Chapter 21: Pure Torture

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when we wake up the next morning, everyone seems so tired but this is actually pretty late for me to be able to sleep in til. 

we get dressed and then are taken out to a clearing in the forest.

"Good morning class. today we will begin training that will increase your strength. our goal is to increase your skills exponentially so that each of you earns a provisional license. this will allow you to continue to face the dangers that lurk in the darkness, proceed carefully." Mr. Aizawa says.

he notices Bakugou is half asleep and whips a baseball at him.

"look alive Bakugou, try throwing that for me"

Bakugou catches the ball and looks at it.

"yeah sure. like in the fitness test" he says 

"that's right, when you first started school, your record was 705.2 meters, lets see if you've improved." Aizawa says.

"oh I get it we're checking our progress!" Mina exclaims.

"a lot's changed since the beginning of the year, maybe he can throw it a whole kilometer now!" Sero says.

"Cmon! get it Bakugou!!!" Kirishima yells.

"I've got this" Bakugou mutters swinging his arm around preparing to throw the ball.

"no one blink. GO TO HELL!" he yells whipping the ball into the air. 

"that was 709.6 meters" Mr. Aizawa reads the measuring device. 

"that's it?" the class exclaims.

"you've had a single semester at UA and due to your various experiences all of you have definitely improved. but those improvements have mostly been in mental prouis and technical skill, with a slight increase in stamina thrown in along the way. your quirks really haven't grown that much stronger not on a fundamental level." Mr. Aizawa says

"actually mine has" I say raising my hand and everyone looks at me.

"oh?" he questions.

"yeah I can um, hold things longer and I can hold some heavier things too like those dirt monsters. oh! also I can sorta rip things apart." I list.

"rip things apart?" he asks and I pick up a large rock nearby and focus my energy and yell causing the rock to split.

the class claps for me and Aizawa says.

"impressive, anyways as I was saying. that is why we are going to focus on improving your powers.I'm going to work you guys so hard you'll feel like you're dying, let's hope you all survive" he continues with an evil grin.

we each go to a different place in the clearing where the teachers have prepared individual training for each student.

all of our individual training is customized to our quirks, for instance Todoroki has to sit in a tub of water and continue to change it from boiling hot to freezing cold to help him gain more control over his flames and be able to regulate his body tempurature better.

everyone gets their spot until I'm the last one left.

"Come with me Maya." Mr. Aizawa says gesturing for me to follow him. 

we climb up a steep path leading to the top of a mountain.

"what are we doing up  here?" I ask winded from the hike.

"you see these boulders?" he asks

"uh yeah?" 

"I want you to break them all in half, then in half again, then again. break them into a million pieces." he explains

"those are pretty big this might take a while" I say lifting one up.

"good" he says turning around and leaving me up there with the boulders.

I look over the edge of the cliff and see all my classmates working hard, I suppose I should do the same.

I turn to the boulder and my hand and do a gesture with both of my hands that helps me focus on splitting things apart. 

I start screaming to increase my power and soon the boulder splits in two.

"one down... 23 more to go..." I say counting the large rocks.

I continue lifting boulders and splitting them in half for the next 12 hours, once I finish I collapse onto the ground to rest.

"god I'm tired" I gasp laying on my back and staring up at the sky.

I reach up and wipe away the beads of sweat that formed on my forehead. the sun is just now starting to set, I've been doing this all day.

I get up and look over my hard work once more. I feel pride as I survey the little pebbles I have left all over the floor.

then I walk down the mountain path back to the group and we go to eat dinner.

"now, we're not going to be serving you food anymore! you kids are going to have to cook yourselfs!" The blue cat exclaims standing over a table full of ingredients.

"starting with curry!" a green cat, who I don't recognize says.

"yes ma'am" the class groans.

"ah! I see, along with saving someone you must also care for their physical needs. this is an amazing opportunity everyone! lets make the best curry in the world!" Lida exclaims.

"I think you might be reading too much into it but whatever floats your boat I guess Lida" I say trudging over to the tables of ingredients. 

everyone grabs what they will need to cook and Todoroki goes around lighting everyone's grills.

after about an hour  later, everyone finished cooking. the food was prepared by a bunch of teens so it's not the best but I don't think anyone really cares. we are all starving and just like the night before we inhale that curry.

while we eat, I notice Midoriya wandering off somewhere. I set my curry down and get up.

"I'll be right back I got to use the bathroom" I announce before leaving.

I follow him up to a cliff where I see him giving a plate of curry to that kid Kota from earlier.

"how'd you find this place!" the kids yells at him.

"oh sorry, I just followed your footsteps. I thought you might want some dinner before it gets cold" Midoriya says holding out the plate.

"whatever I'm just fine. get lost I don't wanna hang out with you." the kid says, then he notices me standing behind Midoriya.

"seriously? you brought your girlfriend up here too?" he mocks.

"I guess I need to get better at sneaking" I mutter.

"where'd you come from?" Midoriya asks turning around.

"I was just wondering where you were going." I say shrugging.

"both of you leave! and forget about my secret hideout!" the little boy yells.

"this is a hideout?" Midoriya asks looking around.

"tch, spending your whole live trying to improve your quirk, it's dumb! all you want to do is show off. get lost!" the kid yells.

"allright jeez I'm leaving" I say dramatically turning around leaving him and Midoriya to have their conversation.

"little shit" I mutter to myself as I walk away



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