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We saw at a movie theater a Goofy cartoon was on as everyone was laughing as Dimitri was seen watching the show.

Dimitri: Boy! Did you see that Ash? Nobody takes a wallop like Goofy! What timing! What finess! What a genius!

Ashton: (Grabs Dimitri) Get down! You're supposed to be hiding, remember?!

Dimitri: Come on Ash, relax, you're the only person who isn't laughing. But I know a toon killed your parents, but I want to know how it happened.

Ashton: You really wanna know? Fine I'll tell you. See back then my parents and I were investigating a robbery at the first national bank of Toon City, back in those days me and my parents really liked working with toons hell it was my dad's love for my mom that convinced him to move here when it was still called toon town. Anyway, this guy got away with a zillion simoleons. We trailed him down to a little dive down in Yahtzel Street. Went in. Only he got the drop on us. Literally. Dropped a safe on my dad and threw my mom into a vat of dip. And I broke my arm. I never saw who did it but I remember his burning red eyes and that high squeaky voice. He disappeared into ToonTown, and the rest is history.

Dimitri: Wow, that was tough, I'm really sorry about that dude.

Ashton: Jessica Rabbit was the one toon I've loved my whole life because she was my dad's best friend

Dimitri: Wow, it felt like you had everything taken away from you, i kinda feel the same about that, I mostly spent my life like everyone does when I was human but i was volunteered to do a test that would help change the world they decided to strap me down to a table to be put in a machine that did my anime surgery, and afterwards they drove me here to toon city and threw me here like I was trash.

Ashton: Ouch.

Dimitri: Yeah, after that I felt like I was never gonna fit in with society for being someone being turned into a toon.

Ashton: Try being labeled a drunk.

Dimitri: And when they did that I wanted them to turn me back but I learned it was permanent for now.

Ashton: Sorry to hear that.

Dimitri: But things started to change after I met you and the others. And I started to experience what it's like in the toons' eyes

Ashton: Oh, so that means you're deciding to stay a toon huh?

Dimitri: Yeah, at first I thought that being this was terrible but now it's actually pretty nice. (looks at the screen) OH i hope it's another cartoon (sees it is a newsreel) Aw man, it's another stupid newsreel. I hate the news.

Ashton: Tell me about it.

Jessica Rabbit comes in and sits next to Ashton

Ashton: You got all my stuff?

Jessica R: Yes, it's all packed up in the car outside. Would have been here right after you called, but I had to shake the weasels.

Ashton: They didn't hurt you did they?

Jessica R: No, I was able to get out unscathed.

Ashton: Good, that's good to hear.

They then looked at the newsreel.

Newsreel: the Pacific Redcar Trolley Line and the venerated Maroon Cartoon Studios. Here R. K. Maroon is seen clinching a deal with Cloverleaf's bankers and executives in one of the biggest real estate deals in Californian history.

Ashton then looked at it and then his eyes widened.

Ashton: That's it! That's the connection! Come on!

Dimitri: But what happened at the boba tea shop?

Jessica R: Last I heard after you boys escaped the police took in those who were in it to get answers of where you were heading and Jessica Cruz was one of those

Dimitri: Oh man, I hope she's ok.

Ashton: Don't worry D, I'm sure she'll be fine.

We then cut to the police station as we see it showing Ed.

Ed: Pink belly!

We then see Ed was holding Jessica and slapped her belly.

Ed: Pink belly! (Slaps Jessica's belly) Pink belly! (Slaps Jessica's belly again)

Jessica: Ed please! (gets her belly slapped again) Stop it!

Carmelita: Ed leave her alone.

Ed then let her go and walked off.

Carmelita: Look Jessica all we want is answers. By the way, are you hungry or thirsty? Guys can we get Jessica a snack please?

We then see some cops bring a glass of water along with a few vegan cookies.

Carmelita: Jessica, I know this is tough but we just need to know where Dimitri is. I want to help him, I really do.

Jessica: Really? This isn't a trick?

Carmelita: It's not a trick. Scout's honor.

Jessica: Alright, but I honestly have no idea where he is.

Carmelita: You sure?

Jessica: All I know is that the three of them took off somewhere but I don't know where.

Carmelita: That's fine. Sorry about the interrogation. You are free to go whenever you like.

Jessica: Thanks, but I need to go now.

Carmelita: That's all I need to hear.

We then go to Maroon Studios as we see Ashton driving his car there.

Ashton: Alright, now to get some answers on all this.

Dimitri: Yeah.

Ashton: You and Chip are staying here.

Dimitri: Really?

Ashton: If you two see anything, call me.

Dimitri: Alright, we'll keep an eye out, if we see anything we'll honk this horn.

As Ashton left we then see a frying pan was coming up behind Dimitri and Chip and smack the two of them on the head knocking them out as we then go to the inside of Maroon Studios as we see a man was waiting in his office all nervous as Ashton tapped his shoulder as he turned and yelled in surprise.

Ashton: What's up Doc?

Maroon: Valiant. What are you trying to do? Give me a heart attack?

Ashton: You need a heart before you can have an attack.

Maroon: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got the will?

Ashton: Sure. (Holds up a folded piece of paper) I got it right here. Mind if I get a soda?

Maroon: Sure, you have some brass coming here alone.

Ashton: Who said that I was alone?

We then see Dimitri and Chip both get thrown into the trunk of a car along with the frying pan as it was closed up as we see Jessica Rabbit as we go to Ashton with Maroon.

Maroon: Okay, hardcase. How much?

Ashtont: Give a girl a chance to think. Let's see. Your take is three and a half million dollars..

Maroon: Let me see that will.

Ashton: I told ya I got it.

Maroon: I wanna see it now!... (Grabs it from inside Ashton's jacket.) "How do I love thee, Let me count the ways?' This supposed to be a joke? (Stuffs it in Ashton's belt.)

Ashton: No, this is!

He then sprayed soda in Maroon's face and punched him to the ground.

Ashton: Get up. (Picks up Maroon) I'm going to listen to you spin the Cloverleaf scenario. The story of greed, sex, and murder. And as for the parts I don't like well you'll find out.

Maroon: You got it all wrong! I'm a cartoon maker not a murderer.

Ashton: Everyone needs a side gig.

He then put Maroon's tie into an editing machine and pressed the button activating it as it pulls his tie

Maroon: Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! The truth is I had a chance to sell my studio, but Cloverleaf wouldn't buy my property unless Acme sold them his. The stubborn bastard wouldn't sell, so I was going to blackmail Acme with pictures of him and Jessica Rabbit. Blackmail, that's all. I've been around toons all my life. I didn't want to see them destroyed.

Ashton: Toons destroyed? Why?

Maroon: If I told you I'm a dead man!

Ashton: You're a dead man if you don't!

We then see a gun peeking out the window as Ashton saw it through a reflection as he then moved out of the way as the gun fired and killed Maroon as he sees Jessica R running away

Ashton: Jessica no.

We then see Ashton going to his car as he sees Jessica R driving off.

Ashton: Dimitri! Chip!

Ashton then went to his car and drove after Jessica R until he comes to a tunnel and he pulls out a box from his bag

Ashton: Thanks dad.

He then opened it to reveal it was a toon gun along with six toon bullets.

Bullet #3: What in Sam Hill?

Bullet #1: Ashton Valiant!

Bullet #2: Well you're a sight for sore eyes.

Bullet #3: I ain't seen you for nigh onto five years!

Bullets: Where've you been?

Ashton: Drowning in tea. Feeling frisky fellas?

Bullets: Yeah!

Ashton: Let's go.

Then he picked up the gun as we see the bullets jump into the chambers and he drives through the tunnel as he was going through the tunnel we see him arrive in toon city's 1920-1939 district as we see red curtains open up as it was day time and it was a country side and thousands of toons were there.

Toons: Smile, Darn ya smile You know that your world is a great world after all Smile, Darn ya smile And right away Watch Lady Luck pay you a call Things are never black As they are painted Time for you and joy To get antiquated Make life worthwhile So, Smile, darn you smile!

As Ashton was driving we saw three birds fly by him.

Birds: Hi Ashton! (Flies behind him) Bye Ashton! (Flies away)

As Ashton turned to the birds he then crashed into the car he was following as we see the area around the crash as Ashton gets out of his car

Ashton: Great, I paid $30,000 on this thing and this happens. I better pick up Jessica's trail and question her.

He then sees Jessica R in a tall building. He waits for the lift to arrive and when it does it hits the ground with such force that it rattles the whole building as Droopy was the lift man.

Droopy: Going up sir...

Ashton then went in the elevator as he fell down seeing the floor was lower.

Droopy: Mind the step sir... Hold on, sir...

The lift shoots up with such velocity that it squashes Ashon to the floor as it reaches the floor Jessica R was in. We see it stop as Ashton was sent up and hits the padded ceiling.

Droopy: Have a good day sir...

Ashton: Got it.

Ashton then opens the door to Jessica's room to see her inside with some underwear. As she turns around the hair drops from her face to reveal a hag.

Hag: A man!

The hag then ran to Ashton with her lips puckered ready to kiss him as Ashton slams the door as her lips impaled the door.

Hag: Yoo hoo! Lover boy! It's Lena Hyena!

Ashton then hid in the bathroom as he then looked down to see there was no floor as he then fell down as he started to scream as he then grabbed a flagpole as we see Tweety walking to his hand

Tweety: Oh wook piggies!

Ashton: Hi tweety.

Tweety: (Removes Ashton's fingers one at a time) This little piggy went to market, and this little piggy stayed at home...

Ashton: No!

Tweety: This little piggy had roast beef. And this little pig had ...

As he removed Ashton's finger Ashton then fell as he began to scream.

Tweety: Uh oh! Ran outta piggies!

As we see Ashton falling we see Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse appear next to him with parachutes.

Bugs: Eh, what's up, Doc? Jumping without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain't it?

Ashton: Yeah.

Mickey: Yeah. Ha! You could get killed. Ha ha. Huh?

Ashton: You guys got a spare?

Mickey: Uh, Bugs does.

Ashton: Yeah?

Bugs: Yeah. But I don't think you want it.

Ashton: I do! I do! Give it to me!

Mickey: Gee. Ha ha. Better let him have it, Bugs.

Bugs: O.K. Doc. Whatever you say. Here's the spare...

He then gave Ashton the spare as Mickey and Bugs opened their parachutes as Ashton opened the spare it turned into a tire.

Ashton: Oh no!

Ashton continued to scream as he was falling down.

Mickey: Aw. Poor fella.

Bugs: Yeah. Ain't I a stinker?

Ashton was almost about to hit the ground but was caught by the hag.

Hag: My man!

She then kissed Ashton as it made him skid across the road as he saw the hag running to him.

Hag: Come to Lena!

Ashton then grabbed the white line and made it turn to a wall as the hag then ran to the wall crashing into it.

Ashton: Toons, gets them every time.

We then see Ashton as he was seen walking in a dark alleyway as he then sneezed.

Shadow: Bless you.

Ashton: Thank you

Jessica R: Ashton.

Ashton then turned and saw Jessica R holding a gun

Ashton: I knew I'd find you in this part of town.

We then see a shadow with a gun looming behind Ashton

Jessica R: Behind you!

She then shot at the shadow as the gun fell from the shadow's hand

Ashton: Drop it Jess!

Jessica R: I just save your life and you don't trust me?

Ashton: You haven't given me much to trust.

Jessica R: (points at the gun) That's the gun that killed R.K Maroon and Doom pulled the trigger.

Ashton: Doom?!

Jessica R: I followed him to the studio, but I was too late.

Doom: That's right! You'll never stop me! You're dead. You're all dead!

Ashton: Doom!

We then see Doom's shadow running away as Ashton fired at Doom but the bullets stopped

Bullet #1: Which way'd he go?

Bullet #2: Well, I don't know.

Bullet #3: (points at the wrong way) He went that way!

Bullet: Let's go!

They then went the wrong way.

Ashton: Dumdums. Go figure.

We then see them going to Jessica R's car as the trunk was open.

Jessica R: Oh no! Where's Dimitri and Chip?

Ashton: Dimitri and Chip? Those two chickened out on me at the studio.

Jessica R: No they didn't, I hit them on their heads with a frying pan and put them in the trunk so they wouldn't get hurt.

Ashton: And they stole my car!

Jessica: Obviously it was Dimitri's work.

They then heard a siren.

Jessica R: It's the weasels! Come on, we'll take Gingerbread Lane!

Ashton: No Jess Gingerbread Lane is this way!

Ashton sticks out his thumb and Benny the cab drives in front of him and Jessica R

Benny: So Valiant. You call a cab or what? (Sees Jessica R) Hubba hubba hubba. (Opening door for Jessica R) Allow me, mademoiselle.

We then see them speeding off into the tunnel.

Ashton: So how long have you known it was Doom?

Jessica: Before poor Marvin Acme was killed he confided in me that Doom wanted to get his hands on Toontown and he wouldn't stop at anything.

Ashton: So he gave you the will for safekeeping?

Jessica: That's what he told me, except when I opened the envelope there was only a blank piece of paper inside.

Ashton: Huh! A joker till the end.

Benny: So where to already? My meter's running.

We then see the tunnel Doom tips a barrel of Dip onto the road. Benny spins round on it and crashes into a lamppost as we see Ashton and Jessica R were sent flying to the air and fell to the ground.

Doom: Tsk tsk tsk. What an unfortunate accident. Nothing more treacherous than a slippery road and especially when driving in a maniacal Toon vehicle.

We then see the weasels coming.

Smart Ass: Good work fellas

Doom: Don't just stand there. Help them. Put them in my car. I think they'll enjoy attending the ribbon cutting at the Acme factory.

Smart Ass: Come on, you mugs.

We then see them take them to the van as we see it drive off as we see from out of the tunnel as we see Dimitri and Chip were in Ashton's car which was in bad shape as Dimitri was driving as he stopped and saw Benny.

Dimitri: Benny, are you ok?

Chip: What happened?

Benny: Doom grabbed Ashton and Jessica and took them to the old acme factory.

Dimitri: The Acme factory?

Carmelita: Doom?

They turned and saw Carmelita along with Shirou and Jessica.

Dimitri: AAAHH!!! Please don't turn us in!

Carmelita: Things change.

Shirou: We know you're innocent.

Chip: Come on, we gotta save them!

We then saw Benny coming towards them and went to the driver's side.

Benny: Move over D, you're not a good driver.

Carmelita: Yeah, you've done enough driving for one night.

We then see them get in the car as they drive off to the Acme factory.


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