over the edge required for the trial." Her voice as calm as she could get it. Emar knew that Thraz was hard on the verd'ika that he trained. There was no dought about that. However. Striker had already gone to the medical bay twice because of training. Granted, it was most likely because her body was not used to hard training such as this. 

      "So wait. I have been in the clan for, what a couple of months, and he already wants to pull me aside? Can he even do that? I am still learning the fundamentals." Striker didn't sit down as she stood there and took a step closer to the two Alor'ads. Glancing between the two. 

      "Strike, what you don't understand is that you are a natural at some of these things. Even while you were on medical and only watched, you still learned. You were still able to keep up. Adi'ka you were even did some moves that you weren't taught." Zyrnn spoke as he looked at his daughter. He stood in place with his arms crossed over his chest. His armor shined in the light slightly with certain movements.

      "Wait, why didn't I take the verd'goten 2 years ago then? I was old enough? Did you think I wasn't prepared?" Xvan stood up as he looked at his adoptive parents. He too was a foundling just like Striker. Except he was taken in at the age of 7 rather than thirteen. 

      "Xvan, we aren't the ones that determine that. It is your teachers and trainers that do such a thing. We have to keep order and make sure that everyone keeps in line, yes, but we aren't the ones who call those shots." Emar spoke as she had one of her hands resting on her hips. She looked at Striker and noticed she was fidgeting with her hands. "You two are a great duo together. Zyrnn saw you in the arena. You two fight like you have known each other for years."

     "So what we get along? Did you already give the okay to do this? To give us more training with him?" Striker looked at them as she started to get nervous. She had only stayed behind a couple of times but when she did, Thraz became a completely different man behind closed doors. He is intimidating no matter what, but when the training rooms are empty, he becomes more pushy and even more stern. 

      The two then looked at each other and the Zyrnn stepped forward and placed a hand on each of their shoulders. "After training is done tomorrow, you both will be staying after and getting some extra time in. Thraz wants to polish the skills you have. Eventually, there will be set times for both of you to go and train one at a time. That is still be discussed." His tone changed to one that was stern. He knew that these two would be great fighters as well as leaders one day. Someone just felt like it was true. Like it needed to be done. 

Striker and Xvan tensed up before they took a breath and relaxed. They looked at Zyrnn before Striker opened her mouth. She wanted to say something but nothing came out. She closed it once more before turning and walking back out the door. "I'm going to the hanger." The young mando spoke before the door shut. Making her way to the hanger with a blank expression.

      Meanwhile, Xvan stood there and looked down. "I should go and get her. Make sure she doesn't get into any trouble." He spoke but he was stopped before he could go. He looked back and then Zyrnn shook his head. Xvan understood and then stayed put. Being given more information and asked questions about the whole thing. 

      The things he was told and the information he received made one of his fists tighten up. "Then why aren't either of you training us? You two should be the ones to do it not Thraz." He was kinda frustrated at the whole thing.

      "X, we were busy with things when both of your training sessions started. We will be teaching both of you more and more here soon, however. You mainly training with Zyrnn and then Striker with me." Emar spoke as she then went up and hugged him to try to calm him down before letting him go. "I suggest going to your room and changing. Relax and get some rest okay? I will go and find your sister." She smiled slightly as she watched Xvan leave. She sighed as she looked over to Zyrnn. She knew it wouldn't end very well with the two.  Now, it was time to go find her daughter and check in on her. 

      Little did Emar know, however, it would be more difficult than she thought. Finding a thirteen-year-old can't be that hard right? Well, apparently that is not the case.


Thank you for reading ya'll! I know it is shorter but I felt like this was a good place to stop. Sorry for the wait but life happened! Hope you all enjoyed it! Till next time.


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