Chapter 9: The Sports Festival part 6

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(edited June 4th 2021)

Me and Deku stand next to each other examining the board.

"if we each win our first rounds we might end up fighting each other." I say trying to strategize about how to beat him, although with my quirk it wouldn't be that hard.

"that is you right? Izuku Midoriya" I hear a voice come from behind us and it send chills up Deku's spine.

I turn around to see the pale purple-haired boy from earlier standing there with his hands in the pockets of his uniform.

Deku yelps and takes a step back a little startled by his presence.

"it's a pleasure to met you, you excited?" he asks

"ye-" Deku starts but is cut off by Ojiro's tail wrapping around his mouth.

"not so fast." he says silencing the boy.

"Ojiro? what's the deal?" I ask him he turns to Deku ignoring me.

"you can't say a word to him, his quirk has something to do with brainwashing. for the cavalry battle I answered his question and couldn't remember anything after that."

he explains.

I lose interest in the conversation and go to find Todoroki who is intently staring at the board.

"Hey I just wanted to wish you good luck in our battle, we are up second." I state obviously and he just glares at me.

"I will beat you" he says plainly and then walks away.

"uh k then" I say to myself and go back over to Deku and Ojiro.

"alright! now that thats over with it's time for some pulse-pounding side games!" Present Mic says over the loud speakers.

I go up to the waiting rooms with the others in the tournament and get lost deep in thought trying to strategize against Todoroki.

he doesn't use his left side for some reason so the only thing I'll have to deal with is his ice which will suck visibility wise, I need to see something to move it and there isn't much in the arena that I can use. 

I supposed I could try and break some of his ice pieces and use that against him, but it will be hard to break it while defending against him. all I need is a couple seconds to look at him and carry him out of the arena. 

Once I've settled on my strategy I go up to the viewing area so I can watch Deku's battle.

"are ya ready!" Present Mic yells

"it's time for the real battles to begin!"

I look down into the stadium to see Cementoss making a cement stage. 

"welcome our first fighters!" Present Mic says while a familiar green haired boy emerges from one of the corridors, and on the other side a purple haired boy.

"It's Izuku Midoriya from the hero course, versus Hitoshi Shinso from general studies!"

the battle is about to begin and Shinso starts saying something to Deku but I'm too far away to be able to hear it. 

whatever it was it angered Deku and he yells 

"DON'T YOU TALK ABOUT HIM THAT WAY" while charging at him but the second he finished his sentence he stops dead in his tracks.

"huh? hey hey what's the dealio?" Present Mic exclaims confused.

"DEKU WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" I yell even though he probably can't hear me from down there. 

"gahhh I warned him not to say anything!" Ojiro stands up frustrated.

"this is the first match... it should start out with a bang. the fight has just begun and Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen!?" he yells.

he continues to stand there for a few seconds before he turns around and begins walking toward the edge of the arena. the crowd goes wild screaming at him to stop but he keeps going. 

what is happening is he scared? no wait what was it that monkey guy said? that guys quirk has something to do with brainwashing. is he brainwashed? I guess that's the only reasonably explanation. Deku's a bit of a wimp but he wouldn't just walk out of a battle like that.

"WAHHH Midoriya is walking out of the ring?" Present Mic yells.

he starts nearing the line drawn around the border to mark the edge of the arena but just as he is about to take the final step...

"cmon Deku wake up!" I whimper to myself gritting my teeth.

a huge gust of air bursts outward from him and when the dust finally clears I see him panting crouched over just before he reached the border. 

"Whats this? Midoriya stopped just in time!!!" Present Mic yells.

the crowd erupts and I yell along with them cheering him on. 


I take a closer look at him and see his discolored fingers, he must've somehow given himself a hard tap to wake himself. strange.

he puts a hand to his mouth looking very frightened not at the fight he was about to participate in but the way that he broke free. 

Deku holds his hand wincing and running after shinso. Shinso keeps trying to get him to talk by yelling at him.

"I had no idea you had such power in your fingers I'm kind of jealous. your so lucky with a quirk like that it'll be so easy for you to reach your goal!" he yells

Deku finally reaches him and starts pushing him out of the rink but is met with a fist to the face.

"SAY SOMETHING DAMNIT!" the purple haired boy yells.

Deku looks back up at him wiping away the blood coming out of his nose and continues to push him. suddenly Shinso punches him right in his broken fingers.

I suck my teeth, that looked like it hurt. 

"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" he yells slapping him in the face.

"GET OUT OF THIS RING YOU LUCKY BRAT!" he continues putting a hand on his chest, then Deku  grabs his arm and whips him over his head body slamming him just outside the ring.

everyone just stares dumbfoundead before Midnight grabs the microphone.

"Shinso is out! Midoriya advances on to the next match!" she announces and the crowd goes wild.



(a/n fun fact: did you know that Shinso and Kuboyaso from The Disastrous life of Saiki k are both voiced by the same person?)

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