Chapter 10: Code Names part 2

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(edited June 8th 2021)

the person sitting in front of me passes me a stack of whiteboards and markers, I grab one and pass the rest onto the person behind me. 

hm I should probably pick a name that could be the name of a villain or a hero since i'm technically both. it has to be something that displays my power and represents me.

my mom had always expected me to take her name, Telegirl but, if she wanted it that badly maybe she shouldn't have kicked me out. 

I open the cap of my marker and write down my hero name, perfect.

everyone needs to get up in front of the class to present their names. 

"now, whos ready to share?" Midnight asks. 

Aoyama raises his hand and walks up to the front holding his board. once he reaches the stand he flips it around revealing his ridiculous name.

"my name is 'I can not stop twinkling!" he announces proudly and everyone laughs.

Midnight takes his board from him and shortens his name to "can't stop twinkling."

"Alright who's next?" more people stand up to present, and then it's my turn.

I get up and walk to the front of the class showing off my board.

"my code name will be Metalica, because of the Metallic balls I use to fight with." I say and everyone seems very disinterested in my name. 

I walk back to my seat awkwardly and sit back down. next it's Uraraka's turn.

"this is my name, Uravity!" she exclaims.

then it's Deku's turn. I'm curious as to what he chose.

he stands up there and shows his board.

"my name is Deku, I used to hate it. but then someone told me it could have a different name. and that had a huge impact on how I felt about it."

my face turns bright red, I can tell he's talking about me.

"alright now that that's out of the way, let's talk about your internships. they will last for 1 week those who have received offers may choose from those and everyone else will have a different list." Mr. Aizawa says passing out papers.

I look at my list and read the long line of agency names, I don't even know where to begin. I look beside me to see Deku muttering to himself trying to decide.

"you decide on an agency yet?" I ask him making him realize his muttering.

"gah! sorry, what'd you say?"

"you're really thinking hard about this aren't you?" I ask him with a laugh.

"y-yeah" he stammers and goes back to reviewing the list.

"you guys have until Wednesday to choose, class is dismissed" Mr. Aizawa mumbles leaving the room.

it's lunchtime, nows my chance to figure out where that camp is going to be. I get up and walk out the door but I am stopped by Deku.

"Hey wanna eat lunch together?" he asks me his cheeks turning pink.

"oh, sorry I have something to do, another time?" I say trying not to hurt his feelings.

"oh yeah of course" he says apologetically scratching the back of his neck. 

I walk down the hall of offices that I had first seen Shigaraki, that day that he threatened me. I reach the principal's office and open the door finding nobody inside. now's my chance, he's probably out to lunch.

I search around the papers on his desk and lucky for me a paper containing information about the camp was there in a stack. it appeared to be a permission slip of sorts.

I read all of the information on it until I reach the location.

it's in the middle of a mountain range, at this place where the wild wild pussy cats (a hero group) works at. I pull my phone out and take a picture of the paper and slip it back into the stack I got it from.

I run out of the room feeling accomplished. I got this done on the first day back! 

since it's lunch time I might as well take care of something else I had to do. back at the sports festival that thing I did with the robot cables gave me an idea to update my costume so I made a sketch. I might as well drop by the support course room and give this to them.

I find the support course hallway and enter one of their workshops. nobody is in here because they are all probably eating lunch right now. I reach into my back and take out the paper.

(a/n I am currently working on a drawing of her costume so you can see what it looks like)

the new design has a harness with a bullet proof front breastplate cause why not? also I switched out the skirt with shorts just to be more convenient with the harness and my overall movability.

I place it down on the counter and write a quick note.

'Costume changes for Maya Suzuki' 

then I go back to the cafeteria to eat. when I walk in I first spot Deku, but then I remember what Shigaraki told me to do. I have to befriend Bakugo somehow.

I guess I can start with sitting by him at lunch. I walk over to his table and plop down in an empty chair.

"what do you want extra." he says

"why you gotta be like that man? I'm just trying to be nice!" I say.

"sorry I don't consort with villains." he says plainly.

"I'm not a villain" I say back shoving rice in my mouth.

"LEAVE!" he barks glaring at me.

"sheesh fine," I stand up with my tray and notice Deku looking at me weirdly.

I walk over to his table and sit down.

"was that the thing you had to do? what were you doing with Kacchan?" he asks me

"I was trying to mend fences, but no that's not what I had to do I had some costume changes I wanted to give to the support course."

"why are you trying to 'mend fences' with Kacchan? he hates both of our guts." he prys

"does there have to be a reason?" I get defensive.

"no I guess not" he says glumly looking down at his rice.



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