Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 8

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(edited June 4th 2021)

"Don't bother coming home tonight" My mom's words ringing in my ears. I clench my blanket and squeeze my eyes shut. where am I supposed to go? she can't really throw me out forever right?

I'm lucky that recovery girl was here or I would have gotten another slap to the face.

"are you ok darling?" Recovery girl asks me worried.

"y-yea, I'm fine" I say opening my eyes.

"I think I'm ready to go out and watch the other matches now" I say putting on a fake smile.

"ok deary you pace yourself now!" she says as I walk out the door. I'm exhausted from this nonstop use of my power, and my head is pounding from all that crying. 

I make my way back up to the area where all the students watch the matches from. I walk over to Deku and see him blushing and profusely apologizing for mumbling to Uraraka. I don't have the energy to glare at her right now, so I sit down in my seat bringing my knees up to my chest. 

I already hear my classmates whispers. 

"I think Todoroki broke her."

"that's what she gets for being a villain"

"jeez she's really taking this loss rough eh?"

suddenly a blonde haired boy who looks insane pokes his head over the wall dividing class 1-A and 1-B.

"WHAT'S WRONG? I THOUGHT CLASS A WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST?" he yells practically foaming at the mouth.

suddenly a pretty red head chops him in the back of the neck and knocks him out.

"sorry about him" she says nervously dragging his motionless body away.

"thanks" I say quietly.

Deku stops his blathering and turns over to me.

"Maya.." he starts.

"I don't want to talk about it" I mumble.

he looks back forward awkwardly trying to figure out what he could do to make me feel better, but there's nothing. 

the matches continue but I don't bother watching them, I just keep my head down replaying what my mom said to me over and over again. 

after the festival ends I trudge home even though my mom told me not too, maybe I could get my dad to let me in or something.

I walk up to the front door and try to open it but its locked. I hear yelling coming from inside. I look in through the window at the front of the house and see my mom and dad screaming at each other. 

I should just go. I swing my bag back over my shoulder readjusting my grip on it. where do I even go? I could go to the villains but I have no way of contacting them. I walk around the streets with no where to go. 

I make my way to some back alley and crouch to the floor. I guess I'll stay here. suddenly a portal opens up beneath me and I fall through emerging on the other side in a bar like place.

I'm suddenly grabbed by two people and my hands and feet are bound.

"hey! what gives!" I yell immediately knowing my captors.

"sorry for the rude ride over here. we didn't want you to run, since you got kicked out this is the perfect time for your loyalty test." Tomura says approaching me.

"how do you know about that?" I ask him

"we know everything" he responds with an evil smirk.

"ok now for your test, every year the students in the hero course at UA go to a summer training camp."

"WE DO!?" I say my face lighting up and he grimaces at me.

"as I was saying, with the attacks we have performed, they are going to closely guard the location of this camp, your job is to figure out where it will be and tell us, and you have a week to do so."  he explains

"that doesn't sound so hard." I say with a grin.

"in the meantime, you can stay here with us until your mom lets you back in your home. and listen to me." he says grabbing me by my shirt collar.

"you tell no one about this place, we clear?" 

"crystal" is say and he drops me to the ground motioning for his henchmen to untie me.

"Hi I'm Himiko Toga! you're probably the closest one here to my age!" a blonde girl says untying my feet. she appears to be only a few years older than me and is wearing a high school uniform.

"I'm Maya! nice to meet you!" I exclaim. I look into her eyes, everything about this girl screams batshit crazy.

she sets me up with an air mattress and a blanket. 

"we've prepared a bunch of clean UA uniforms for you don't ask how we got them." she says chuckling.

"thanks! villains aren't as bad as people make them seem, you guys are actually pretty nice." I comment

"what do you mean 'you guys'? I thought you were one of us" she says skeptically

"I'm just kidding, I get this stuff is all new for you!" 

"hey um do you guys happen to have showers? I'm feeling a little gross after the whole Sports Festival." I ask her scratching the back of my head.

"yeah right this way" she leads me to a bathroom that looks super trashy but has a shower. 

"thanks" I say trying not to puke, though I guess I can't complain these guys took me in when my mother wouldn't.

I take my Uniform off and hop in the shower, this feels so nice. I feel free. 

after my shower, I think I'm ready for some sleep. I think during lunchtime tomorrow should be the best time to go rifling through files. then I can figure out where that camp is going to be. I wonder what their plan is to attack the camp? I hope no one gets hurt. 

they will probably be guarding it super heavily. plus I've seen my classmates and they are pretty strong though with me against them we may have a chance. plus I don't know who else is a part of the league of villains.

maybe more of them have powerful quirks like mine. I can't wait to start my work for them in the morning.

I shut my eyes and slowly drift off into sleep.



(a/n I just wrote a chapter that ion even know if it's going to be cannon with my story we'll see but anyways it's meant to take place wayyy later like after the attack on the camp but it is so fawking good, even if I decide that my story isn't going that way I will still post it bc I love it so much. also I just realized that I never posted this oopsies yall must have been confused.)

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