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As school ended Morgan waited for her cousin/friend Abby Irish.

Abby was 14 years old, a smart, cheerful, fun loving dirty blonde, short to her classmate and friends, but that was because she skipped a grade, and she had dark blue hazel eyes and nicely tanned skin like Morgan.

As she spotted her 5'3 friend she left her post by the wall. "Hi Abby how was history?"

Abby looked up at her. "Miserable, Mr. Oldenburg kept on telling us stories of what he did when he was younger."

"Ugh...that does sound boring. She sympathized.

"What did you learn in science?" Abby asked as they walked out of the school's double doors.

"Ah...sound waves and how electricity changes. We're doing an experiment tomorrow on it."

Abby's jaw dropped. "Luuucky I have to do a brochure on the past, while you get to mess around with sound, not fair."

Morgan tried to hide a smile but couldn't. "Sorry....but I bet you'll do it next semester, Abby."

She shrugged. "Maybe, I hope so....aren't you riding the bus?" She asked confused as Morgan went in the opposite direction of where the buses were parked.

"No, I have a ride." She pointed to where Bumblebee was parked. Abby gasped and whined.

"You're sooo lucky, you get an expensive car while I get a loud, annoying bus ride home.

Morgan couldn't help but roll her blue-green eyes. "I can drive ya home you know."

Abby's face lit up and she did a little dance where she stood. "You're the best cousin EVER!" She said in a sing-song voice that made Morgan laugh.

"Well comes and get in slow poke." She teased.

"Awesomeee" Abby sang, overjoyed she didn't have to ride the bus.

As Abby got in she studied the interior. "Whoa... Where did you get a car like this?" She asked awestruck.

Morgan thought for a second, glancing at the dash.

"A friend." She finally answered.

Abby gave her a serious look. "I know all your friends, Morgan, no o e has the money to get you this."

Morgan glanced at her as she pulled the joystick in reverse. "A new friend I met....yesterday," she pulled the stick in neutral and drove out of the parking lot, she then tapped the break yo let Bee know she wanted to stop. Morgan turned her attention yo her cousin. "Should I get Allison as well or leave her?"

Abby thought for a second. "Leave her, she'll probably go loco when she sees this."

Allison was Abby's only little sister, out of five there was only two girls. Allison is 13, girly, preppy sometimes annoying, when excited, loud light brunette, hazel eyed, 5'1, jumpy little girl.

Morgan shrugged. "Yeah, you're right." She nodded in agreement. "Let's hit the road!"


As I pulled into Abby's driveway I noticed, with all the others on the bus, her house, for once, was quiet.

"Well, you get..." I checked the time. "An hour and a half of quietness, enjoy it while you can." I managed to say seriously, but my smile said other wise.

"Oh....I will, thanks for the ride, Morgan, see you tomorrow." Abby waved as she got out of Bee. My smile grew.

"You too and you're welcome. Bye!" I yelled as I quickly pulled out if the driveway in reverse.

"So who was that?" Bee asked after a few minutes of silence.

"That's Abby, my cousin, she's also my best friend, the one I trust the most to keep secrets, anyway."

"Why is that? He asked.

I sighed. "Because, I learned that the other think it would be hilarious to embarrassed me. Little things embarrassed me, I don't know why they just do. But getting back on topic, Abby is also the most mature one of my friends." I told him openly. "Sometimes when Kira gets crazy I want to join her at lunch, but I know Dallas and Kalie wouldn't like it, they don't like me."

I shrugged. "Sometimes I think Abby is my only true friend although we don't hang that much anymore, I still think that."

It went silent.

"Bee? You okay?"

Alright that was a stupid question to ask, I know but I've never been truly open before, because then I'll think that they think I'm weird or dislike me so I mostly keep stuff to myself.

Since third grade I realized kids thought I was weird and I also used to be really talkative, now they probably think I'm a stupid idiot, I'm just . . . scared people will think  weird, which I even think I'm weird. I never speak I unless I have or want too, with my friends. I've been told I'm a boring person because of my dad's strict rules, but being told that by my friends hurts and I wish I wasn't so shy. I hate it sometimes because all my friends are open people but me.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he answered, but I hardly heard him. Deep in my thoughts.

Sometimes my ADHD and dyslexia didn't help at all, they make me feel more idiotic, a loser, my life mentally sucked.

"Morgan.... Morgan are you okay?" A voice brought me out of my stupid thoughts.

"Yeah....yeah I'm fine." I shook my head.

"Are you sure? You spaced out there for a sec." Bee said as he pulled into the driveway farthest from the house.
"I'm fine."

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