Chapter 15: The Exams part 3

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(edited June 20th 2021)

I go back over to my seat. I can't help but think about what Uraraka said. 

'I've seen the way you look at eachother'

do I really do that? 

I look over to Deku who's focused on the battles. I take note of every feature on his face, his freckles spotted over his cheeks, the way his eyes seem to glow when he's excited. 

I find myself staring at him for a exceedingly long time and he seems to notice.

"what? do I have something on my face?" he asks me while touching his face.

I just stare at him my face turning pink like a deer in headlights. 

"n-nothing sorry" I stammer nervously.

I turn my attention back up to the screen to see Ashido and Kaminari frantically running from falling debris in ground gamma.

"in the past humans conducted horrible experiments on Nezu, so in times like this he gets his vengeance." Recovery girl comments.

everyone in the room stays silent, our eyes glued to the screen watching our classmates get cornered by the mouse. 

Mina melts a hole in the wall of a building and they both crawl in but Nezu finds them and makes the building collapse using his crane. 

"incredible, he's always two steps ahead of them" Deu says gawking at the scene.

"they can't attack him if they don't know where he is, what an impressive brain." Tsu comments.

"the principles strategy is nearly perfect." Yaoyorozu says.

the timer nears its end as Kaminari and Ashido climb out of the rubble.

"Team 8 has failed due to the time expiring."

"aw man that sucks!"

"Damn it!" the two exclaim frustrated.

"so it's over... they lost" Deku says getting increasingly nervous for his own exam.

"they never even saw their opponent" Lida says staring at the screen.

"aw man they must be crushed" Uraraka says feelin the frustration of her classmates. 

"yeah..." I add 

"hey Maya, what were you and Ochaco talking about right before the end of your match against Thirteen?" Tsu chimes in putting a finger to her chin. 

"uh.. well... GAH it was nothing!" I say my face turning red and Uraraka lets out a little laugh at my reaction.

"why is your face so red?" Lida asks me.

"what- no my face is not red!" I argue

thankfully the robotic voice interrupts our awkward conversation to call up the next team.

"team Koda and Jiro, practical exam, ready, go!" 

the camera cuts to a large forest ground encased in a large circular wall. 

"the practical exam matches up students with teachers they are supposed to have a hard time with. that's the whole point right?" Lida asks.

"yes" Yaoyorozu answers.

"it's easy to see what this team's weaknesses are." Deku analyzes.

"I agree, what are they going to do against Present Mic?" Tsu wonders.

"both of them have sound related quirks, but Present Mic will be able to drown out everything around them" Deku continues picking apart their test.

Present Mic sends sound blasts out towards the two and then each brace themselves covering their ears.

as he continues to blast them Jiro manages to plug in her earphone jack to her boot sending a counter wave that cancels out Present Mic's. 

when she weakens Koda controls the bugs around them sending them towards Present Mic.

they emerge and begin crawling up his leg sending a chill down my spine, I'd hate to be him right now. 

we all stand there trying not to barf at the sight of all those centipedes, spiders, ants, and other bugs crawling up his body.

he lets out a blood curdling scream and falls to the ground in fear of the creepy crawlers allowing Koda and Jiro to run past him and escape.

"wow Koda... harsh move" Deku says looking sick to his stomach.

"he let a few bugs beat him?" Recovery girl pokes fun of the collapsed man.

"team Koda and Jiro, have passed the exam." the robotic voice comes over the loudspeaker.

"team Shoji and Hagakure practical exam, ready, go!" it continues.

this battle is relatively boring so I don't pay much attention to it. they end up winning by having Hagakure sneak up on Mr. Snipe and handcuff him.

they passed.

"it's just as I expected, Hagakure's the best there is at stealth ops" Yaoyorozu exclaims.

"and Shoji had the guts to face Mr. Snipe head on and be their distraction." Deku chimes in

"Team Mineta and Sero practical exam, ready, go!" the voice buts in again.

"hey Deku isn't your exam next? shouldn't you be like strategizing with Bakugou?" I ask the green haired boy.

"oh... probably but I want to make sure I see all the battles. I want to see how each team uses their quirks, but I also feel  like I'm getting stronger watching them our classmates are just so amazing. even if some didn't pass, they fought until the very end. every one of them embodies what it means to be a UA student!"

"psh lame... you really should be strategizing." I cut off his big heroic speak with a raspberry.

"yeah I guess, but it's not like Kacchan wants to talk to me" he says looking back up to the screen and I do the same.

when I do I see the tiny pervert sobbing and running away from Midnight.

"eh... what is he doing?" Deku says wide eyed


"what an idiot" I mutter.

"but he was looking forward to the training camp so much... why is he ready to give up now?" Deku wonders.

"I don't know if he can bounce back from this, as far as the practical exams go, All Might, Present Mic, Cementoss and Midnight are especially hard opponents for you kids to best. it's not hard to imagine someone feeling as though they have no possible way to win" Recovery girl says matter of factly 

back on the screen we see that Sero has fallen asleep in her arms because of her quirk. Midnight is kind of creepy if you ask me. 

Mineta turns around yelling something at Midnight revealing that his whole face is bleeding.

we all stand there our mouths agape, what a wuss.

"it might be hard for a kid like that to make it out of this school" Recovery girl says sounding slightly disappointed.

"UA is constantly creating new obstacles that our students have to overcome, in order to keep moving forward successfully, students need to have a concrete goal to focus on. if your desire is just to be a hero for no reason, your path isn't going to be easy. if someone who's only wish is to become a hero reaches their goal, then they have no real future." she continues.

Midnight finds Mineta and whips him, he looks horrified and happy at the same time. as she walks her violet mist wafts around her. 

he hides behind and rock and then rushes at her whipping his purple balls at her sticking her in place.

"I wasn't expecting that" I say watching the pervert run to the gate.

"team Mineta and Sero have passed the exam" the robotic voice says.

"all right they did it!" Lida exclaims.

"Mineta actually had a solid plan." Yaoyorozu says in disbelief.

"Deku your up ne-" Uraraka starts and then realizes that he's already gone.

"he probably went to go to the starting ground" I tell her.

"Team Midoriya and Bakugou, ready?"




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