Chapter 17: The Encounter Part 1

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I look over at my alarm clock.


school started a half an hour ago.

I get up panicking and throw my uniform as fast as I possibly can, I rush out of my room pulling my socks up my legs and almost slipping on the tile of the hallway. 

"YOU NEED TO WAKE UP WHEN I CALL YOU!" my mom screams.

"sorry sorry sorry I didn't hear you!" I say frantically zipping up my bag.

"gah! I'm going to be so late!" I yell rushing out the door without eating breakfast or anything. 

I practically run to my train and manage to catch one just in time. 

we arrive at the school and I run inside.

I make my way up to my class and open the door, the second I do so all of the eyes in the class dart to me.

"sorry, huff, I slept in, huff." I say wheezing.

I'm too late homeroom had just ended, everyone is standing around and excitedly talking about the camp.

thankfully Mr. Aizawa has already left.

"Maya? where were you?" Midoriya asks me waving me over to him ,Lida and Kaminari.

"I'm glad we all get to go to the camp together, looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week" Lida says looking at the permission slip that I had taken a picture of months ago.

"sorry, I slept in. I totally missed homeroom didn't I?" I say out of breath from running.

"oh hey Maya, Mr. Aizawa just announced that even the student who failed will get to go to the summer camp!" Lida exclaims.

"oh cool!" I say back. 

"hmm a whole week? I'm going to need a bigger suitcase" Midoriya says looking at the permission slip in Lida's hand.

"yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit" I say thinking about the last time I even got to go swimming. 

"guess we all need to buy some stuff" Kaminari comments.

"hey guys! since we're off tomorrow and we finally finished exams I have the best idea! why doesn't class 1-A go shopping together!" Hagakure buts in.

"yeah!" Kaminari agrees.

"we've never hung out as a class before" Uraraka says excitedly.

"Bakugou see you there right?" Kirishima asks turning toward the hedgehog.

"I can't think of anything more annoying" he mutters.

"sounds like fun!" I say and everyone just kind of ignores me.

sometimes I feel bad that they are so excited over this trip that will be ruined anyways but, then I remember the way these assholes treat me.

"will you come Todoroki?" Midorita asks him.

"I visit my mom on days off." he says putting the strap of his bag around his shoulder.

"aw man" he says a little disappointed.

the next day the entirety of class 1-A meets outside the school so we can all take the train to the mall.

I sit next to Midoriya and try to not make eye contact with him thinking about the dream I had last night.

"Hey Maya? were you in the nurse's office yesterday?" he turns asking me.

"uHHm.... maybe? why do you ask?" I say my face turning red hoping he doesn't remember me petting his hair.

"oh, I just thought I saw someone but I couldn't remember who." he explains.

"oh, yeah I came to make sure you were ok but you were like half asleep. you looked tired so I decided to leave and let you rest." I say.

we soon arrive at the mall and enter.

"Oh man do I love this place!" Mina exclaims.

I look next to me to see Midoriya frantically surveying the store and muttering to himself about the different clothes they have that cater to all body types and quirks.

he realizes that he was muttering and saw me staring at him and blushes.

"gah! s-sorry was I muttering?" he asks slightly embarrassed.

"it's fine I like it when you mutter it's so adorable!" I exclaim making his face go even more red.

"hey are those UA students?" I hear a bystander ask.

"hey look it's class 1-A!" another exclaims pointing at us.

"I saw em on Tv, the sports festival was so good!" they cheer us on.

"I can't believe they still remember that" Uraraka mutters.

the class is now all talking about the different things they need.

"hey let's split up and get our stuff then we can meet back here when we are done" Kirishima proposes.

"ok!" we all agree.

"perfect, let's all meet back here at 3" he says and everyone goes their separate ways leaving me Uraraka and Midoriya.

"looks like it's just the three of us left..." Midoriya comments.

"yea" I say.

"so what are you guys shopping for? I personally need a swimsuit." I ask them

"I wanna find a few heavier wrist weights so I can up my training" Midoriya says.

"I mostly just need bug spray" Uraraka says,

"want to look for our things together?" I ask her.

"no you and Deku should shop together, alone" she says winking at me and putting an emphasis on the 'alone'

"uh w-what do you mean alone?" Midoriya asks her and she just walks away smirking.


"ok I'm just gonna... go... over here..." I say pointing in a random direction and running away leaving him alone.

that was very awkward.

I look around the stores trying to see if any of them sell swimsuits, while not paying attention I run straight into a man wearing all black.

"gah! sorry!" I exclaim 

"oh hey Maya, what a coincidence?" he asks me in his shrill raspy voice.

"Shigaraki? what are you doing here you're going to blow my cover!" I whisper yell at him looking around to make sure theres none of my classmates nearby.

"relax kid, I didn't even know you were here. come to think of it I saw some other UA students here as well." 

"yeah we all came to do some shopping for the trip" I explain to him still making sure no one was around.

"anyways I don't want to blow your cover so I'll be on my way." he says ominously walking past me.

that was weird, I wonder what he was doing here.

I go to the upper section of the mall and finally find myself a cute bathing suit. 

it is a purple one piece with an open back, very nice.

I buy it and walk out of the store and lean over the railing watching the people below me going about their lives. 

my eyes dart to something fluffy and green, hey that's Midoriya.

I reach my arm up and wave but then realize the horrified look on his face, wait... who is that guy with him.

I look a little closer and notice it's Shigaraki, he's got his hand around his neck and is holding him tightly. Midoriya is gasping for air.




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