Chapter 20: The Forest part 2

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Shoji uses his Dupla arms to look around.

"I spot three up ahead and two flanking each side" he says

"so seven total... they're coming!" Jiro says sticking her headphone jack into a tree.

first a flying one that looks like a dragon swoops down and I jump up at it grabbing it midair and slamming it into the ground screaming.

"Sato Kirishima start hitting it!" I yell to the two and they both powerup and run at the beast beating it to death.

another of the beasts gets attacked by Tokoyami's dark shadow and then Aoyama hit it with his laser causing it to crumble.

Mineta runs after another of the monsters whipping his balls at it and yelling.

"IF YOU MONSTHERS HADN'T OF SCARED ME MY PANTSTH WOULDN'T BE WET RIGHT NOW!" everyone looks at him in disgust as he sticks the monster to a tree.

"Mineta get out of here!" Kaminari yells jumping onto the back of the beast and zapping it with a bunch of electricity.

"one point three million volts!" he yells frying both the beast and his brain.

"hmm I want to try something" I say to myself turning to another beast with a long tail stomping towards me.

I've been toying around with this idea and it might work with these dirt monsters.

I lift up the monster, straining because of how heavy it is and I yell while ripping hte monster in two.

"ARGHH!" I scream while everyone gawks at me.

"what?" I say huffing

suddenly more monsters come at us.

one of them gets their leg broken down by Mina's acid and another is floated by Uraraka and then thrown into the air by Tsu's tongue.

then Yaoyorozu pulls out a cannon and starts blasting away at the beasts like a mad woman.

"There's more coming!" Shoji announces and Todoroki spots one freezing it in place with his ice then Bakugou jumps up and blows up the monster.

"YOU'RE IN MY WAY ICY HOT!" he yells running toward another beast with Todoroki by his side.

"then pick another route" Todoroki deadpans.

I notice two more dirt monsters in the sky above us and I rip a tree out of the ground. all this heavy lifting is tiring me out.

I use the tree as a baseball bat and whack one down to the ground for the rest of the class to murder and Midoriya and Lida go after the other monster.

"Midoriya now!" Lida yells and Midoriya jumps up bouncing off the trees and finally reaches the monster punching it in the face.

we continue to fight for hours, soon the sun begins to set and we finally arrive at the camp.

I trudge forward exhausted much like my peers. once I get close enough I plop down on the ground resting my head on my hand.

I see the two cat ladies from earlier and Mr. Aizawa all standing there in front of the building.

"You said it would only be like three hours!" Sero whines.

"I guess we timed it on how long it's take us. sorry!" one of the cats says.

"I'm so hungry" Kirishima complains clenching his stomach.

"meow meow meow, I thought It'd take you guys even longer but you did much better against my dirt monsters!" the blue cat exclaims.

"you guys were seriously great! especially the five of you!" she continues pointing at me, Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Lida.

"it seems like you've had quite a bit of experience. I call dibs on these kittens! I'll groom them myself!" she yells lounging at us and trying to kiss mostly the boys.

"uh" I say just sitting there while she harasses them

"has she always been like this?" Mr. Aizawa asks pointing at the blue cat.

"not usually but she is at the age to take a mate." Mandalay says.

"uh speaking of people's ages-" Midoriya starts but gets cut off by the crazy cats paw covering his mouth.

"choose your words carefully boy..." she says in a low creepy voice and I glare at her.

"I've just been wondering since we got here earlier, who's that kid? what's he doing here?" I hear his muffled voice whimper pointing towards the little kid I saw earlier.

"oh this little guy? he's my cousins son who lives with us now. don't be shy Kota say hi to everyone. you're gonna be around them for the next week." Mandalay says to the boy.

Midoriya breaks free from the blue cats grasp and walks up to the kid to introduce himself.

"hey there. My names Midoriya I'm from the UA High School hero course it's nice to meet you!" he says extending his hand for a hand shake.

instead of shaking his hand the boy punches Midoriya straight in the crotch.

he yelps and his knees buckle.

"little shit" I mutter

I get up and walk over to Midoriya who has now collapsed onto the floor, his face has gone white from the pain.

"you alright buddy?" I ask him kneeling down beside him and he weakly lifts his hand to give me a thumbs up.

"you fiend of a child! a kick to the scrotum is a low blow!" Lida yells and the boy turns around glaring at him.

"The last thing I want is to hang with some wannabe heroes!" he mutters clenching his fists.

"'wannabe'? how old are you kid!" Lida yells back.

"that kid's got spunk" Bakugou says looking at the kid and smiling in approval of what he did to Deku.

"he's like a mini you" Todoroki comments.

"eh-!? what are you talking about! you need to shut the hell up before I blast you all the way to hell!" Bakugou explodes at him while Todoroki just stares at him.

"yeah sure..." he mutters.

"enough playing around, get your stuff off the bus. after you put your bags in your rooms you may have dinner and bathe before going to sleep. training starts bright and early in the morning at 5:30 so you'd better get a move on" Mr.Aizawa says.

"don't worry I'll get your stuff for ya" I say patting Midoriya on the back and he manages to wheeze out a "thank you"

I walk over to the bus and find both mine and Midoriya's bags and float them out of the bus. 

I help Midoriya up and hand him his bag and we both walk into the building to get our cabins.

the cabins are split by gender so that means I'm staying with Tsu, Uraraka, Mina, Yaoyorozu, Jiro and Hagakure.

we head to our cabin and all drop our bags on the floor.

"this room is kinda small" I say looking at the bunk beds.

"hey wait... there's only 3 bunk beds here. but theres six of us." I say counting the beds.

"looks like one of us will have to sleep on that couch" Mina says clearly meaning I will be the one sleeping on the couch.

"thank you for volunteering to sleep on the couch Mina! we'll owe ya one" I say putting my bag on a bed claiming it and everyone else doing the same.

Mina groans and throws her back onto the couch in defeat.

 all I want to do right now is sleep. I used my powers a lot today but I want to eat too so we all head over to the dinning hall to eat.

we walk in and the smell of pork, steak, chicken, and other foods fills the air I feel my mouth water as I look for a spot to sit.

I find an open place between Tsu and Lida and plop down.

"Hey Maya, I'm not going to have to hold you back again today right? because my tongue is pretty tired from all that fighting today." Tsu jokes.

"I promise" I say laughing.

I look in front of me and see a bowl of rice and beef and I start drooling.

everyone is shoving their food in their mouth like maniacs and I join their feasting.

after I'm well fed we all go over to the hot springs to bathe.

I fold up my towel and put it on my head and dip into the warm water.

"this feels amazing!" Mina exclaims.

"I'm glad they had a hot springs" Jiro comments. 

suddenly we hear yelling from the other side of the wall.

"you are to stop that right now Mineta! what you are doing is demeaning to both yourself and the girls!" we hear Lida yell.

"oh god what is that pervert doing now" I say in disgust checking the top of the wall to make sure he didn't climb up there.

I see that little boy from earlier up there hitting Mineta in the face knocking him down.

"Mineta really is the worst isn't he" Tsu says

"Thanks Kota! we owe ya one!" Mina says throwing her arms up in the air.

the young boy turns around and sees all of us down there and it's all too much for him.

his face goes red and he falls backward onto the boys side.

"uh oh" I say watching this all go down.

"look out!" I hear Midoriya yell from the other side.

I didn't hear a splat or anything so I'm assuming Midoriya caught him.

after bathing we all go back to our cabins. 

"Ochaco, I can call you Ochaco right? I feel like we're at that stage. anyways wanna sleep on the same bunk?" I ask Ochaco.

"yeah sure! do you want top or bottom?" she replies.

"uh top I guess" I say climbing up the latter.

I fall asleep before my head even hits my pillow. finally I can sleep.



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