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In math class Morgan read, not really paying attention.

Whatever Dr. How was saying was cut off by someone entering the room, girls were already whispering of how hot he looked, apparently a he.

She didn't bother to look up, she really didn't care. She then heard shocked gasps from the girls, that's when she looked up.
In front of her was a muscular, yet slim, tall brown haired dude, his eyes were.....were different, they were....redish?

How could that be? She mentally shrugged, probably contacts.

He wore light blue jeans, almost silver, back combat boots, black shirt and a gray hoodie.

Then he walked to the opposite side of her and sat right next to her.

Morgan was slightly surprised, and she wasn't the only one either.

"Why would someone so sexy sit next to her?"

"Yeah, he's not gonna get anything out of her."

"She's too shy."

Girls whispered some insults but she seemingly ignored them.

She felt uncomfortable for the rest of class, with the glares she was getting from the other girls and of the newbie sitting right next to her.

She was glad the new kid didn't talk to her, maybe he was like her, shy.

She then noticed him shift, uncomfortably in his seat, she sighed.

"Just ignore them, you'll get used to it." She told him quietly.

He glanced at her and asked in a raspy voice,"Excuse me?"

She looked at him. "Don't pay attention to them their idiots." She said louder then continued reading.

"What's your name?" She asked, noticing that she didn't know it, oe catch it if he was introduced.

He hesitated for a minute. "Seth."
She noticed him grimace at his name in slight disgust.

"Don't like your name much I see," she smiled slightly.

He was going to say something when she continued. "I'm not a fan of mine either."

He stared at her confused. "Why....what is your name, if I may ask."

"Morgan, it's galic, it's means war goddess." She explained.

"How do you know that?" Seth asked, surprised by how much she knew what her name meant.

Morgan smiled. "Internet."

"Pff...of course, the internet" he said, less surprised.

The bell suddenly rang for class to be over.

"Finally." She sighed in relief, Seth gave her a strange look. "I like math, but I love science, its my next class."

"Science? You like science?"

"Yeah, I like logic, like space, electricity, energy, other crap like that." She just shrugged. "I'm a nerd, I know." She adjusted her black framed glasses and chuckled. "Glasses and all."

"I guess you can call me that as well." Seth said, Morgan looked up at the slightly taller teen with a raised brow.

"Really? You a nerd?...hmf you don't look like one."

"Oh believe me I am." He told her.

"Ok in what?"

He thought for a second. "Computers, hacking, things of that subject."

"Mmm computers...I'm kinda in ta that but I'm more into other things." She then laughed.


"This is the first time been social with someone other then my friends in years, like seven to be exact." She told him.

He looked at her, shocked. "What about your family?"

Her face fell immediately, surprising him at how fast her expression changed. She looked down and whispered, "Dead, college. Parents deceased and sister in college."

Seth looked down at brown haired girl and asked gently. "You live by yourself at sixteen?"

She nodded. "I'll see you later Seth." She said as she entered the science room.

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