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We see a boy in a room along with other people as he was reading a magazine as we see a man in a lab coat enter the room as he then pointed at the boy to two men as they came to him and grabbed him and brought him to a room as he was strapped to a table, and he looked to see a chamber like machine as he looked at it with wide eyes.

Dimitri: Let me go! There's been a mistake!

Doctor: He's panicking.

We then see a few doctors come to Dimitri as they place a breathing mask on him as he starts to become drowsy and starts to slowly close his eyes as he blanks out. We later see him waking up as he looked to see he was in a room on a bed as he looked around.

Dimitri: What happened?

Doctor: It worked.

Dimitri then turned to see a doctor.

Dimitri: What?

Doctor: Our test was a success, have a look.

He then held up a handheld mirror as Dimitri then saw his reflection was strange as he saw he looked like he was animated in an anime style.

Dimitri: I'M A CARTOON!?

Doctor: Technically, you're an anime.

Dimitri: Anime? What are you talking about?

Doctor: We have made a test to see if it is possible to turn humans into toons of different animation styles and you were involved with the test, we call the anime surgery.

Dimitri: But can't you just turn me back.

Doctor: I'm afraid we can't.

Dimitri: Wait what? You mean I'm stuck like this!?

Doctor: So far at the moment, but you will be placed in a new area.

Dimitri: I am not liking this.

We later go to a city that looked like many cartoons, anime and other various shows merged together as we see a black van drive by and stop as the door opens as two men were seen as they both threw Dimitri out of the van.

Man: Have a nice day.

They then closed the door and the van started to drive away as Dimitri saw them leaving and tried to run after them.

Dimitri: Wait! Come back!

He then saw that the van was gone as he stopped and looked at the city.

Dimitri: Great, can this get any worse?

We then see a mini version of Dimitri appear in a puff of smoke and was dressed as an angel complete with a glowing halo and wings and was holding a harp.

Angel: Don't say that this change could lead to a whole new beginning.

Dimitri: I'm sorry, but who are you?

Angel: I am your conscience that will lead you down the path of righteousness.

Then a flame of fire appeared as Dimitri saw a mini version of himself dressed up as a devil holding a pitchfork

Devil: Don't listen to him. I'm gonna lead you to the path that rocks!

???: Watch where you're going, jerk.

Dimitri then turned and saw a toon in a fedora and a trench coat as he walked off taking a drink from his flask

Dimitri: Jeez, what's his problem?

???: A toon killed his parents.

He then turned and saw a toon girl wearing a green beanie and dress.

Jessica: A safe was dropped on his father's head and his mother was dropped into a vat of dip.

Dimitri then looked at her and froze for a minute and then snapped out of it.

Dimitri: That's pretty messed up.

Jessica: It sure is.

Dimitri: I kinda feel bad for the guy.

Jessica: Me too, I haven't seen you before, are you new here?

Dimitri: Well yeah, I am pretty new here. I'm Dimitri.

Jessica: Nice to meet you, I'm Jessica, my friends call me Jess. And our mopey friend is Ashton.

Dimitri: Well it is a pleasure to know him.

Jessica: He's not all bad. He's actually a nice guy once you get to know him. He's just not a toon person.

Dimitri: Thanks for the info, think you mind giving me a tour of this place?

Jessica: Certainly.

Dimitri then followed Jessica as we see the two walk past a sign reading "Toon City" as a population number was seen as the number was 9,749 as it then increased to 9,750 as we see the two walking through town as Dimitri looked and saw various characters from all kinds of animation styles.

Dimitri: Incredible, it's like every character living in modern life.

Jessica: With a splash of Roger Rabbit thrown in for good measure. Speaking of which, there he is now. Hey Roger come over and say hi!

Dimitri then looked and saw a white rabbit wearing red pants with suspenders as.

Dimitri: Oh my gosh. Roger, I'm a huge fan!

Roger: It's always nice to meet a fan of mine.

Dimitri: How's the missus?

Roger: Oh she's great! But we unfortunately had to get a divorce. But we're still good friends.

Dimitri: Oh. Ok. Oh I'm Dimitri by the way.

Roger: Pleased to meet ya Dimitri.

Dimitri: This place is amazing, I never thought any toon here would live here.

Jessica: It is, and there are many places to see here.

Dimitri: Really?

Jessica: Yeah, like over there.

She then pointed at a building called Sweet Justice.

Dimitri: Oh, sweet justice from the four part episode of the DC Superhero Girls 2019 show called Sweet Justice.

Jessica: Exactly.

We then see them go inside as Dimitri sees the many characters here as if they were living their normal lives.

Dimitri: I see this place is pretty popular.

Jessica: It is.

We then see Dimitri as he went to a table as he saw five girls were sitting there as he saw them.

Dimitri: Of course, Diana Prince, Kara Danvers, Zee Zatara, Barbra Gordon and Karen Beecher.

Diana: It is an honor to be recognized by a fellow member of our society.

Jessica: I like you all to meet Dimitri, he's new here.

Babs: Oh my gosh hi!

Dimitri: Pleased to meet ya Babs.

Kara: So where are you from?

Dimitri: Me?

Diana: Of course, it is interesting to see a new toon in our society.

Dimitri: Oh, well, it's gonna sound a bit crazy but I'm actually a human.

Diana: Human?

Dimitri: Yeah, see I was turned into a toon because of a surgery some people did to see if they could turn humans into toons, and it seems like their little test worked.

Jessica: Do you remember how they did it?

Dimitri: All I remember was I was strapped down to a table to be brought into a machine and freaked out and then they used a gas on me and I blanked out and when I woke up I looked like this.

Babs: Whoa , couldn't they just turn you back?

Dimitri: Unfortunately no, so it means I'm stuck looking like this for the rest of my life.

Jessica: Oh, sorry to hear about that.

Dimitri: It's ok, I suppose I'm gonna have to get used to this new look. And so far it seems I'm fitting in with you all so far. But there is something I wanna know, what is 'dip"?

Jessica: It's a green liquid and it's the only kind of substance that can kill toons, remember Ashton?

Dimitri: I do.

Jessica: His mom was a toon but his dad was human.

Dimitri: Oh so he's a hybrid?

Jessica: In a way, yes. But he hates toons.

Dimitri: Wow, no wonder he hates them, I mean if a toon killed my parents I'd act like I'm from hell too.

Ashton: You know nothing of hell.

Dimitri: From the way you acted it makes me feel like I know about it. But I think this place will be nice to call home.

Jessica: Well it will be nice having you around here.

Dimitri: Yeah, it will.

We later see Dimitri walking as he was seen walking to a house as Dimitri saw his angel self appear on his shoulder.

Dimitri: I know what you're gonna say and I'll admit this has been a good thing for me.

Angel: Exactly my point, this will lead to a new start.

We then see Devil Dimitri appear on his other shoulder.

Devil: You shouldn't listen to him and I have some good reasons, I mean look at that guy. (Points at Angel) He's such a sissy with that musical string thing.

Angel: We went over this, it's a harp.

Devil: Yeah, that's a harp and that's a dress.

Angel: (looks at his robe) Robe.

Devil: Also watch what I can do.

We then see Devil jump off of Dimitri's shoulder and was seen standing on Ashton's shoulder and gets ready to poke him with his pitchfork.

Ashton: Get your damn toon devil off me before I break his neck.

Dimitri: Sorry about that, alright you two, you're both confusing me, so begone or something like that.

We then see Angel and Devil both disappear in puffs of smoke.

Ashton: I'm out of here

Ashton then walked off as he took another drink from his flask as Dimitri turned to the others.

Dimitri: He really is in a sour mood.

Jessica: Don't worry, Ashton will warm up to you in time.

Dimitri: Oh, ok.

We later see Dimitri as he was seen in a house as he was seen with the many things that were inside.

Dimitri: Ok, I can handle this, I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food in my stomach all I just need to do is sleep and in the morning find myself a job. That should be easy.

The next day we went to see a paper as we saw a stamper land on it as the paper had the word "Denied" on it as Vegeta was seen.

Vegeta: Denied!? You're denying my claim!? What is the meaning of this?!

Dimitri: I'm sorry sir, but our liability is spelled out in paragraph 17. It states clearly-

Vegeta: This is an outrage!

Dimitri: If you want to complain, go to our boss and feel free to complain to him.

We then see Vegeta walk off in anger as a telephone rang as Dimitri answered it.

Dimitri: Claims, Dimitri speaking.

Jessica: (On the phone) Hi Dimitri, I was just wondering how you're doing on your job.

Dimitri: Oh you know just peachy, a little boring but peachy.

Jessica: Oh that's good, just letting ya know that everyone is gonna be at a get together and was wondering if you could come.

Dimitri: Oh sure, I'll be there.

Jessica: Ok, see you there.

Dimitri: Bye.

He then hangs up the phone as we then see a very short man come walking to Dimitri's cubicle.


Dimitri: Someone broke into their house Mr. Huph, they're coverage clearly covers-

Mr. Huph: I... I-I-I Don't wanna hear about their coverage Dimitri! Don't tell me about their coverage! Tell me how you're keeping Insuricare in the black! Tell me how that's possible, with you writing checks to every Harry Hardluck and Sally Sobstory THAT GIVES YOU A PHONE CALL!!!!

He then walked off in anger as Dimitri then sighed. We later go to Dimitri's home as we see a red car driving to the driveway as Dimitri was seen getting out of the car and closing the door.

Dimitri: Anger, frustration, humiliation.

???: Hello Dimitri.

Dimitri then turned to the house next door and saw two women were there.

Dimitri: Oh, hello Mrs and Mrs Cruz.

Angela: How was work today?

Dimitri: It was alright, boss was being a jerk again as always.

Siobhan: Sorry to hear about that.

Dimitri: It's alright, but I do need money to pay for my home so it's worth it.

Dimitri then went inside his house as we see him putting up his briefcase as we see a black and blue fox with many tails come to Dimitri.

Dimitri: Hey there Zorro, ya miss me buddy? Look I need to go to a get together for a while so your in charge till I get back ok

Dimitri then walked over to the door and looked at Zorro.

Dimitri: See ya later.

We later see Dimitri as he was seen going to a building called the ink and paint club as he knocked on the door

Doorman: Got the password?

Dimitri: Walt sent me.

We then see the door open up as Dimitri goes inside as he sees the doorman was Bongo the gorilla.

Dimitri: Nice tuxedo.

Bongo: Thank you.

We then see Dimitri as he was seen going inside as he sees many toons were there as he then sees a table as Ashton was with a woman with tiger stripes and a cgi chipmunk in a Hawaiian shirt.

Dimitri: Ashton, there you are.

Dimitri then walked to the table and sat down on a chair.

Dimitri: Glad to see you here.

Ashton: I see that you got the invite.

They looked and saw Daffy Duck and Donald Duck playing Piano.

Donald: Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out!

Daffy: Does anybody understand what this duck is saying?

Dimitri: This is a cozy place.

Ashton: I mostly come here to get a drink.

Dimitri: Oh, I see you have a few friends with ya.

Ashton: These are Tigra and Dale

Dimitri: Nice to meet ya and Dale, you look great

Dale: Thanks, I had the cgi surgery.

Dimitri: I see. Well it's nice meeting you.

Tigra: So you're that anime guy that showed up last night?

Dimitri: That's me. And it's Dimitri by the way.

Tigra: Nice to meet you. Ashton was telling us that you went through a surgery.

Dimitri: Yeah, I went through an anime surgery.

Dale: That's pretty cool.

They then looked to watch the show.

Daffy: I've worked with a lot of wise quackers, but you are dumb!

Donald: (frowns) Dog gone stubborn little... I'll get you! WAAAK!!!

Daffy: This is the last time I work with someone with a speech impediment!

Donald: Oh yeah!?

Donald then threw Daffy into the piano and closed it shut leaving his beak out as Donald continued to play music.

Daffy: This means war.

As they were watching we then see ink get squirted onto Ashton's shirt as he looked to see Dimitri holding a pen and laughing

Ashton: You think that's funny?

Dimitri: Oh! It's a panic!

Ashton: (Grabs Dimitri) You won't laugh when I shove that pen up your nose!

Dimitri: Dude, relax look. (points at the stain seeing it vanish) See? It's disappearing ink.

Dale: Where did you get that from?

Dimitri: I got it from a man named-

Ashton: Marvin Acme, the Gag King and Mayor of Toon City, we know who he is.

Dimitri: Cool. (holds his hand out) Put it there Ash.

Ashton then grabbed his hand as he was then shocked as he let go.

Ashton: Whoa! What was that!?

Dimitri: (Hold his hand out revealing a hand buzzer) The hand buzzer! Still the biggest seller! (Laughs)

Ashton then looked unamused as we see a penguin waiter come to them giving them menus as Ashton gave his to the penguin.

Ashton: Pomegranate Dr. Pepper on rocks. (sees the penguin leaving) And I mean ice!

We then see the show as Donald was heard squawking as Daffy was seen to have gotten out of the piano and was playing music as we see Donald popped out and punched Daffy sending him to the piano as he began to play music.

Donald: This is hot stuff.

We see him playing both pianos with his hands and feet as he was then punched by Daffy as he was seen playing piano with various random items as he fixes his hair as we see a devilish looking Donald come out with a cannon and aims it a Daffy and fires at him as it blows the top of the piano trapping Daffy as the two pianos then got dragged away as the audience was seen laughing except for Ashton.

Dimitri: Come on Ash, that was funny.

Ashton: Says you. I'm only here for the headliner.

Dale: But you gotta admit that was funny, they never finished the act. It never gets old.

Ashton: You do remember who you're talking to right?

Dimitri: We know.

We then see the penguin come with Ashton's drink.

Ashton: Thanks. (Quickly realizes there were actual rocks in his soda) Toons.

???: Cigars? Cigarettes? Ashton Valiant!

Ashton turned and saw a black and white cartoon lady in a dress

Ashton: Betty?

Betty: Long time no see Ashton.

Ashton: What're you doing here?

Betty: Work's been slow since cartoons went to color. But I still got it, Ashton. Boo Boo Bedoo Boop!

Ashton: Yeah you still got it.

Dimitri: You said you were here for the headliner, mind telling me who that is.

Betty: Ashton never misses a night when Jessica performs.

Dimitri: Jessica? As in Jessica Cruz?

Ashton: Shut up and watch.

They then looked at the stage as they saw the lights dim as Ashton puts on a very nice smelling cologne

Dimitri: (looks at Tigra) Mind filling me in on this? I'm still new.

Tigra: You'll see.

At the stage we see a leg walk out from behind the curtains

Jessica R: You had plenty money 1922

We then see a toon red haired woman with purple eyeliner, red lipstick, and blue eyes. At the moment, she wore a sparkling sleeveless red-pink dress, purple opera gloves, and red shoes as the crowd cheered for her.

Jessica R: You let all the women make a fool of you, Why don't you do right, like some other men do?

Dimitri: That's Jessica Rabbit.

Jessica R: Get out of here, get me some money too.

Dimitri: Ashton is here for Jessica Rabbit?

Betty and Tigra: Yeah what a lucky girl.

Jessica R: You're sittin' down wondering what it's all about. If you ain't got no money, they will put you out Why don't you do right? Like some other men do? Get out of here, get me some money too. Now if you had prepared twenty years ago. You wouldn't be awandring now from door to door. Why don't you do right, like some other men do? (Ashton helps her down and touches his cheek while taking her scarf off and dropping it on his lap) Get out of here, get me some money too. Get out of here, get me some money too. (Gets back on the stage and sits on the edge and leans close to Ashton bringing him close and Ashton smiles) Why don't you do right, like some other men... Doooo? (She lets go of Ashton and walks off as the curtains closes)

Dimitri: This is the one time I ever saw Ashton happy. I don't think I like it.

Tigra: Don't worry kid, you'll get used to it.

Ashton: If you'll excuse me I have a redhead to visit.

We see Ashton going to Jessica Rabbit's room with a bouquet of roses as he knocks on the door.

Ashton: Jessica it's me, I came to see you.

The door opened as he went inside as we see Dimitri come by as he went to the door and he looks through the keyhole to see in the room.

Dimitri: What's going on in there?

As he was trying to see in the keyhole a large shadow loomed over him as Dimitri looked and saw Bongo the gorilla.

Bongo: What do you think you're doing?

Dimitri: Uh, here to see my friend.

Bongo: She's isn't to be disturbed

Dimitri: Right, I'm sorry, I'll be going now.

Dimitri then began to walk away not wanting to cause trouble as he headed to a turn of the hall.

Dimitri: And please tell Jessica Rabbit that I said hi.

He then walked off as we see Dimitri going outside as we saw him going home. The next day we see Dimitri at Insuricare in his cubicle working on the computer as we hear Mr. Huph shouting.

Secretary: (through intercom) Mr. Huph would like to see you in his office.

Dimitri: Now?

Secretary: Now.

Dimitri then sighed as we see him get up and walked out of his cubicle as we went to Huph's office as he was sharpening a pencil and putting it on his desk.

Huph: Sit down Dimitri.

Dimitri then sat down on a chair as we saw a pencil on Huph's desk move as Huph moved it back.

Huph: I'm not happy Dimitri. NOT. HAPPY. Ask me why.

Dimitri: Ok. Why?

Huph: Why what? Be specific Dimitri.

Dimitri: Why are you unhappy?

Huph: Your customers make me unhappy.

Dimitri: Why? Do you have any complaints?

Huph: Complaints, I can handle. But what I can't handle is your customers' inexplicable knowledge of Insuricare's inner workings! They're experts, experts Dimitri! Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating our bureaucracy!

Dimitri: Did I do something illegal?

Huph: No.

Dimitri: So we shouldn't help our customers?

Huph: The law requires that I answer no.

Dimitri: We're supposed to help people.

Huph: We're supposed to help OUR PEOPLE! Starting with our stockholders Dimitri! Who's helping them out huh? (sighs) You know Dimitri.

Dimitri noticed Huph having his hand on a piece of paper.

Huph: A company...

Dimitri: Is like an enormous clock.

Huph: Is like an enormous clo- (realizes what Dimitri said) Yes, precisely. It only works with all the little cogs mesh together. Now a clock needs to be cleaned, well lubricated and wound up tight, the best cogs have jewel movements, cogs that fit, that cooperate by design. (chuckles) You know what I mean by cooperative cogs?

Dimitri then looks out the window as he sees a man being attacked by a mugger.

Huph: Dimitri. (makes Dimitri look at him) Look at me when I'm talking to you Dimitri!

Dimitri: That man out there, he needs help.

Huph: Do not change the subject Dimitri! We're discussing YOUR ATTITUDE!

Dimitri: He is getting mugged!

Huph: Well, let's hope we don't cover him!

Dimitri: I'll be right back.

Dimitri then got up and had his hand on the door.

Huph: Stop.....RIGHT NOW, OR YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!

Dimitri then stopped as he had the door opened.

Huph: Close the door.

Dimitri then closed the door.

Huph: Get over here... now.

We then see Dimitri release the doorknob as it was slightly crushed a bit as he walked to Huph.

Huph: I'm not happy Dimitri. Not happy.

Dimitri looked as he saw the mugger leaving the scene.

Dimitri: He got away...

Huph: Good thing, too. Heh! You were this close to losing your j-

Dimitri then grabbed Huph by the throat in anger as we then see Huph was thrown across four office walls as everyone all turned to see Dimitri as he stood in complete shock as we seen with a anime sweat drop on his head.

Dimitri: Uh oh.

We then go to the hospital as we see Huph on a bed in a full body cast as we see Dimitri outside the room as we then see Shirou Ogami come out of the room as he walked off as Dimitri came to him.

Dimitri: How is he?

Shirou: He'll live.

Dimitri: I'm fired aren't I?

Shirou: Yeah you are. And you aren't alone. Chip was fired as well.

Dimitri: What? But I'm sorry, it's just someone was in trouble and-

Shirou: Everyone's always in trouble.

Dimitri: I had to do something.

Shirou: I know, kid. But if you did you would've been hurt by that mugger-

???: Shirou arrest that murderer!

Dimitri then turned and saw a blue clay man

Dimitri: Me? No, no, no. You got it all wrong I didn't do anything!

Putty: Shut up, Carmelita book him!

Carmelita pulls out her cuffs as she came to Dimitri.

Carmelita: Please just come quietly.

Dimitri: Uh... (points behind them) Look! It's Sly Cooper!

Carmelita: (Turns around) Where?!

She then looked and saw Dimitri making a running start with Chip on his shoulder

Dimitri: Sorry about this officer!

Putty: (looks at the cops) Don't just stand there! After him!

We then see them run to an elevator as Dimitri was rapidly pushing the button.

Dimitri: Come on, come on!

Chip: Dimitri we got company!

They looked and saw the cops along with Carmelita running to the elevator as the doors were slowly closing.

Dimitri: Come on!

we see the doors were about to close but were then grabbed by Putty as the two screamed but the door closed squishing him

Dimitri: That was close. Chip you gotta help me hide.

Chip: I know a place.

And done!

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