Year 2 Chapters 21 - 25

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Year 2 Chapter 21 - Berri mets Olivia

Aby and I came out of the room with Springtrap following. I guess I didn't get to tell Spring everything...I thought. For some reason, I felt sorry for him. Not because of the things he's been through, but other little things that are a part of him. I don't know! I just feel sorry. Berri was at the door waiting to greet us.

"Let's go see Olivia!" she said cheerfully.

"Yes, that would be amazing!" Aby says, "We- I mean, I want to see her too." She said, smiling and occasionally looking to her right.

"I think she's at the library." I said and I led them to the library. Fred and George had left as well. I went inside to see Olivia looking through books. I think you should cover your eye... I thought hoping Berri would hear me. Luckily, Berri swiftly pulled her bangs in front of her eyes.

"Hey Olivia!" I called to her. She turned and smiled when she saw me.

"Leah!" She came up and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"Olivia..." I said after the hug. I pointed to Berri and said "This is Berri!"

"Um, do I know you...?" Olivia tilts her head to the side. "I think you got the wrong person." She looks at Aby and says, "And who are you?"

"Oh. This is Berri, your sister, and this is Abyssinian, Aby." I introduce everyone.

"I.... I don't have a sister...." Olivia says slowly, looking at Berri.

"What?!" Berri says. She looks shocked. "Are you still on about that? That happened years ago!"

"What did?" Olivia said.

"How I went off somewhere with my mom and we never saw each other again? We were eight."

"Sorry, I don't have a sister." Olivia shakes her head. "And anyways, I need to find a book. I have an exam on Transfiguration and I'm not ready." She goes to flip through the books. Berri is shocked. She's just standing there. I feel her pain.

"C'mon, let's go." Aby says and pats Berri.

"I'm not leaving until she recognizes me." Berri crosses her arms and shifts her weight to one foot. She starts tapping the floor with another one.

"She's going to be here a while, you go. I can stay." Aby tells me.

"No, you can go. You've got a couple of people you need to meet." I say.

"Alright, try to calm her down." Aby says and moves on to the Ravenclaw common room.

"So Olivia!" I sigh. "Let's find some books!"


An hour later, Olivia was at a table reading tons of books about Transfiguration. She was humming a tune while she read. I sighed and went over to Berri, who was in a corner looking at Olivia. You alright? I thought.

"Oh yeah, I guess." She answered, not moving an inch. She looked at me, and then back at Olivia. You must really care about her.... I thought.

"Yeah...." Berri finally got up and looked at me in the eye. "Do you know what it's like? You know, to lose someone you really care about?"

"Oh well.... No not really." I whispered. Then I remembered my mother. "Actually, yes." I corrected myself.

"You do?" Berri had a slight smile knowing she wasn't alone.

"Well..." Then I came to her ear. "Can you maybe.... read.... I don't know memories?" I asked.

"I don't know. Never tried before. Can you do it? Of course without making it look weird."

"Oh um...I've had some...alarming reactions." I laugh in embarrassment and Berri giggles.

"Hey Leah!" Olivia called. "How do you pronounce this spell?"

"Be right back." I told Berri and walked over to Olivia.

"That says Evanesco." I tell her. "It causes things to vanish."

"Oh, thanks!" Olivia laughs.

"Do you really not remember her?" I ask. Olivia is silent. Finally she says,

"No. I don't. And even if I did, I don't remember having a brother or a sister. Or a mom for that matter. My uncle raised me."

"Oh..." I said. Then I remembered how she was acting weird a while ago.

"Hey Olivia?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Olivia smiled.

"Um, you were acting very weirdly at the last flying lesson. Also aren't 1st years normally not in flying lessons until 2nd year?"

"Well I'm advanced in flying and..." she paused and adjusted her eyepatch. "I do need to tell you something." she sounded kind of nervous. Olivia ran out of the library without a second thought.

I followed as quickly as I could.

"Be right back Berri!" I called as I raced out and followed Olivia. What does she want to tell me? I think. She leads me into the courtyard and as soon as she runs through the door, animals from all around come near her. What the!? I think. I stop at the entrance and watch as Olivia quietly talks to them. I slowly walk in and that went the animal back away.

"So, you can speak to animals?" I ask.

"Well, yes!" she removes her eyepatch and that's when I see the same lime green eye the Berri has. "It helps me talk to them." Olivia gestures to the animals.

I smile and say "That's really cool." I then walk near a deer. It puts its ears down.

"It's okay. I'm Leah, and I'm not going to hurt you." I say to it.

"R-really?" it says. I nod and it walks closer to me. I pet its head and smile at Olivia who seems shocked.

"Hey little guy...." I rub under his chin.

"Hey. I'm not a toy for you to play with." He shakes his head, showing off his antlers.

"You can understand them too...?" Olivia asks after a moment.

"Yes. At first I only understood owls, but now I know how to talk to all animals!" I laugh.

"Listen, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but I don't think you are hanging out with the best company." Olivia says all of a sudden. I blink. That doesn't sound like her at all.

"Well whatever do you mean?" I ask, slightly mad.

"Well, I wouldn't like to hang out with a redhead and a fox." Olivia glares at me.

"What?" I ask in shock.

"You might ask, do I know Berriella, do I know Foxina? In fact, I do. I know them better than you actually."

"Who are you?" I knew I wasn't talking to Olivia. She doesn't act like that at all.

"I'm the one who started this whole mess. I'm the one you should fear more than the metallic Springtrap." She glared at me.

"What is your name?" I ask firmly.

"I'm someone called Scrap Baby. Nice to meet you." She takes out her hand, and begins to transform into what soon I understand is her original form.

Year 2 Chapter 22 - Scrap Baby as Olivia

I shiver as I see metal start to appear on her arms and legs. Animatronic? I asked myself. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" I heard Olivia say in an evil voice. Everything's okay...just fine nothing happened. I thought. I felt cold metal crawl up my arm. I opened my eyes to see a worn out face that looked like Berri. I then looked at the metal arm that was extended near me. A knife was on the end.

"Ah!" I screamed as all the animals behind me ran away. I tried to run too, but the metal arm held on to me tight, the knife edging closer to me. "Mom! Grandpa!" I shouted. I screamed again, this time louder. A second later, a puff of smoke appeared and two figures were there when it faded. Dumbledore and Luna Lovegood. The knife came closer and I screamed some more.

"Help! Something's taken over Olivia! Help!" I yelped. I cried with fear.

"Flipendo!" I hear my mom say. I close my eyes as I flip around with Olivia. She crashes to the ground and the knife, into my shoulder. I yelp with pain and start crying even more.

"G-get Aby! B-berri, p-please!" I can barely speak. Olivia digs the knife deeper into my shoulder and I scream. My mother rushes away with her wand at hand. My grandfather, is trying to lift Olivia into the air, away from me. A minute later, Berri and Aby appear.

"H-help!" I call to them, my eyes watery.

"Scrap Baby!?" I hear Aby rush over. "Put her down this instant!" I can just about see her and Berri rush over. Aby is now Foxina and is furious. Berri also became an animaltronic and was trying to stop Olivia. I yelped as she pulled the knife out and unraveled the metal arm. I fell to the ground as my grandfather rushed over. I was in too much pain to cry. He carefully picked me up and turned to Berri and Aby.

"Thank you." he said. I closed my eyes as he said "50 points each to Ravenclaw"

"I thought you died!" Foxina exclaimed to Scrap Baby.

"Oh, let's see.... I thought Springy died!" She rolled her eyes.

"Don't call him that!" She growled, slowly changing into her original form. Berri did too. I focused on my shoulder that my grandpa was healing.

"I hope this works...." He mutters.

"Thank.... You...." was all I could say before I pass out.


I wake up in the Hospital wing one day later. Aby is with me, talking to Springtrap.

"Hi Aby...." I say.

"Oh! You woke up!" Aby blushes. I don't think she wanted me to hear their conversation. But I didn't so it wasn't too bad.

"Yeah, I did." I stretch.

"I was going to be laying down here with you as well, but I'm not thanks to Springtrap!" She smiles at him. "She was going to throw a knife towards me, but Springtrap got in her plans."

"That's nice!" I smile. "Did you meet Mary, Heather and Sherryl?"

"Yes I did! In fact that was the first thing I did." She said.

"Yeah, one of them touched me...." Springtrap brushes off his arm.

"It's not like it's contagious!" Aby laughs.

"What if it is?" Spring asks.

"I'm sure Heather isn't contagious!" I laugh.

"How'd you know it was Heather?" Aby asks.

"That sounds like a Heathery thing." I shrug.

"So you live here?" Springtrap points spreads his arms, showing the Hospital Wing.

"Well, not here but we live in this castle." Aby says.

"Oh, sorry, still learning things. He says. "What's that?" He asks.

Oh gosh this is going to end bad I think as Springtrap points to the ring that Fred gave her for Christmas.

"Oh, this! I just found it somewhere. Someone gave it to me. Don't quite remember who, but I remember someone did for Christmas." Aby says. I couldn't tell if she was trying to ignore the fact that Fred gave her the ring, or she actually didn't know.

"Oh. Ok." Spring shrugs and pushes off from the ground to fly around the Hospital Wing.

"It's pretty cool to fly around that." Aby said looking at Springtrap.

"Don't even think about it." I said. Maybe she had the thought of killing herself.

"Why not? I'm sure I can get myself some wings with metamorphmagus." Aby says.

"Oh, you can try, but not in here." I say.

"Yeah, maybe the three of us can fly around sometime!" Aby said. "I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to fly."

Yeah, maybe the two of us can fly around. And I'm an owl. I thought. I really didn't like how Springtrap goes wherever Aby goes, but I guess he's her bodyguard, so he has to. I wouldn't like to stay in an unfamiliar place for the rest of your life either.

Year 2 Chapter 16 - Baby Birds

Spring flew around looking at all detail in the hospital wing. "Hey! There is a bird's nest up here!" Springtrap called from above.

"Great, now I want to see it!" Aby stomps her foot playfully.

"I can go see it!" I say and transform into an owl. I fly up and hang onto something with my claws and get a closer look. In fact, there were three little birds in the nest.

"They remind my of Chica for some reason." Springtrap says.

"Who's Chica?" I ask.
"An animatronic that is really annoying and during Night Shift she used to go to the kitchen." Springtrap says.

"Do you know every single animatronic?" I ask.

"There's a lot, but I remember them all."

"Oh. do you know the white and pink fox?" I ask, thinking of the time I met I think her name was Mangala.

"Funtime Foxy or Mange?"

"No, the animaltronic."

"Oh, Mangala?"

"Yeah her. Who is she?"

"The daughter of Funtime Foxy. Funtime Foxy's mother is Mangle, and father Foxy. Foxina is Foxy's granddaughter, so Mangla and her are related." Springtrap explains.

"Oh, ok." I say. Then I ask, "Are all the animatronics free like you?"

"Yes. At least all that I know. Maybe there is one that's suffering till this very day. But we were immortal until Foxina broke the curse. Of old age, we died. We didn't die just because we had to."

"Oh..." Then I pause. "The chicks look pretty." I say, trying to change the subject.

"Can I see!?" Aby asked furiously.

I laugh and say "Ok, ok!" I use my claws to carefully pick up the nest, and I bring it down to Aby. Her face lights up when she sees the chicks.

"AW! SO CUTE!!!!" she squeals.

"Here!" I chuckle and put the nest on the bed. That's when I notice my shoulder hurting a little. I slowly landed on the bed and transformed back, looking at my arm. There was a white bandage that was stained red and pink. Must be blood. I sighed. I looked around the hospital wing to see no one else in the room.

"Wait a second? Where's Olivia!?" I yelped.

"I don't know, but I'll check." Springtrap said, disappearing with a black smoke. A few minutes later, he came back and said "She in a room with the old man who was trying to heal you."

"Wow. Thanks Springtrap" I said.


"That's my great-grandfather."


"It's ok. He might be in his office."

"Can I keep one!?" Aby was mesmerized by the birds.

"Sure!" I laughed.

Year 2 Chapter 23 - The one Argument I'll Always Regret

Aby looked at the chick. "I'm gonna call her Chica!" She announced proudly. Oh gosh.... I think.

"It brings back memories from home...." she says and holds Chica in her hand.
"What are you talking about?" I say, confused. "This is your home!"

"I-I guess I'm still getting used to this." She said. I smack my forehead for the 50th time this week. Why? I think.

"Aby...we've lived here together before you even went to that place!"

"We did, but after me being there for a year, I guess I'm still getting used to.... Humans."

"Aby, oh my gosh I will slap you. You are a human!" I say. She snaps her fingers and turned into Foxina.

"Oh, I am?" She smiled, showing her razor-sharp pointy teeth.

"No, not like that." I roll my eyes.

"I don't know, I miss home." Springtrap said. Then why don't you just leave Aby and go? Fred is her girlfriend anyways... I think to myself.

"Hey, hey! I made a promise and I won't break it! And I totally don't care who Aby is with." He turns away from me and crosses his arms.

"Gosh, can everyone read minds nowadays? Is this like a thing now?" I say.

"No. I'm a ghost. I can access anyone's mind at any time...." He turns to me with a smirk on his face.

"Am I the only one who doesn't know what's going on?" Aby raised her hand.
"Springtrap can read minds! Who knew?" I throw my hands up in the air.

"I knew."

"Oh sure! He's only been a ghost for how long!? A month, week, day? I don't know!" I was starting to get mad.

"Calm down Leah...." Aby says.

"I don't know why this had to happen. If only he didn't get to you...."

"Fred led me to the Forbidden Forest, and that's when I got shot!"

"So this whole thing is Fred's fault now?"

"Sort of thank him, it was a coincidence that I met Springtrap. I remember the first time I saw him."

"I was really ugly." Will takes his long hair and puts it over his face.

"His face was all withered." Aby said.

"Ok, I don't want to hear details." I say putting my hands in front of me.

"Leah! If you would just hear me out!"

"Please! No! Ok? I'll just find Olivia on my own. Do what you want with Springtrap!" I raced out of the room.

"Leah!" I hear Aby voice fade as I get farther from the common room.

I feel a presence of someone as I continue down the stairs. "Go away Springtrap!" I yell at the ghost. "Just go hang out with your 'girlfriend' okay?" I'm so upset to say anything more. The presence of Springtrap goes away and I continue down a hallway to the Dumbledore's office.

Year 2 Chapter 24 - Seeing Olivia

I look around once I'm in my great - grandfather's office. It's so big! I think. There are lots of books everywhere. There's also a table with some vials for potions.

"Grandfather!" I call out. I turn a corner to see a Phoenix in front of some stairs. Aw! So cute! I think as I pat the bird. It chirps as I see Dumbledore walk down the marble stairs.

"Leah!" he smiles. "What can I do for you?"

"Do you know where Olivia is?" I ask.

"Yes I do!"

"Can I please see her?"

"Oh course! She's upstairs with your mother." He walks past me and goes into another room.

"Thank you grandfather!" I say with a smile. I race upstairs and head to the nearest room. I see Olivia with her back to me, and my mother quietly talking to her. My mom gets up when she sees me and grins.

"Hello honey!" she says giving me a hug.

"Good afternoon mother!" I reply.

"I guessing you want to see Olivia."

"Yes I do! May I see her?"

"You can, but you must hurry. It's almost lunch time.

"Ok thank you!" I smile as my mom leaves and goes downstairs. I walk over to Olivia, who pretends I'm not there.

"O-olivia?" I ask. She turns to me. I see she doesn't have her eyepatch on, and her eye is half lime green, half magenta.

"I'm so sorry for what I did." She said giving me a hug.

"Ow!" I yelped as she tugged my hurt arm.

"S-sorry" Olivia keeps her head down and lets go of me.

"Oh Olivia! I'm just glad your ok! You want to eat lunch with me?"

"But I'm a monter! One, I have two different colored eye, two one of those eyes are two colors, three..." She paused and started to cry. "Three...I hurt you very badly."

"It's okay Olivia." I said giving her a hug with my good arm. "All I care about is that my little first year friend is ok!" I giggled as she looked up at me.

"I'm not little!" Olivia rejected.

"Um, yeah you are!" we both laughed and walked out of the room. Most of Oliva's tears were gone. My grandfather met us at the bottom of the stairs.

"Olivia, I have to say that you did do some bad things these past few days, so 20 points from Ravenclaw. I will also say that now I know the reason this happened, I'm glad that you both are alright." He smiled and said "Ten points for helping one another."

I grinned as Olivia said "Thank you Professor!" She hugged him tightly in appreciation.

"Your welcome! Now go to lunch you two!" He replied. Olivia and I left Dumbledore's office and went to have lunch.

Year 2 Chapter 25 - Dealing With Fred

Olivia and I sat down with Leo, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Keith, Ary, and Colt. We were all talking

about what we did for Christmas, even though it was three months ago. I haven't really caught up with them in a while. I guess it was kind of like a friend meet up? I don't know. We all ate and spoke to one another. We laughed a lot for most of the part. After awhile, one of the Weasley twins came up to us.

"Leah!" he said.

"Yes um...Fred?"

"That's right!" he smiled. "Anyways, can I talk to you alone?"

"Sure!" I replied. We started walking out of the great hall. I looked around to see Aby, the Repecters and Springtrap in a little group together, Spring rocking back and forth in his seat. Aby, Springtrap and Heather's backs were to me, but Mary and Sherryl saw me looking at them and they glared at me. I brought out my fangs and quietly hissed showing them. They turned away with a frown. I smirked and put them away.

"So..." said Fred when we were in the hallway.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Is Aby alright? She hasn't been talking to me at all really..."

"Um...yes she's fine." I smile, but deep down inside I'm sad about what I said to my best friend.

"Well, can you talk to her?"

"Yes." I answered. Even though I already did... I thought.

"Thanks a lot Leah." Fred smiled and blushed. What in the!? I thought as I noticed his face go red. He still loves Aby! I know he does! I smile as well. We turn to see other witches and wizards getting up to leave.

"Welp lunch is over! I'll see you later Fred!"

"See you Leah!" Fred runs off to meet George. I see Leo walk up to me as everyone else separates.

"What did you talk about?" Leo asked.

"None ya mr. nosey!" I laughed. Leo smiled and rolled his eyes.

Word count - 3511

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