Chapter 14: Preparations for the Finals part 2

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(edited June 12th 2021)

"HEY DEKU! I saw the way you're using your power now and I want you to know... it's seriously pissing me off." I hear Bakugou yell at Deku.

this whole day has been a blur. I can't stay awake in most of my classes I need some lighter training.

"he must mean how Deku was flying around like him the other day" Uraraka whispers to me.

"wha?" I ask confused at what she's even talking about

"wow you really have been out of it today." she says staring at me. 

"oh and Maya," Bakugou says continuing whatever he was saying.

"I'll kill you too!" he yells pointing at me and I just sit there confused af.

"why do you always have to be so murder-y? chill out dude" I say just wanting to go back to sleep.

"it's been a while since I've seen him that worked up" Kirishima says.

"you think it's impatience or hatred?" Tokoyami adds.

I look around the room and see everyone has their bags on, school must've ended. I grab my bag and swing it over my shoulder.

"Hey Maya. you ready?" Deku asks me and I just look at him confused.

"uhhh for what?" I say staring at him.


"oh sorry, i forgot I'm so exhausted." I apologize.

"let me text my mom real quick."


Maya: hey mom I was wondering if I could train with my friend today?

Make sure you are pushing yourself :mom



we walk out the door and go over to his house. my house would be better for training but I'd rather not be there.

I just realized that I'm about to be at a boys house... alone... this is going to be awkward. I hope I don't fall asleep there that'd be even more embarrassing.

we take the train and arrive at his apartment complex. 

we take the elevator up to his floor and when we enter I smell something amazing. 

his mother is in the kitchen cooking what smells like steak and then notices her son is home.

"Izuku baby!" she yells running up and hugging him.

"mom!" he says embarrassed

I laugh and she realizes that I'm there.

"who's this? did you finally get a girlfriend!" the short green-haired woman says excitedly and both of our faces go red.

"I'm not his girlfriend, my name is Maya, I'm here to study" I say with a nervous laugh.

"hi there Maya! my names Inko, you kids be safe!" she says smugly going back over to the kitchen and I burst out laughing.

"your mom's amazing" I say catching my breath.

"heh, allright do you want to go to my room?" he asks

"yea" I respond following him to a door that has an All Might plaque hanging on the door that reads 'Izuku'

"just uh be warned, my room has a lot of All Might merch in it. so uh don't be surprised." he says holding his hand on the doorknob.

he opens the door and I'm blinded by red blue and yellow. 

"wow" I say taking in my surroundings.

"your obsession with All Might is so cute!" I blush when I realize what I just said, and he blushes too.

"anyways, should we get started?" I ask sitting down on the floor and leaning my head against the side of his bed. 

"yeah" he says joining me on the floor and pulling out some notebooks. 

"ok let's start with Slope intercept-" he starts but then realizes that I'm asleep and snoring.



~Deku's POV~

is she out already? she must've been really tired for her to fall asleep just like that. I know how ruthless her mom can be. I might as well let her sleep she probably needs it. 

I get up off the floor and grab a blanket and drape it over and I gently lift her head and slip a pillow under it.

now what? I guess I'll study on my own. I pull out a set of flashcards and begin flipping through them.

after a few hours of this she finally stirs awake. she slowly opens her eyes forgetting where she was.

"GAH! IM SO SORRY I MUST'VE JUST DOZED OFF! I've been doing that all day whoopsie" she says her face turning way redder than mine normally does. 

"it's fine heh, you looked like you needed some sleep anyways." I say with a smile and she calms down. she notices the All Might themed blanket and pillow wrapped around her and starts laughing.

"wow you really like All Might" she says between laughs.

"yea" I say a little embarrassed.

I hear footsteps behind me and see my mom standing in the doorway.

"Izuku honey does your friend want some steak?" she asks.

"I'd have to ask my mom" she says pulling her phone out. 


~Maya's Pov~

 Deku's mom invited me to stay for dinner I hope my mom lets me.

I take out my phone to text her.


Maya: Mom my friends mom invited me to stay for dinner can I?

sure honey, you've been working hard lately :Mom

Maya: Yay thank you thank you thank you!


"she said yes" I say excitedly and sliping my phone back into my bag. 

"great it'll be ready in five minutes! I'll leave you kiddos to your "studying"" his mom says making air quotes and leaving the room.

"sorry about my mom" Deku says turning back to me with a nervous laugh and a slight blush across his adorable freckled face.

"are you kidding? I freaking love your mom!" I say and he smiles.

"do you want to actually study now?" he asks and I agree.

he hands me a stack of flashcards and we take turns quizzing each other until we hear his mother calling.

"dinners ready!" Deku's mother yells from the kitchen.

Deku stands up and then holds out a hand to help me up. I grab his scarred hand and pull myself up with a little too much force and end up only a few inches away from his face. I'm so close that I can feel his breath on my cheek. 

I can tell he feels just as awkward as I do because his ears are turning red.

"s-sorry" he apologizes stammering and I just smile at him and then leave the room following the scent of the steak his mom made. 

"this smells amazing!" I say wide eyed sitting down at the table.

"thank you!" she says unfolding a napkin.

we put our hands together and say a quick prayer before eating. 

after we eat I get a text from my mom telling me to come home.

"My mom says I have to go" I say sadly, and start shoving my notebooks back into my bag. 

"aw, ok" he says also looking glum.

I stand up and so does he. 

"Thanks for helping me escape my mom and sleep for a few hours" I say with a grin.

"yeah anytime, I know how your mom can be" he says also smiling. 

I walk out of his room and thank his mother for the food.

I exit the apartment and take the train, but not to my house. I need to stop by the villain lair first. 

I enter the run down building to see a lot more villains than there were before. there's some wanna bee ninja turtle looking guy, a man with a huge magnet, a man with a fancy coat, what looks like a middle school boy, a man who looks like a pair of patch-work jeans, toga, and a man wearing a skin tight suit. 

they all turn to look at me. 

"ah! she's the one I was talking about!" Toga exclaims bringing the middle schooler over to me.

"she's only a year older than you, you two would be perfect together!" the crazy girl says.

the boy takes his gas mask off and looks at me in disgust. 

"ew I thought she'd be prettier"

"little shit" I mutter.

"us three gotta stick together we are the youngest ones here after all" she says pulling us into a group hug. 

"you're late Maya" Shigaraki says scratching his neck.

"sorry, I was at a friends house. we had to study for finals. don't forget if I don't pass I won't even be able to go to the camp." I remind him and he just grumbles.

"before you came in we were just talking about our strategy, I won't be there so I'm trusting you idiots to do this right. first we'll send the little boy out into the forest to gas as many kids as he can. then we'll have Sister Magnus and spinner attack the Pussycats. then twice will make a copy of Dabi and that copy will go after the UA teachers. while the real Dabi and Twice get any other students in the forest and release the Nomu. well station the rest of our villains throughout the perimeter of the camp to catch any stragglers while compress locates Bakugo."

"Bakugo?" I ask

"yes since you failed to befriend him we have to take him by force." he says irritated.

"what will I do?" 

"you don't do anything, make it look like you are fighting us but don't get in our way we can't have you blowing your cover but don't do any actual bad damage." he mutters. 

I think he might be mad at me is he forgetting that I'm the whole reason they even know where the camp is?

we finish up the meeting and I head home. my mom wasn't too mad that I was out a little later I just told her that we got caught up with our training and she seemed pleased with that excuse. 



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