Chapter 15: The Exams part 1

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(edited June 11th 2021)

a week has passed and today is the written and practical exams. my mom wants me to be sharp for the test so she let me sleep in today. 

there's nothing better than getting a full night of sleep. 

I wake up feeling well rested and put my uniform on. I'm so ready for this test. As much as I hate studying I do have to give some credit to my mom. I feel like I'm going to ace this. 

I exit my room with my school bag and go sit at the table.

"hey honey did you sleep well?" my dad asks me from the kitchen

"mm-hmm" I say stretching my arms out and yawning.

"I'm making french toast!" he exclaims cheerfully.

"ooh yum"

I take my phone out and start texting my friends while I wait for breakfast.


Maya: u guys ready for the test?

yea I feel good about this :Deku

yes :Todoroki

yeah I was up til 3 last night studying heh :Uraraka

I feel like I might fail :Tsu

Don't say that Tsu, we can all work together to pass this test!: Lida

Maya: ew Lida y do you text with such perfect grammar?

It's is not "gross" to speak properly. : Lida

Maya: stay weird bro


I look up to see my dad emerging from the kitchen with three plates of french toast in hand. 

I eat my toast and then head out to school.

when I walked in everyone was either getting in some last minute studying or sitting there anxiously.

I took my seat and took out my notebook to look over everything one last time. after a few minutes of revising, Mr. Aizawa walked in the room carrying a stack of papers which I assumed are the tests.

"I hope you have all prepared yourselves for your test" he says unenthusiastically passing out the papers. 

I take out a pencil from my bag and lay it on my desk parallel to the paper. 

"you guys know the drill, no phones, no smart watches, no talking, and no cheating" he says

"yes sir" the class says.

"you may begin." Mr. Aizawa says before laying on the ground in his sleeping bag.

I flip open the packet and begin filling out the little bubbles. around 30 minutes later and I finished. 

I flip the packet closed and wait for the time to run out.

about an hour later Mr. Aizawa gets up and announces to the class.

"allright pencils down." everyone closes their packets and those who were tutored by Yaoyorozu swarmed her with thank yous. 

"the last person in each row, bring the scantrons to me."

I go over to Deku's seat where he's wiping a bead of sweat off his brow.

"how do you think you did?" I ask him holding my arms behind my back.

"I think I got a pretty good score, what about you?"  he asks

"I think I aced it!" I say excitedly.

we grab our things and head off to lunch. 

the practical exams will be later in the day and my stomach is churning. we have no idea what we will be up against. 

I'm so nervous that I don't even eat. I had a big enough breakfast. 

"I'm so psyched for the practical exam!" Uraraka states punching the air.

"yeah, I'm a little more nervous than excited." I say.

"I wonder what we'll be up against" Tsu thinks out loud putting a finger to her chin. 

after lunch we go to the locker rooms and change into our hero costumes, then we head to the parking lot in between all of the grounds. 

as we near, we notice that all the teachers in the school are there.

"why are the teachers here?" the crowd murmurs.

"I bet we are fighting them" I whisper to Deku.

"I expect many of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be fighting."

"we're fighting those big ol' robots aren't we!" Kaminari and Minda exclaim.

"actually the tests this year are going to be a little different" a muffled voice coming from Mr. Aizawa's scarf says. 

suddenly a humanoid like rodent pops out.

"principal Nezu!?" the class says surprised.

"you're changing things?" Yaoyorozu asks.

"the tests now have a new focus, there will be hero work of course but also teamwork and combat between actual people. what does that mean for you? you might ask. you students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of our esteemed UA teachers. isn't that fabulous!?" the rat exclaims and the crowd tenses up.

"We're- fighting the teachers?" Uraraka asks.

"additionally, your partners and your opponents have already been chosen. they were determined by discretion based on various factors including fighting style, grades, and interpersonal relationships. here are the match ups." Mr. Aizawa says motioning towards a board.

Sato/Kirishima - Cementoss

Asui/Tokoyami - ectoplasm

Lida/Ojiro - Power loader

Yaoyorozu/Todoroki - Eraserhead

Suzuki/Uraraka - Thirteen

Ashido/Kaminari - Nezu

Jiro/Kota - Present Mic

Hagakure/Shoji - Snipe

Sero/Mineta - Midnight

Midoriya/Bakugou - All Might

"GAH! we're up against All Might!?" Deku says caught off guard.

"I'm sure you can beat him, you and Bakugo are both pretty strong. plus your quirk is so similar to All Mights." I mention and his face turns red.

"really? you think so?" he stammers.

"mm-hmm" I feel a tap on my shoulder, it's Uraraka.

"hey we are partnered up I guess." she says sounding a little sad.

"what's wrong?" I ask her.

"oh no it's not that we are partnered up it's something else." she says looking away glumly.

"in order to complete the exams, you must either put these handcuffs on your teacher or, one of you must escape and you'll have thirty minutes to do so." Principal Nezu says holding up a pair of handcuffs.

"so we've either got to capture the teacher or run away it's basically like the combat training." Kaminari says.

"yeah but is it really ok to just jet?" Mina asks raising a hand.

"yup" Nezu responds with a thumbs up

"it's gonna be much different than that combat training yall went through way earlier. after all you're up against people wayyy stronger than you!" Present Mic exclaims making weird hand gestures.

"stronger? I thought you were just the announcer" jiro pokes.

"Hey! whatch'yo mouth girlie, have some respect!" he yells

"this time your exam will be very similar to a real battle. as strange as it is, please think of us as villains."

"assuming you come across your enemy, if you think you can win against them then fine. however in instances where you're out matched you should run away and find help. Todoroki, Midoriya, Maya, Lida" Mr.Aizawa says pointing at us four. 



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