Chapter 15: The Exams part 4

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(edited June 20th 2021)

"team Midoriya and Bakugo practical exam, ready? go!" the robotic voice announces as the screen turns on revealing ground beta.

the two boys walk down an empty road in search of their opponent.

Deku tries to talk to Bakugo but to no avail, the blonde is more focused on beating All Might.

the broccoli top boy stops walking allowing for Bakugo to get a few paces ahead, after a couple seconds he runs back over to him but is met with a fist to the face.

"they should be working with each other not against each other" Recovery girl comments.

 Deku winces and holds his face as he gets up off the ground.

"I don't want to hear another word. just because you think you're getting stronger, doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do" the blonde angrily mutters scowling at the boy.

"oh dear, there's absolutely no teamwork between those two" Recovery girl continues her disappointed commentary.

"don't they realize the trial ahead of them" 

"at least Deku is trying, Bakugo won't even listen to him. he's too blinded by beating All Might to care." I add.

"wait Kacchan! all I'm trying to do is get us to pass the final! this is for both of us!" Deku tries to get him to listen but instead Bakugo turns his head and yells at him.


"WILL YOU STOP YELLING! THIS IS WHY WE NEVER HAVE REAL CONVERSATIONS!" Deku screams back not noticing the large man throwing a wind punch at the boys.

this sends a powerful wave of dust at the two shooting them backwards destroying everything in its path.

once the dust settles, All Might emerges making an evil speech.

"who really cares if I destroy this city? if you think of this as an exam and not a real fight you'll be sorry" he threatens stomping on the ground sending a weaker gust of air at the two.

"I'm a villain now heroes!" he says with an evil glint in his eye.

"it's over id we fight him head on, let's run!" Deku yells bolting in the opposite direction.

"don't tell me what to do!" Bakugo argues back looking away for a second to yell at Deku causing him to miss the large burly man shooting towards him making a fist, Bakugo turns back around preparing to counter attack.

"Kacchan no!" Deku yells a few paces behind him.

"How about a stun grenade?" Bakugo yells in a cocky tone.

suddenly a huge burst of light appears from his open palm right before they are about to meet in the middle.

Bakugo jumps up getting ready to attack again.

"you want everything I've got All Might? like that wasn't my plan I never-" the blonde is cut off by All Mights hand wrapping around his face.

I can faintly hear his muffled voice yelling.

"-HOLD BACK DAMMIT!" he finishes what he was saying.

Bakugo reaches his arms forward sending out multiple blasts to All Mights chest. 

All Might grabs his arm and slams Bakugo into the ground by his head.

"ouch..." I wince at the sight.

"your rapid fire blasts were weak, hardly even a sting." he then notices Deku trying to escape.

"where do you think you're going?" he asks rhetorically chasing after the messy haired boy, leaving a small cloud of dust in his wake.

"don't think I've forgotten about you already young Midoriya." he says appearing in front of him.

"are you really going to leave your teammate here and run away?" he asks.

green energy forms around Deku and he jumps upward.

"uh-uh do you think that's how this is going to work?" All Might boasts standing with his hands on his hips.

"GAH MOVE IT!" Bakugo yells propelling himself toward All Might, but instead he hits Deku sending him flying back to All Might.

Bakugo gets up and marches over to All Might and Deku tries to stop him.

"Kacchan wait, haven't you been listening to me? we need to run!" he prys.

"shut up scum." Bakugo mutters approaching All Might pushing Deku aside.

I guess I can see a little better now why Shigaraki would want Bakugo. he has a vendetta against All Might, he's super hot-headed and stubborn. he would be perfect for the villains side plus it would be nice to have more people my age there who aren't completely insane.

"at the very least we should be trying to avoid him-" Deku says running up to Bakugo and putting  hand on his shoulder.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" Bakugo yells.

"Incoming, heroes! I have a special gift for the one who wants to run!" All Might yells in an evil voice while flying through the air holding a large sharp metal scrap.

"he can't be serious can he?" I say a little worried that he might hurt him badly.

he lands stabbing the metal scrap into the ground around Deku's waist so that he can't move.

Bakugo just stands there staring at the poor boy when All Might charges at him punching him in the gut causing him to puke mid-air.

I felt that man...

he skids across the soil landing  about 20 meters back from All Might.

"Kacchan! are you okay?" Deku yelps worried about him.

Bakugo grunts trying to get up, his body trembling.

both of the boys struggle to stand just as Bakugo is about to be upright, All Might walks up behind him.

"I know why you're so angry young Bakugo, because of young Midoriya's sudden improvement right? but you have to remember each of your rankings when the year first began. it's much easier to level up when you're a novice. you're wasting your full potential, do you see that? do you understand me? you still have so much room to grow strong boy! and I don't just mean your quirk" All Might says towering over Bakugo.

"shut up All Might..." he mutters.

"If I'm so bad that I have to get help from a weakling like him, then I'd rather lose this... do you hear me?" he grunts half slouched over.

at this point something lights up in Deku, his eyes seem to glow.

"I see, just remember that's what you said hero!" All Might says back in his evil voice making a fist and going in to punch Bakugo.

 Deku suddenly breaks free at the sight of his friend about to get smashed by All Might. he rushes over to the two his messy green hair flowing in the wind. just before All Might can hit Bakugo Deku punches Bakugo square in the face moving him out of the way of All Might.

"don't you dare say that you'd rather lose! Let's win this Kacchan!" he screams.

Bakugo lands on the ground tumbling backward and managing to stop himself by burying his fist in the dirt. 

 Deku chases after him and once he comes to a stop, lifts him up and hops away like a green bunny into an alleyway.



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