Chapter 16: The Dream

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I break away from Uraraka's tight embrace.

"and that concludes all of the practical exams." the robotic voice says.

"I'm gonna go change and then visit Deku, wanna come?" I ask Uraraka.

"no, you should go see him alone." she says giving me a permissive smile.

"ok then." I say returning her smile and leaving the Monitoring room.

I make my way to the women's changing room where I left all my stuff, I put on a sweater and a pair of shorts.

I take out the two mini buns in my hair and pull it back into two larger messy buns lower down on my head.

I emerge from the locker room with my duffle bag in hand and head out of the building and back onto the school campus.

I enter the large blue building and go upstairs toward the nurses office practically running.

"DEKU!" I yell swinging the door open but I am met with silence, then I realize that both Midoriya and Bakugou are out cold and Recovery girl isn't there. she must've already gone home.

I go to sit down in the chair beside Midoriya's bed and stare at him. he looks so adorable right now, despite all of the scraps and bruises.

his hair looks so soft, would it be creepy if I were to just touch it?

I slowly reach my hand out and sort of pet him, it feels just as soft as it looks.

he stirs in his sleep slowly opening his eyes.

I freeze my hand still in his hair and my face turns red.

I quickly pull my hand away and act like I totally wasn't creeping on him.

"Maya...?" he musters out.

"you scared me there Midoriya you looked like you got beat pretty badly..." I say surveying his injuries.

"yeah... heh" he says softly closing his eyes. he must be tired, I should let him rest for now.

I hear him start snoring and now I know he's for sure asleep. I lean over and lay a light kiss on his forehead before leaving.

on my walk home the sun is already setting and it's starting to get dark out.

I plug my headphones in to avoid the scary night noises and I listen to my favorite singer.

I shiver trying to melt further into my hoodie but the cool breeze still makes goosebumps rise on my exposed legs.

I finally reach my front gate and enter my house to see my mom and dad laying together on the couch watching a movie.

"how'd you do on your finals?" My mom asks me the second I step into the house.

"I passed the practical and I'm still waiting on my scores for the written exam." I tell her.

"good job honey!" My dad exclaims from the couch.

I enter my room and kick my shoes off and fall onto my soft bed. 

I look at my phone and notice a bunch of messages from my group chat.


I'm so excited for the summer camp! :Uraraka

Yeah me too, it's a great chance to get in more hardcore training to strengthen ourselves and become better heroes! :Lida

why am I even in this group chat? :Todoroki

cuz we r all friends duh :Uraraka

oh. :Todoroki

I hope Deku is ok he looked pretty rough after his exam :Uraraka

yeah it looks like All Might hit his back super hard :Tsu

I'm sure he's fine. He's in good hands. :Lida

hey Maya you saw him afterward right? how's he doin?" :Uraraka

Maya? :Uraraka

Maya :Uraraka

MAYA :Uraraka

M :Uraraka

A :Uraraka

Y :Uraraka

A :Uraraka

stop spamming :Todoroki

no :Uraraka

(Todoroki has left the group chat)

(Uraraka has added Todoroki to the group chat)

I hate you :Todoroki

:p :Uraraka

anyways r u alive Maya? :Uraraka

Maya: Maybe...

HOWS DEKU!? :Uraraka

Maya: he's fine he's just sleeping. still looks a lil rough tho.

thank god :Uraraka


(ok this is not a gc fanfic back to the story)

I turn my phone off and lay on my back staring up at the ceiling, I can't get the thought of Midoriya's adorable sleeping face, or the texture of his floofy hair. 

I feel my face grow warm, I can tell I'm blushing right now. I can't help it. 

I slowly shut my eyes and drift off into a deep sleep.

the next time I open my eyes I see brightness, am I dead?

my eyes adjust and I find that I am leaning against a tree in the middle of a large grassy field, the sound of the wind blowing each individual blade caresses my ears and the cold breeze of the early morning calms me.

I feel a presence with my and look down to see Midoriya, laying his head in my lap and my hand is in his hair. 

my fingers run through his thick green hair the same way the wind runs through the grass around us.

i notice that he has that little notebook that he's always scribbling in. he's drawing me in my hero costume and writing about my quirk.

I wish this was real but, I know it's just a dream. still I take in every second of this blissful paradise my mind has brought me too.

I hear the faint ringing of an airplane soaring above me.

I continue to fiddle with his hair and we just lay there, saying nothing, doing nothing but be there.

I breathe a deep breath in and close my eyes feeling the warmth of the sun shine through my eyelids, there's silence, then I hear my mom yelling.

I open my eyes to see I'm back in my room, back in my dreadful house back to listening to my mothers dreadful voice.


I look at my alarm clock.




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