Chapter 20: The Forest part 1

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"see what I mean when I say she's a villain? she just attacked me!" I hear Mina say dramatically to Hagakure who's sitting next to her.

"I probably would've pulled your hair too" Hagakure says and Mina just sits there sulking.

"thanks for stopping me there Tsu, I probably would've killed the bitch if hadn't" I say to Tsu half joking.

"if you don't have to hold back your friend at least once in your life, are you even friends?" she jokes.

I lay my head down on the window and survey the landscape. 

we are somewhere full of mountains and thick forests. it's really sunny out and looks very peaceful.

the bus is loud everyone is talking. you can feel the excitement for the camp.

about an hour later we arrive at the first rest stop, or so we thought.

we file off the bus and stretch our legs. 

"Finally I needed off that bus" Kaminari comments.

"LET ME GET THROUGH I GOTTA PEE!" Mineta screams racing around in search of a bathroom.

"this isn't much of a rest stop" I say looking around.

we are on the side of a mountain, there's no gas station or buildings around us just forest.

"also where's class B?" I ask noticing that they aren't here.

"you don't really think that we stopped here just so you could stretch your legs do you?" Mr.Aizawa says in his usual annoyed voice.

suddenly a black car pulls up and the doors open.

"hey ya eraser!" a girl dressed up like a cat says stepping out of the vehicle.

"long time no see" he mutters.

suddenly another cat girl steps out of the car, this one is dressed up as a blue cat.

"your feline fantasies are here! say 'meow!" the brown cat girl exclaims.

"purrfectly cute and catlike girls!" the blue cat squeals

"you can call us, the wild wild pussycats!" they both say in unison while posing.

the whole class just stares at them in disbelief accept for me and Midoriya. Midoriya starts nerding out and listing off facts about the wild wild pussy cats while I just stand there because I already knew that they were going to be here.

I look beside them and see some grumpy looking kid who looks to be about 6 years old or so.

"these are the pro heroes you'll be working with at the summer training camp." Mr.Aizawa introduces them

"they're a four-person hero team who specialize in mountain rescues! the pussycats were founded when we were kids like forever ago! this marks their twelveth working as a-" Midoriya's tangent is cut off by the blue pussy cat grabbing his face and covering his mouth.

"I'm pretty sure your math must be off. I'm 18 at heart!" she yells.

"oi get your paws off Deku!" I scold her and she steps back releasing the sweaty green boy.

"we own this whole stretch of land out here, everything you can see. the summer camp you're staying at is there at the base of the mountain." one of the pussy cats says pointing out into the forest.

"that's far" the class collectively says trying to see the camp.

"wait then why did we stop all  the way up here instead?" Uraraka asks.

"I think you know the answer to that" I groan

"um... let's go back on the bus. quick lets go" 

"good idea... quick load up!" 

everyone says trying to get out of having to walk there.

"the current time is 9:30 in the morning. if you're fast about it, you might make it there by noon" the cat says

"no way! guys save yourselves!" Kirishima yells and everyone books it back towards the bus except for me, I already know there's no getting out of this so I just stand there and wait.

just before they reach the bus, the blue cat jumps in front of them and blasts them off the edge then she runs over to me to blast me off too but I hold up a hand.

"no need for the violence I'll just fly down there myself." I say turning around to find a rock

"smart girl." the red cat says.

once I get a sizable rock I make it float and stand on it riding it down like an elevator.

I'm starting to regret not wearing my harness today.

once I reach the bottom where everyone is sitting covered in dirt they all just glare at me.

"how come you didn't get thrown off the edge like we did?" Kirishima complains.

"yeah no fair!" Kaminari whines

"becuase I'm not stupid" I say hopping off my rock.

"good news! since this is private land you can use your quirks as much as you want to. you've got three full hours. you should be able to make it to the facility in that time, that is if you can get through the beasts forest" the red cat yells off the edge of the cliff ominously.

everyone turns to look at the dark forest ahead uncomfortably.

"did she say the beasts forest!?" Midoriya exclaims.

"that sounds like a name right out of a fantasy game..." Kaminari says 

"why do we keep falling for Mr. Aizawa's little tricks?" Ojiro asks Uraraka and Tsu while getting up off the ground.

"welp we might as well get going" Kirishima says brushing some dirt off his uniform.

suddenly Mineta zooms past everyone running into the forest to go pee but before he can find a spot he's confronted by a large beast.

"AHH WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" Kaminari and Sero yell while everyone else gets into a fighting stance.

"CALM DOWN LITTLE BEAST YOU DON'T WANNA HURT THEM!" Koda yells at the beast but he doesn't respond.

suddenly Midoriya bolts towards Mineta and grabs him dragging him out of the way of the beast.

"I would've just let him die" I mutter to Uraraka and she laughs.

Midoriya drops Mineta and powers up, green energy surges around him. meanwhile Todoroki freezes the dirt monster in place while Lida runs at the beast screaming.


while Bakugou also charges the monster yelling


each of the boys take an arm off the beast and then Midoriya hits it in the face causing it to crumble.

"dang you guys took down that beast in seconds!" Sero exclaims approaching Todoroki.

"that was awesome" Sato adds.

"we're not done..." Bakugou mutters staring at more beasts coming at us.

"oh crap..." Mina says.

"this is a little unfair." Kaminari says.

"if we don't make it to the camp in time we won't get anything to eat!" Sato exclaims.

"he's right we have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route!" Yaoyorozu announces and everyone nods in agreement.

"alright... LET'S GO CLASS A!" Lida exclaims and we all set off to fight the beasts.



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