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We see Ashton as he was seen in office as he was seen pulling out a bed from the wall as he then laid down in it as he went to sleep as he then turned to the side as we see Dimitri was revealed to be in the bed as Ashton woke up and saw Dimitri as he screamed along with Dimitri as they got out of the bed.

Ashton: What are you doing here?!

Dimitri: Please you have to help me!

Ashton: How the hell did you get in here?

Dimitri: Through the mail slot we thought it be best if we waited inside seeing as how I'm wanted for murder.

Ashton: We?

Chip: Hey Ash.

Ashton: Chip? What does this have to do with you?

Chip: Basically I'm an accessory to Dimitri's escape.

Ashton: Does anyone know you two are here?

Dimitri: No, nobody, not a soul. Except Jessica Cruz she sent us straight to you after we escaped from the cops.

Ashton: Well what would have me do?

Dimitri: Well she was the one person we had to go to help us, I didn't know where your office was so I asked the paperboy and he didn't know, then I asked the grocery store lady and she didn't know, and I asked the butcher, the baker and the candlestick maker and they didn't know, but the boba tea guy he knew.

Ashton: And now the whole police force is gonna come crashing down on me! Chip I have a lot of respect for you but I can't do this.

Ashton then grabbed Dimitri and started to lead him to the door.

Ashton: Get out of here! Come on out!

Dimitri: Please don't throw me out! You're making a big mistake! I didn't kill anyone. I swear! This whole thing is a set up! A scam! a frame job!

Chip: It's true Ash. He was at Insuracare when the murder happened.

Ashton: Really?

Dimitri: Yeah, I mean I may have got mad and threw our boss through four walls but that was an accident and he was hospitalized, but I didn't kill anyone, honest.

Chip: When a toon was in trouble there's only one place to go. Valiant and Valiant.

Dimitri was about to sit in a dusty chair when...


Dimitri then froze and stepped away from the chair.

Ashton: That's my dad's chair.

Dimitri: Cool. (looks at a picture) Is this your dad? He looks like a sensitive and sober fellow.

Ashton: Contrary to popular belief I'm not an alcoholic. I have boba tea in my flask, not whiskey.

Dimitri: Oh, it kinda looked like you were an alcoholic.

Ashton: Alcohol is a disgusting drink and I wouldn't go near it if you paid me to.

Dimitri: Ok. (sees an old dusty hat) What's this? (reaches to touch it)

Ashton: Touch my mom's hat and I'll throw you in jail myself.

Dimitri: Go ahead, turn me in. I come here for help and what do you do? You're turning me in. (walks to a door) No, don't feel guilty about me. So long. And thanks for nothing! (closes the door)

Ashton: That's the closet! Chip, you actually like this guy?

Chip: He is one of the co-workers who appreciated my work.

Ashton: Fine.

Ashton then walked to the closet and opened it as he looked around to find Dimitri as he was nowhere to be seen as we then see Dimitri as he was seen in a trench coat and fedora that was hung up.

Dimitri: Ashton Valiant.

He then grabbed his arm and placed a pair of handcuffs on Ashton's wrist along with his own.

Dimitri: You're under arrest.

Chip: He just pulled off one of Roger's biggest jokes.

Ashton: Get out of there!

He then pulled Dimitri out of the closet as he and Dimitri's wrists were handcuffed.

Ashton: Idiot. I got no keys for these cuffs!

Then a siren was heard as Dimitri then rushed to the window pulling Ashton with him as he looked through the blinds to see some police cars were coming along with a black van as Dimitri opened the blinds and saw the police coming along with a group of weasels.

Dimitri: (Screams) It's the toon patrol! Ash, you gotta hide me!

We then see Dimitri rush under the bed as Ashton was pulled with him making the bed lift up into the wall as Dimitri ran to a drawer and went in it and popped out of he top drawer..

Dimitri: Look you never saw me ok.

Ashton: How am I supposed to hide you when I still am in these cuffs?!

We then hear knocking on the door.

Putty: This is the police, open the door we just want Dimitri.

Dimitri: At least they didn't mention Chip.

Putty: Along with Chip.

Dimitri: Oops.

Ashton: I may have an idea.

We then see the door was shot at making a hole as we see the door open as the police came in along with the weasels.

Putty: Spread out and find them.

We then see them going around the office as they see Ashton at the sink.

Ashton: Oh hello Carmelita didn't hear you and the pd come in.

We then see Putty grab a chair and climb up to the counter to Ashton's height.

Putty: Alright Valiant, where's the boy and chipmunk?

Ashton: Haven't seen them.

Putty: (sniffs the air and looks at the sink) What's in there?

Ashton: (pulls out a shirt) My laundry sir.

Putty then gagged as he then jumped down the counter as we then see Dimitri and Chip both come out of the water gasping for air as Ashton pushed them down as Putty looked at Ashton.

Putty: Listen, we got a reliable source that was corrugated by several others that the two were here. So you can cut the bull schtick.

Ashton: One more comment like that and I'm gonna wash your mouth out.

He then stuck a bar of soap in Putty's mouth as he then fell down and fell on the floor as he had the soap in his mouth as he started to blow bubbles as we see the cops and weasels started to laugh at him.

Putty: (muffled while blowing bubbles) Stop laughing!

The others continued to laugh as he then spat the soap out as it hit Carmelita as the others continued to laugh.

Putty: Quit laughing!

He then picked up a plunger.

Putty: Do you know what happens if you can't stop laughing?!

He then swung the punger and hit Chun Li along with Sheriff Stone and then threw the plunger at a weasel, muffling him.

Putty: One of these days you're gonna die laughing.

We then see Putty coming to the counter and coming to Ashton.

Putty: As for you Valiant, if you ever step out of line and we'll hang you and your laundry out to dry.

He then splashed a bit of water at Ashton as he came to the others.

Putty: Ok everyone, let's go.

He then looked to see all the cops and toon patrol leaving as Dimitri and Chip popped out of the sink.

Ashton: They're gone.

Dimitri: Thanks Ashton, you saved my life.

Chip: Now what?

Ashton: For starters we need to get these cuffs off. I know a place that can help with that.

Dimitri: But how are we gonna get there without being seen?

We later see Ashton as he was seen wearing a trench coat as we see that Dimitri and Chip were seen inside of it as he was seen going to a Boba tea shop as we see him going inside as we see Dimitir pop his head out as Ashton pushed him back down as we see him going past various toons.

Kaminari: Hey Ash, looks like you made the front page today.

He then showed Ashton a newspaper with the front page reading "Anime kills man."

Ashton: Yeah, guess I made some ink.

Kaminari: And what ink.

We then see Dimitri pop his head out again.

Ashton: Get back in there!

He then pushed Dimitri back down into the coat as Jessica saw him.

Jessica: Tell me Ash, is that a rabbit in your pocket or are you happy to see me?

Ashton: Not now Jess I've had a long night.

We then see the two as they walked to a table as Jessica turned a wall lamp and opened up a secret room as Dimitri and Chip burst out from Ashton's coat as they went inside.

Dimitri: Jeepers Ashton you could've killed us!

Ashton then hit his head on something as Jessica turned on a light.

Dimitri: Ooh what's this place? A secret room?

Jessica: A rotgut room. Came with the building.

Dimitri: Cool.

Jessica: Hey the tools are up here.

Dimitri: Hey a spy hole.

Dimitri then ran to it dragging Ashton with him.

Dimitri: Gee Ashton, this will be a great place to hide.

Dimitri then started to look through the spy hole to see the lobby of the boba tea shop as he was then grabbed by Ashton.

Ashton: Crazy toon. (hits his head on the light.)

Dimitri: Watch your head.

Ashton then grabbed a toolbox as Jessica came to him.

Jessica: I thought you said you never take a toon case again.

Ashton: I'm only doing it for Chip. Nothing more.

He then grabbed a wooden crate and grabbed a saw as he began to saw his cuff as the box was moving as he was sawing.

Ashton: Hold still will ya?

Dimitri then removed his hand from the cuff and then held the box still.

Dimitri: Does this help?

Ashton: Yeah thanks.

He then looked at Dimitri as he then got his hand back in his cuff.

Ashton: You mean to tell me you could have taken your hand out of that cuff at any time?

Dimitri: Not at any time, only when it's funny!

Ashton then tried to grab him as Dimitri then ran out of the cuff and was on a chair.

Dimitri: Come on Ash, where's your sense of humor?

Jessica: Is he always this funny or only when he's wanted for murder?

Dimitri: Hey, Roger always had this philosophy, if you don't have a sense of humor you're better off dead.

Ashton: You just make it your wish if I can figure out what happened to this.

He throws Jessica a picture of Ashton and Jessica R playing patty cake

Dimitri: What is it?

Ashton: Look at it.

They then looked to see to see a paper in Ashton's pocket circled in red

Dimitri: Oh, Mr. Acme's will

Ashton: Yeah, I think that a cartoonist named RK Maroon played me as the part of sound mind and Jessica Rabbit the sound body.

Dimitri: Wow.

Chip: What's the scheme Ash?

Ashton: I don't think they got to the will.

Jessica: But how do you know?

Ashton: Because they were still looking for it after they killed the mayor.

Dimitri: Let me get this straight, you think Roger's boss killed Marvin Acme so he can get his hands on Toon City?

Ashton gets through the cuffs with the saw

Ashton: Yep that's my hunch. Jess, can he and Chip stay here for a couple of days?

Jessica: Not gonna do anything crazy is he?

Dimitri grabs a file and cleans his ears out with it as Ashton was walking to the door.

Jessica: Where are you going?

Ashton: Back to my office just to make sure I have enough evidence to prove my hunch. Plus I kinda stink.

We then go to Ashton's office as we see his door as we see the window showed Jessica R's silhouette

Jessica R: Ashton, Ashton are you home?

We then see Ashton coming out of the bathroom partially dressed

Ashton: Jessica? What are you doing here?

Jessica R: You got the wrong idea about me Ashton, I'm a pawn in this just like Dimitri and Chip.

Ashton: I know Jess. You're too good a person to frame someone for a crime they didn't commit.

Jessica R: Exactly, I'm not bad I'm just-

Ashton: Drawn that way. I know. But maybe you can help me prove Dimitri's innocence.

Jessica R: I would be happy to help you Ashton.

Ashton: I want to know about the pictures of us with the will. Do you think we were set up?

Jessica: We were, Maroon wanted to blackmail Acme, I didn't want to have anything to do with it but he said if I didn't pose for those patty cake pictures I would never work in this town again.

Ashton: Guess I'll have to pay Mr. Maroon a visit. Thank you for your help.

Jessica: Am I interrupting something?

They turned and saw Jessica was there.

Ashton: No, I was just on the verge of wrapping up this case.

Jessica: No you aren't, that's why I came here. I stopped by the probate, Maroon isn't after Toon City like you thought, it's cloverleaf who wants to get their hands on Toon City, they put in the highest bid. And unless Mr. Acme's will shows up by midnight tonight Cloverleaf is gonna own Toon City.

Ashton: What? At midnight tonight?

Jessica: That's right.

Ashton: First they buy the red car, then they wanna get their hands on toon city. I don't get it. Wait, Jess, where's Dimitri?

Jessica: He's still at the boba tea shop.

Ashton: And you left him alone? I'm not gonna get angry. We just need to get back to him before the toon patrol and cops find him.

We then see them run out of the office as we see three weasels Smarty, Psycho and Greasy at the window.

Smart Ass: The boy, get the judge.

We then go to the boba tea shop as they arrive as they see Dimitri was at the counter doing a show as he was dancing and singing as everyone was laughing .

Dimitri: A joke, don't just sit there on your brain. (laughs) Nice shirt. Who's your tailor? Quasimodo? My buddy Ashton V a sourpuss you see but when I'm done he'll need no gun for the joker he will be C D E F G (twirls a man's hair) H I I love to raise some cain believe me it's no strain it feels so great to smash a plate and look and there's no pain (smashes a plate on his head) No pain. (smashes another plate on his head)

The others watched as Dimitri was stuck in a loop of him smashing a plate on his head as Ashton looked to see the record player as Ashton then stopped the music as Dimitri was seen frozen in place as he then grabbed Dimitri and pulled him off the counter making plates fall down and break as we see Ashton going to the rotgut room.

Dimitri: Ashton, wait, hold on a minute.

Ashton then threw Dimitri into the room as we see Chip was there as Ashton closed the door.

Ashton: You crazy idiot! I'm out there risking my neck for you and what are you doing? Singing and dancing!

Dimitri: But I'm a toon, toons are supposed to make people laugh even other toons.

Ashton: Sit down!

Dimitri then sat down on a bed.

Dimitri: But you don't understand Ash, those people needed to laugh.

Ashton: Yeah and when they're done laughing they'll call the cops! That Blitzo and Verosika Mayday would rat on you and Chip for millions.

Dimitri: Oh not Blitzo and Verosika they'd never turn me and Chip in.

Ashton: Why? Cause you made them laugh?

Dimitri: That's right, for a toon a laugh is a very powerful thing, sometimes in life it's the only weapon we have. Laughter is the most important thing.

Then an alarm was heard in the rotgut room as we see Jessica at the boba tea shop as Jessica was pushing a button on the bottom of the counter.

Jessica: Ix-nay. Ix-nay.

We then see a man wearing a black suit, hat and sunglasses entering the shop.

Judge Doom: I'm looking for a murderer.

We then see Dimitri, Chip and Ashton look through the spy hole as they see Judge Doom coming into the building along with the toon patrol.

Ashton: Oh no.

Judge Doom: A boy, a toon anime boy, about yay (makes a man be at Dimitri's height) big accompanied by a chipmunk, a toon chipmunk.

Jessica: Look, nobody has even seen them, so please don't harass anyone.

Judge Doom: I'm not here to harass, I'm here to reward.

We then see Judge Doom go to a chalkboard sign and then erased the writing and wrote on the board with the chalk making a screeching noise as the sign then read " anime boy and chipmunk DIP: $500,000

Verosika: Hmm, you know, I've seen an anime boy and chipmunk

Judge Doom: Where?

Dimitri: (Whispers) Oh no.

Ashton: (whispers) Told ya.

Judge Doom: Where are they?

Verosika then looked to an empty stool

Verosika: Say hello Harvey and Wayne.

Then everyone started to laugh at the joke.

Dimitri: (whispers) See Ash, I knew she wouldn't rat on us.

The others continued to laugh as we see Judge Doom making a smile making everyone be quiet as he then sees the record player was still playing and turned it off as he then took the record and looked at it.

Judge Doom: Merry-Go-Round Broke Down? (looks at everyone) Quite a loony selection for a boba tea shop. (sniffs the record) He's here!

He then threw the record at Stupid make the other weasels laugh

Judge Doom: Stop that laughing! (kicks Smart Ass over to a table snapping him out of it) Have you forgotten what happened last time? (forces Smart Ass up) If you don't stop that laughing you're gonna end up dead just like your idiot hyena cousins!

Smart Ass: (Gets up) Hey, boss, you want us to dis-resemble the place?

Judge Doom: No sergeant, disassembling the place won't be necessary. The boy is going to come right to me.

We then see Judge Doom use his cane as he taps the counter into a rhythm of shave and a haircut.

Judge Doom: No toon can resist the old shave and a haircut trick. (taps on a tank)

Ashton: I don't know who's stupid enough to... Dimitri?

Dimitri was seen straining and twitching like mad as was Chip as they were trying to not fall for it.

Ashton: Guys.

Ashton tried to get to them but his sleeve was caught on the door as we see Judge Doom continue to tap on the walls as we see Dimitri and Chip both trying to fight it.

Ashton: Guys don't.

We then see Chip and Dimitri's eyes start to spiral as we see Judge Doom continue to knock on the wall.

Judge Doom: Shave and a haircut.

Then we see the wall burst as we see both Dimitri and Chip come out of it.

Dimitri and Chip: Two bits!

Then Judge Doom grabbed Dimitri and Chip by their throats as the weasels came to the hole surrounding Ashton.

Smart Ass: Hey boss, what shall we do with the wallflower?

Judge Doom: We'll see to him later. Right now, I feel like dispensing some justice. Bring me some dip!

We then see the weasels bringing a canister of DIP as Judge Doom opened it as Dimitri gasped in horror as Judge Doom grabbed Dimitri and Chip with gloved hands.

Judge Doom: Does the condemned have anything to say before his sentence is carried out?

Dimitri: Yeah some nose plugs would be nice.

Ashton: Hold on, Judge don't the condemned deserve a last request?

Dimitri: I already told him my request.

Ashton: No Dimitri, I think you and Chip want a drink.

Ashton holds up two glasses of Bourbon

Ashton: What do you say, Judge? One drink won't hurt.

Judge Doom: Well. I suppose it couldn't hurt to prolong the execution.

Ashton: Happy trails guys.

Dimitri: No thanks, we're good.

Ashton: But I insist that you drink it since this will be you and Chip's last drink.

Dimitri: I'm not in a mood.

Ashton: Drink the drink!

Dimitri: But we don't want the drink!

Judge Doom: They don't want the drink.

Ashton: No he's lying, they want it.

Dimitri: We don't!

Ashton: You do.

Dimitri: We don't!

Ashton: You do!

Dimitri: We don't!

Ashton: You do!

Dimitri: We don't!

Ashton: You don't.

Dimitri: We do.

Ashton: You don't.

Dimitri: We do!

Ashton: You don't!

Dimitri: Listen here Ash, when I say we do that means we do!

He then took one of the glasses of bourbon and drank it as he then started to shake around in Judge Doom's hand as he then went into the air and released a loud whistle noise looking like a steam whistle as the noise was at a high pitch as it made Doom let go of Chip as we see Ashton fought some of the weasels knocking them out as we see Dimitri stopped whistling and was about to land in the dip but was grabbed by Ashton as he then poured the canister of dip towards the judge as we see the three making an escape.

Dimitri: Let's get out of here!

We then see the two run out of the Boba Tea Shop.

Dimitri: Nice work Ash.

Ashton: (Runs to the Toon Patrol Van) Come on, we can use this.

We then see them going in the van.

Chip: Come on, start it up!

Ashton: There aren't any keys!


Dimitri then opened a hatch and looked in the back.

Dimitri: Wait, is that Benny?


Dimitri then went through the slot as Chip and Ashton saw.

Dimitri: Guys! We got ourselves a ride! Open the doors! (Closes the hatch)

Ashton then ran to the back of the van and opened the doors as we then saw a toon taxi with a face coming out as Dimitri was in the driver seat.

Benny: Ah! That's better! I can't believe they locked me up for driving on the sidewalk!

Dimitri: Come on guys, get in.

Benny: (shrugs) It was just a couple of miles!

Ashton then moved Dimitri over as he got in the driver seat as Chip got in the passenger side on Dimitri's shoulder.

Ashton: I'll drive.

Dimitri: But I wanna drive.

Benny: No! I'll drive! I'm the cab!

He then started to drive forward, almost running over someone.

Benny: Outta my way, pencil neck! How about this weather, huh? It never rains!

As we see them driving away we see the weasels come out and see them.

Smart Ass: They sprung the cab!

Wheezy: Let's go!

We then see Benny continue to drive through the road.

Benny: And how about those Brooklyn Dodgers! Aren't they bums or what?

Back at the van, as the weasels were inside and Smart Ass got in the driver seat of the van.

Smart Ass: Move over, I'm driving!

Dimitri then looked and saw the weasels van was coming their way.

Dimitri: We got company!

We then see them coming in front of two cars.

Benny: Will you look at these two? Excuse me, ladies!

We then see Benny squeezed in between them as he retracted to normal.

Benny: Now that's what I call a couple of road hogs!

Then a bullet flew past them as they turned to see the van was still after them as Smart Ass was aiming at them.

Smart Ass: I'm gonna blow his head off! (Shoots but misses)

Dimitri: Guys watch out for the red car!

Benny quickly stopped and turned as the van stopped as well as Smart Ass, Psycho and Wheezy bumped heads as we saw the others zoomed off and we then saw some police on police bikes were coming as Dimitri saw them.

Dimitri: Benny! There's cops right behind us!

Benny: Not for long, kid!

He then stopped and made a sharp turn to an alleyway while in reverse as they saw the police was now in front of them.

Benny: Now they're right in front of us!

Dimitri: Ash, we're going backwards, turn us around! (Grabs the steering wheel) Give me the wheel! Give me the wheel!

They then started to spin around as they were now going forward as Dimitri saw that the cops were still after them.

Dimitri: Ash, the cops are still on our tail!

Ashton: I know the cops are still on our tail. What do you think I am, Benny?

They then looked ahead and saw the toon patrol van was heading straight at them as they screamed as we saw the weasels laughing cruelly.

Benny: Pull the lever!

Ashton: Which one?!

Dimitri: Which one?!

They looked at the many controls as they then see a sign pop out pointing at a lever saying "This one stupid!" as we saw the van was getting closer.

Smart Ass: I'm gonna ram em!

Ashton then pulled the lever as we see Benny rise up on his wheels and drove over the van as we see the Weasels were heading straight at the cops as they screamed with their eyes building out as the vehicles collided as the cops were sent to the air as Dimitri watched.

Dimitri: Woah.

Benny: Hey kid, what do you call in the middle of a song?

Dimitri: Gee, I don't know.

They then saw they were heading towards a bridge.

Dimitri: A BRIDGE!!!

Then Benny leaped over the bridge as they continued to drive through the road.

Ashton: Thank god.

Benny: Well, fellas, where can I drop ya?

Dimitri: Somewhere we can hide.

Benny: I got just the place. And incidentally, if you should ever need a ride (sticks his thumb out) just stick out your thumb! Hey ladies! Share the road will ya?

We then see Benny driving off through the road.


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