Chapter 10: Code Names part 1

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(edited June 8th 2021)

I spent the weekend in that bar getting to know the villains. Shigaraki kind of acts like a spoiled brat but he's cool I guess and that Toga girl is bat shit crazy but she's the closest thing I have to a friend here.

today is my first day back at school after the events of the sports festival. 

I have an awful pounding headache and I look like crap. I pull myself out of the stiff air mattress sitting on the floor of the bar. I see Shigaraki sitting at the bar looking annoyed.

"Isn't it a little early to be drinking sir?" I say rubbing my eyes and walking over to him.

"shut up" he mumbles scratching at his neck. he's not wearing his hand mask thingy, it's weird seeing his pale disturbed face and crusty lips. 

I stand there for a couple seconds in silence before he says something again. 

"that kid in your class, what's his name? Bakugou? he has potential just like you, befriend him. I want him on our side" he tells me staring into his glass.

"that might be a little hard, he kinda hates me." I say walking over to the bathroom to get ready carrying one of the clean uniforms. 

"make him like you!" he yells slamming his fist into the bar counter.

"eep, ok." I leave the room.

I wash my face in the leaky sink and take a shower. I get dressed and go out to get some breakfast somewhere, I'm assuming I won't get a very good breakfast at a bar. 

when I step out it's still dark out and rainy, it's kind of soothing I guess though I don't have an umbrella so I'm going to get soaked. I find myself a nearby cafe and sit down for some crepes. they were delicious. 

I hear my phone go off and check my messages.


Hey Maya, I don't know where you are but if you are safe please text me and lmk where your staying. your mom has cooled off a bit but she's still pretty mad I love you :Dad

Maya: dad i'm safe I'm staying at a friends house


as I'm walking out of the cafe not paying attention to my surroundings I run straight into somebody.

I look up and see that familiar messy green hair.

"S-sorry!" Deku exclaims profusely apologizing for running into me.

"It's fine, sorry I was a little preoccupied." I say with a laugh.

"how are you doing?" he asks still worried about my mom.

"fine, my mom sorta kicked me out" I say glumly

"oh wow, do you have a place to stay. you know if you need I could ask my mo-" I cut him off blushing at the offer.

"it's fine I'm staying with some relatives until she cools down" I lie hiding my red face.

"oh ok, do you want to walk to school together? it doesn't look like you have an umbrella so you can share mine!" he asks me making me smile and I accept his offer.

he holds the umbrella over both of our heads and my face turns bright red. I try looking anywhere but at his adorable freckled face and my eyes are drawn to his hand which is covered in bandages.

"what happened to your hand?" I ask him pointing at the white tap encompassing his left hand.

"wha-? you don't remember? I got these from the sports festival heh... I guess I went a little overboard" he says a little hurt that I didn't remember.

"oh... sorry I was a little out of it after my match. everything after that was kind of a blur" I say apologetically.

"it's fine, you had a lot on your mind." he says with a smile.

"I hope Lida is ok, he probably won't be at school today considering what happened." he says seeing my puzzled look and then remember what I had just said.

"oh right, his older brother was attacked by a villain pretty badly. they don't know if he'll pull through or not" he says looking at the ground.

"oh no, that's awful." I say as we continue to walk to school. 

this situation feels oddly familiar, it reminds me of when my mom was injured. about nine years ago, she was attacked by some whack-job who kills heroes. his name was Hero Killer Stain. even just thinking about the guy sends chills down my back.

"hey you guys were in the sports festival right?" I hear a woman with a kid ask

"yeah..." I say scratching the back of my neck

"can my little Koko get a pictures with you two?" she asks

"yeah of course!" me and Deku both say flustered. we stop on the side of the sidewalk and let her snap a pic of us. this is weird it's kind of like we are celebrities.

we walk up to the front of the school when we hear someone running behind us.

"Lida!?" I exclaim confused as to why he's here after all that's happened.

"woah Lida, you really went all out with the rain gear huh?" Deku points out his bright neon green poncho and rain boots making me giggle.

"why on earth are you two walking so slowly? you'll be late!" he exclaims running past us.

"late!? but there's still five minutes till the first bell!" Deku whimpers chasing after him and I start running too.

"UA student's should always arrive ten minutes early don't you think?" he asks him.

me and Deku start running and he immediately falls behind. Lida whizzes past us and into the school and me and Deku continue running.

just as we are about to enter the building Deku slips, deja vu anyone? he collapses on top of me knocking me over too. and since he was behind me I couldn't see him to stop him.

"I guess this is payback for that time at the entrance exam." I joke getting up

"s-sorry! I slipped, I didn't mean to knock you over" he says his face even redder than before while he gets up and I just start laughing.

"why are you laughing?" he asks me confused.

"no reason" I say smiling at him and looking at his also sopping wet uniform.

we enter the building and he shakes out his umbrella. I go over to my locker to change my shoes. then I take my wet blazer off shoving it into my locker.

"so Lida about your brother..." Deku starts wrapping up his umbrella.

"don't worry Deku everything will be fine, I'm sorry if I worried you" he says with a fake smile as he takes off his bright poncho.

we enter the classroom and take our seats.

"it's so weird getting recognized outside of school" Mina says.

"yeah it's like we are famous or something!" another girl chimes in.

"yeah, you wouldn't believe what some elementary schoolers yelled at me this morning" a guy with weird elbows says.

"nice try?" Tsu guesses making the elbow guy groan.

"yeah on the way to school some lady asked for me and Deku's picture" I try to join the conversation but everyone just ignores me, I don't know why I thought they'd care.

I walk over to Bakugo's seat to try and befriend him, though I know it won't just happen in a day, Shigaraki says I have to befriend this asshole. I don't know what he sees in this guy.

"hey Bakugo, I just wanted to say I forgive you for beating me up at the sports festival." I say.

he looks up at me and makes a face.

"wait who are you again?" he says staring into my soul.

"what you don't remember!? I'm Maya the one everyone makes fun of including you!" I yell frustrated.

"I don't know why I bother" I mumble throwing my hands in the air going back to my seat.

"morning." I hear the dead voice of my teacher enter the class room.

"good morning Mr. Aizawa" the class goes.

"Mr. Aizawa you don't have bandages anymore, that's good news!" Tsu says putting a finger on her chin.

"the old lady went a little overboard in her treatment. anyways, we have a big class today on hero informatics."

the class tenses up praying that it isn't a test.

"you need code names, it's time to pick your hero identities." 

the class erupts with excitement.

"this is related to what I said about the hero draft picks I mentioned earlier. normally students don't have to worry about the draft until their second or third year but your class is different. now here are the totals for those of you who go offers. he points to the board showing a short list of names.

Todoroki - 4123

Bakugo - 3556

Tokoyami - 360

Lida - 301

Maya - 245


"woah I got 245 offers?" I say to myself, then I realize that Deku got zero. poor thing.

I look over to him and he looks defeated and that short pervert is shaking him around. 

"Midoriya you got none!" he mocks him and I glare at the grape head making him back down.

"it's ok I'm sure you'll get more next year" I try and reassure him.

"easy for you to say with your 245 offers" he says looking down.

"despite these results, you'll all be interning with pros, no matter how many offers you got." Mr. Aizawa said bringing some comfort to Deku.

"and for that you guys will need hero names. these names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-" he's cut off by the door opening.

"you'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight exclaims entering the room making the boys blush.

"choose wisely the name you pick might be stuck with you for life."

"Midnight has a good point, since I'm not very good with code names she gets final say over your names." he says laying on the floor to nap.

hmm what should my name be?



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