Stopping Doom

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We see at the acme factory as we see Ashton was being searched by the weasels.

Smart Ass: We searched Valiant Boss. The will ain't on him.

Doom: Then frisk the woman!

Greasy: I'll handle this one...

Greasy then rolled up his sleeve and put his hand in between Jessica R's breasts as a snapping sound was heard as we see Greasy pull his hand out to reveal it was caught by a mouse trap as he screamed in pain as the weasels started laughing at him.

Ashton: Nice booby trap.

Doom then whacked Greasy into a pile of boxes spilling fake eyes.

Doom: Do they have the will or not?

Smart Ass: Nah. (holds up the letter) Just this stupid love letter.

Doom: No matter. I doubt if that will is going to show up in the next 15 minutes anyway.

Ashton: What happens in the next fifteen minutes?

Doom: Toontown will be legally mine. Lock, stock, and barrel.

We see Greasy and Stupid as they were seen breaking through a wall making a hole as sunlight was seen through the hole.

Stupid: Duh, Toontown's right on the other side of the wall Boss.

Doom: You see Mr. Valiant? The successful conclusion of this case draws a curtain for my career as a jurist in Toontown. I'm retiring. To take a new role in the private sector.

Ashton: That wouldn't be Clover Leaf Industries by any chance?

Doom: You're looking at the sole stockholder.

We see outside the acme factory as we see Dimitri along with Chip, Jessica, Carmelita, Shirou and Benny came to it as we see them getting out as Dimitri was holding a gun.

Dimitri: Benny, you go get the rest of the police, we're gonna go save our friends

Benny: Be careful with that gun! This ain't a cartoon ya know!

Dimitri: Right, sorry.

We then see Dimitri as he was trying to get a window to open but couldn't get it to.

Dimitri: Well what do ya know, locked.

Dimitri then leans on the window as it then swung open making Dimitri and the others fall inside.

Chip: Nice work.

We then go to Ashton and Jessica R as Doom walks up to a large object covered by tarpaulin. He drops a silver tray onto the floor, pulls it aside and opens a valve releasing a green liquid onto the tray which starts to corrode.

Doom: Can you guess what this is?

Jessica R: Oh my God It's DIP!

Doom: That's right my dear! Enough to dip ToonTown off the face of the earth! (Removes the tarp to reveal a machine.) A vehicle of my own design. 5000 Gallons of heated Dip, pumped at enormous velocity through a pressurized water cannon. Toontown will be erased in a matter of minutes.

Jessica RI suppose you think no one's going to notice Toontown's disappeared?

Doom: Who's got time to wonder what happened to some ridiculous talking mice when you're driving past at 75 m.p.h.?

Jessica R: What are you talking about? There's no road past Toontown.

Doom: Not yet! (Starts slipping on the eyes) Several months ago I had the good providence to stumble upon a plan of the city councils. A construction plan of epic proportions. They're calling it a Freeway.

Ashton: A Freeway? What the hell's a freeway?

Doom: Eight lanes of shimmering cement running from here to Pasadena. Smooth, safe, fast. Traffic jams will be a thing of the past.

Ashton: So that's why you killed Acme and Maroon? For this Freeway? You're kidding.

Doom: Of course not. You lack vision. I see a place where people get on and off the Freeway. On and off. Off and on. All day, all night. Soon where Toontown once stood will be a string of gas stations. Inexpensive motels. Restaurants that serve rapidly prepared food. Tire salons. Automobile dealerships. And wonderful, wonderful billboards reaching as far as the eye can see... My god, It'll be beautiful.

Ashton: Come on. Nobody's gonna drive this louzy Freeway when they can take the red car for a nickel.

Doom: Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it.

We then hear a rumbling sound as Greasy looked down to see a manhole grate as a geyser of air shot up sending Greasy to the air as he clutched on a net full of bricks as we see Dimitri came out of it along with the others.

Dimitri: Ok. Nobody move! (points the gun at the weasels) Alright weasels, grab some sky or we'll pump you full of lead. You heard me, I said drop it.

Ashton: Dimitri?

Dimitri: Yeah, I also brought some help too. I love to tell you guys the thing but first I have to dispense some moral outrage.

Doom: Put that gun down, you animated little twit!

Dimitri: (points the gun at Doom) That's it, Doom. Give me another excuse to pump ya full of holes. Thought you could get away with it huh? We toons may act idiotic but we're not stupid. We demand justice. Why the real meaning of it would probably hit you like a ton of bricks.

Then bricks fell on Dimitri as the others saw it.

Jessica: Dimitri, are you alright?

Dimitri then came out from the bricks as stars were swirling around him.

Dimitri: Just... Peachy...

Doom: Tie the rest of them. Put them up on that hook. Use that escape proof Toon rope.

We then see Chip, Jessica, Shirou, Carmelita, Dimitri, and Jessica R were tied up and on a hook as the weasels were starting the machine as Ashton watched Doom walking away while whistling as he then slipped on an fake eye as the weasels laughed at him as Ashton tried to sneak up on Smart Ass as Doom noticed.

Doom: (clasping his right eye) Look out! You fools!

Smart Ass: (points his gun at Ashton) Not so fast.

Doom: One of these days, you idiots are going to laugh yourselves to death.

Smart Ass: Shall I "repose" of him right now Boss?

Doom: Let him watch his Toon friends get dipped then shoot him.

Smart Ass: With pleasure.

Ashton: Everything's funny to you, ain't it needle nose?

Smart Ass: You got a problem with that, Valiant?

Ashton: Nah. I just, uh, want you to know something about the guy you're gonna dip!

Ashton then started a music machine as it then played Merry-Go-Round Broke Down as the weasels saw it.

Ashton: Now Dimitri is his name and laughter is his name. Come on you dope untie his rope and watch him go insane

Ashton then jumped on a broom as it whacked his face as he turned and jumped again as it whacked him again as he rolled down as the weasels started to laugh as the others watched.

Shirou: What is he doing?

Jessica R: He's lost his mind.

Dimitri: I don't think so.

We then see Ashton as he picked up three bombs and started to juggle them

Ashton: This singing ain't my line, it's tough to make a rhyme, if I get stuck I'm out of luck um...

Jessica R: I'm running out of time!

Ashton: Thanks!

Ashton then tossed the bombs as they then fell on his head as he then tumble back into some crates as we then see him riding a pogo stick as he was going up high and then hit a lghtbulb as he got electrocuted Stupid laughs so much that he kneels over and his ghost leaves his body. Wheezy sees his own ghost leaving and tries to pull it back but fails.

Dimitri: Keep it up! You're killing them! You're slaying them! You're knocking them dead!

a lever is knocked and a vase starts to be carried by a conveyor belt to above Ashton's head.

Ashton: I'm through taking falls I'm bouncing off the walls Without that gun I'd have some fun I'd kick you in the-

Then a vase fell hitting Ashton's head.

Dimitri: Nose!

Smart Ass: Nose? That don't rhyme with walls.

Ashton: No but these do!

Ashton then kicked Smart Ass in the nuts sending him flying into the dip as we see Greasy and Psycho were left as we see Geasy die as the machine then started as we see Psycho still laughing as he activated the cannon as it sprayed dip as the others say it.

Dimitri: OH my goodness!

As Psycho was laughing and moving around he hit a lever making the cannon turn to the other way away from them.

Dimitri: Whoa that was close.

We then see Psycho fall down to the scrubber and spin around in it as we see his ghost going up and sees the cannon.

Psycho: Bye bye.

He then flipped the lever as we saw the spray of dip was coming back to the others.

Dimitri: Ash hurry!

Chip: It's coming back!

Ashton then turned the cannon back the other way as we then see Doom came sliding across a line to strike Ashton as he was sent flying as we see Doom pullout a sword Ashton went to a box and pulled out a sword but it then started to sing.

Singing sword: Wicked Witchcraft, And although I know, It's strictly taboo when...

Ashton then threw the sword away as he then grabbed a toon magnet as he aims it at Doom as we see the magnetism pull Doom towards Ashton as he then turned it the other way as it pulled him to a barrel from behind and he ended up pinned between the two.

Doom: Don't move.

We then see Doom driving a steam roller to try and crush Ashton as he was struggling but as the steamroller nears he sees boxes of portable holes next to him. He eventually manages to kick one close enough for him to open and putting it over the magnet makes a hole and escapes. Ashton appears in front of Doom and kicks him in the face, sending him flying. He fights Doom but doesn't seem to be able to harm him. Valiant blocks one of Doom's punches with a pot of glue and Doom's fist goes straight through it. He shakes it off and tries to punch Ashton again but instead gets his fist stuck to the steamroller. Meanwhile the Dip machine is getting closer to the others.

Jessica R: Oh no!

Doom steps back to try and free himself but treads in a pool of the glue on the floor.

Dimitri: Ash, hurry up!

Ashton then ran to the machine and stopped it as we see Doom getting crushed by the steam roller as the others saw it.

Dimitri: Ashton look!

Ashton then turned and saw Doom's flattened body as we then see Doom getting up as he was seen standing up flat as a pancake.

Ashton: Holy crap he's a toon!

We then see Doom as he turns to Ashton.

Doom: Surprised?

Ashton: Not really. That lame-brained freeway idea could only be thought up by a toon. Uh no offense guys.

Dimitri: None taken.

Doom: Not just any toon.

We then see Doom going to a tank and he inflated himself as fake eyes popped out as Doom turned to Ashton as he revealed to have toon red eyes as Ashton fell to the ground and backed away in fear.

Doom: Remember me Ashton? (voice heightens) When I killed your parents I talk (High squeaky voice) Just like this!

Doom's eyes then turned to daggers as Ashton then got up and ran to the machine as Doom then leaped to the air with springs in his heels as he knocked Ashton down as he then turned the machine back on as the cannon began to spray dip as it was going up.

Dimitri: Not again!

We then see Doom remove his glove as his hand was an anvil as he punched Ashton with it sending him across the floor as he looked and saw Doom's hand was now a saw blade as it began to whirl as Doom cut a chain as Ashton saw Doom getting closer as Ashton then turned to see a toon mallet as he dodged the blade as he then grabbed the mallet as we see it opens to reveal a boxing glove as it sprung out but Doom easily avoided it but the glove then hit a lever on the dip machine as Doom saw it and screamed in horror as dip then sprayed out and hit him full blast as we see the cannon was about to reach the others.

Dimitri: It's been nice knowing you guys.

We then see the meter for the dip quickly drop as the spray stops as they saw it.

Jessica R: I think I'm going to faint.

Carmelita: Me too.

Ashton then looked and saw Doom as we see him starting to scream as he was in a pool of dip as he slowly began to dissolve.

Doom: I'M MELTING (screams) I'M MELTING! MELTING (screams) Oh no...

We then see Doom had fully dissolved into nothing as the machine was reaching to the others.

Chip: Ashton, do something!

Ashton then ran to the hook controls as he made the hook move out of the way as we see the machine went through the wall and into toon town where it immediately gets hit by a train

Dimitri: Ashton, there's dip everywhere.

Jessica: How are we gonna get down?

Ashton then went to a valve and turned it as we see fire hydrants started to spray water as it washed the dip away as Ashton lowered the others down as he untied them.

Dimitri: Thanks Ash, for a minute I thought we were in trouble.

Jessica R: My hero.

Ashton: Thanks.

We then see the police and Benny pull up into the factory as they see what remained of Doom.

Benny: Sister Mary Francis! What the hell happened here?

We then see the toons all start to peer through the wall as we see the others come to it.

Benny: I've been a cab for 37 years and I've never seen a mess like this.

Carmelita: What is that? A rubber mask?

Ashton: Yeah. (Throws a rope to the police) and here's the rope from the safe that was dropped on Acme. I think the lab boys will find that paint a perfect match.

Chun Li: So Judge Doom killed Marvin Acme?

Ashton: And RK Maroon and my parents.

Putty: Now that's what I call a seriously disturbed toon.

We then see the rest of the toons from toon town and toon city come to the scene as they see Doom's remains.

Daphne: Jeepers, I wonder who he really was

Bugs: I'll tell one thing, he weren't no rabbit.

Daffy: Or a duck.

Goofy: Or a dog.

Scooby: You said it.

Rad: Or an alien.

Pinocchio: Or a little wooden boy.

Wolf: (Comes out of Sheep's clothing) Or a sheep.

Woody Woodpecker: Or a woodpecker.

Sylvester: Or a cat.

Shirou: (Sees ink on Ashton's shirt) What is that?

Ashton: Oh that's disappearing ink. Dimitri squirted some on me the other night. But why is it coming back?

Dimitri: I think I know why.

Dimitri then went to a crate and held up a bottle of ink.

Dimitri: Say hello to Acme disappearing reappearing ink. What a genius.

Kara: Uh hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if that Acme guy was such a genius then why didn't he leave that will where we could find it?

Catra: Yeah, without it we're waiting for another developer's wrecking ball.

Dimitri: Hey Ash, you remember that love letter you got, you should probably read it.

Ashton: Ok. (pulls out the letter) Dear Jessica. How do I love thee. Let me count the ways... (sees letters appearing) I, Marvin Acme? Of sound mind and body?... It's the will!

Dimitri: Keep reading.

Ashton: do hereby bequeath in perpetuity the property known as Toon City to those lovable characters, the toons.

We then see everyone start to cheer for hearing the news as Dimitri sees Shirou come to him.

Shirou: I'll admit, you're braver than I thought, and despite you being human before inside you have the heart of a toon.

Dimitri then smiled as he felt proud as he then walked to Ashton.

Dimitri: Ashton, that was a pretty funny dance you did for the weasels. Does that mean your days of being a sourpuss are over?

Ashton: Time will tell.

Dimitri: Put it there pal.

Ashton then shook Dimitri's hand and was then shocked as Dimitir had a hand buzzer as Ashton looked unamused as everyone fell silent.

Dimitri: Don't tell me you lost your sense of humor already.

Ashton then grabbed Dimitri and brought him to his face.

Ashton: Does this answer your question?

He then sprayed Dimitri with a bottle of water.

Dimitri: Guessing that's a no.

We later see everyone back in toon city as they were seen at Dimitri's home.

Dimitri: I'm just glad that my name is cleared.

Jessica: But sorry you and Chip both got fired.

Dimitri: It's alright, we heard there was another insurance company called Coercive that is having open spots for us. And Ashton let me work with him to do some cases.

Ashton: So long as you don't annoy me

Dimitri: I'll try not to.


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