Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 7

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(edited June 4th 2021)

"ugh, that was so nerve racking!" Uraraka complains

"yeah, he did good though." I say stars in my eyes

"turning the tables at the last moment, a classic Midoriya maneuver!" Lida exclaims

I suddenly feel my stomach turn in knots as I remember that I'm up next with Todoroki. in the short break between rounds I decide to go find Deku in the nurse's office.

"DEKU!" I yell bursting in.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" i exclaim jumping up and down excitedly then I notice a strange man in the corner of the room.

"uh who's that?" 

"Oh uh t-that's nobody" he stammers nervously.

"oh while I'm here, recovery girl? can you heal this bruise I got earlier" I say pointing to the mark on my head.

"of course sweetie" she says giving me a big wet smooch.

"thanks, um I don't have much time now I gotta go fight Todoroki." I say the knots returning to my stomach.

"oh right, good luck with that Maya!" he says as I exit the nurses office.

I make my way down to the corridors you stand in to wait to be called out to the arena. 

"Enough standing around! now welcome to the ring our next round of players! first we have Maya Suzuki Daughter of the number 2 hero from way back when Telegirl! and second we have Todoroki son of the current reigning number 2 hero, Endeavor! 

me and Icy Hot both walk up to the arena facing off on either side. 

"READY BEGIN!" Present Mic yells.

I lift my hand to try and pick him up before he blocks my field of view. but I'm too late suddenly a shield of ice blows up in my face.

Alright plan B then. I start hacking away at the ice using my fists which hurts like a bitch, but once I get one piece out I can use that to get more. I suddenly see him launch over the ice wall and I grab him midair. Before I can send him flying out of the ring he makes another ice wall making him fall to the ground behind it. 

I use the first chunk of Ice I was able to break free and bash it into his ice wall creating more pieces. I grab all the tiny shards and shoot them at Todoroki. he dodged my flying ice and I send it flying back towards myself. I wrapped the ice shards around my legs, arms and chest lifting myself through the air.

I need to be able to see him.

"whats this? looks like Maya is making herself fly again! much like she did back in the first trial!" Present Mic notes.

I float over his wall and see him down there waiting for me. I lift him up to my level and bring him close to me.

"I told you I'd win" I say smugly propelling him backwards towards the edge. a wall of ice shoots up behind him and I hear a loud crash.

once the dust settles I see him still standing there, huffing. he still hasn't given up yet. figures for Endeavors son.

he suddenly starts running at me using ice beneath his feet to make himself go faster. I lift him up again but this time he shoots ice straight at me on the offense. I fly back a couple feet but manage to catch myself.

"woah this round is tense" Present Mic comments

I look down to make sure I haven't gone over the line yet. I'm still good.

I fly myself forward using my ice chunks and get blasted with ice from below, though painful this alerted me to his presence. 

I see him and lift him this time taking no time to make snarky comments. I throw him back once more hoping that this time will do it. 

I fly over to see where he had landed but I don't see him anywhere.

"uh oh where'd Todoroki go? ah there he is!" Present Mic exclaims.

I whirl around to see him jumping at me his right arm covered in frost. he punches me square in the face shooting ice out along with that blow shooting me back and on the way back I hit an ice wall and everything goes dark.

I wake up a few minutes later to the sound of cheering and Midnight announcing something.

"Maya is down! Todoroki is the winner of round two!"

"n-no, I'm still.. awake..." I say trying to get up, but my body aches.

"I'm not d-done yet..." I stand up my head pounding. 

Todoroki walks over to me and lightly pushes my forehead making me tumble backwards and resume my position on the ground. 


"I win" he says staring at my weak body.

I hear the sirens of the ambulance robots drive up to me and feel them lift me into the stretcher. I suddenly remembered why I wanted to win this thing so bad... my mom. if I got a slap for getting fourth place imagine what I'll get for finishing second to last in the finales. I feel warm tears come to my eyes and drip down the sides of my face.

"oh my!" I hear recovery girls concerned voice.

"what happened to you? let's get you healed up right away!" she says giving me yet another warm kiss. 

"I failed you, I'm so sorry mom" I say to her delusional.

"I forgive you sweetie" she plays along with a sweet smile.

I hear the door bust open and see the four people I love most in this world.

"Maya oh my god are you ok!?" Uraraka exclaims in her usual sweet tone. 

"you put up a great fight, I admire your pestilence" Lida says giving me a thumbs up

"Maya, I'm so sorry you lost." Deku says glumly being the only one who knows what my mother is capable of.

"that was pretty cool what you did with the ice!" Tsu says putting a finger on her chin.

"thanks guys it really means a lot-" I manage to get out and then start ugly crying. it's weird hearing people be proud of me for losing. I just broke down right then and there.

and to top it all off I was so certain I would win this is so embarrassing. 

"Maya don't cry you still did really good" Uraraka tries to comfort me when the door bursts open once more. 

"out" my mothers shrill voice rings in my ears. my friends look startled and leave afraid of my mother.

"go away mom I don't want to hear it." I mumble turning over in the cot.

she sighs and looks up at me.

"I won't be here long I just wanted to tell you..."

"don't bother coming home tonight"



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