Chapter 23: It's Time I Stand up and Fight! part 1

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"perfect! we've filled our bellies and cleaned the dishes, now it's time for...!" Pixie-bob exclaims getting cut off by Mina.

"a totally awesome test of courage!" she yells jumping up and down

"we're gonna win!" Kaminari, Sato, Sero, and Kirishima hype her up.

"not so fast, it pains me to say it but the remedial class will be having lessons with me tonight instead" Mr. Aizawa says.

"you've got to be kidding me!" Mina whines.

"you're training today didn't impress me so I'll be using this time too" Mr. Aizawa says grabbing all five of them with his scarf to prevent them from running away.

"aw give me a break!" the five complain.

after Aizawa drags them away, Pixie-bob explains how the test of courage will go.

"ok so, class B is going to be our "scarers" and scatter throughout the forest. once they're in place, class ! will leave in pairs every three minutes. there are tags with your names on them at the far end of the route, your goal is to collect those!" she exclaims.

"revelry in the dark..." Tokoyami dramatically mutters.

"now, those who are scarers aren't allowed to make physical contact so use your quirks to terrify the others got it?" Pixie-bob continues.

"the winners are the creative students who make the most people piss their pants!" the male cat exclaims

"did we need that visual?" Jiro mutters

"I see! they're encouraging us to stoke our imaginations as we compete with eachother all while showing us more uses for our quirks in the process! as expected of UA!" Lida analyzes

"alright! everyone draw a slip of paper to see who your partner will be!" Pixie-bob says holding out a handful of tiny papers toward us.

we each take turns walking up and grabbing a slip until there are none left.

I look down at the piece of paper in my hand and read the number.

"8?" I say aloud and begin searching for my partner.

"who else has eight?" I hear a familiar voice.

I turn around and see the green haired boy holding his piece of paper.

"I guess we're partners!" I say showing him my piece and he blushes.

"oh y-yeah look at that." he stammers.

as we watch each team leave into the dark forest, I take the time to look around and see if I can see any villains. Probably not because they aren't that stupid but I know they are nearby and are going to attack any second now. 

it's just a waiting game at this point.

more teams set out into the forest and soon it's just me, Lida, Ojiro, Mineta and Midoriya left.

"what's this foul smell?" Pixie-bob asks sniffing the air.

"woah do you see that? it's smoke!" Midoriya says pointing at the blue flames raging through the forest.

"they're here..." I whisper under my breath.

"has something been set ablaze?" Lida wonders.

suddenly a pink aura surrounds Pixie-bob and she flies towards a man with red hair.

"oh shit" I say and crouch on the ground feeling tears form in my eyes. 

it's happening again isn't it. people getting hurt because I bit my tongue.

Magne traps the blonde underneath his large magnet knocking her unconcious.

"first, lets get rid of these feral cats" he says.

"what? no way I thought they made sure no one could find usth!" Mineta whimpers taking a step back.

"Pixie-bob!" Midoriya burst running forward to fight them but is stopped by one of the pussy cats.

"this is bad..." Mandalay says.

Midoriya suddenly turns around and realizes someone's missing.

"wheres Kota!?" he asks, pure fear in his eyes.

I look up at him, I need to get up. I can't just curl up into a useless ball everytime this happens. especially not if a kid is in danger.

Mandalay uses her quirk to notify everyone of the attack.

'everyone, we were just attacked by two villains. there are likely more coming please stand by'

she says

"how are you this evening UA high? we are apart of the vanguard action squad of the league of villains" Spinner says jumping in front of Magne

"the league of villains? what are those guys doing here?" Ojiro asks

"I could crush this kitty's head so easily, how about it dears should I?" Magne taunts.

"you get away from her!" the brown cat yells holding up his fists

"now now hold on big sis mag, you two tiger calm down. when deciding if someone should live or die we must be careful that we are abiding by stains principles" Spinner says stopping Magne

"stain?" Midoriya asks

"so you're the ones he ended up inspiring!" Lida exclaims

"at your service! thats us! and you for eyes, I believe I recognize you you're one of the self-righteous brats who attacked Stain in Hosu City. lemme introduce myself, you can call me Spinner. I'm here to make Stains dreams a reality!" Spinner exclaims pulling outa  huge collection of blades.

"I don't care who you are, you're criminals! the woman lying there is named Pixie-Bob, she's a pro hero who has saved countless lives! she's giving her all for these young heroes, pushing them to reach their full potential. she's looking for a mate but otherwise she's content. what gives you the right to cut such a happy life short!" the brown cat yells retracting his claws and lounging at the villains.

"didn't anyone tell you it's not a hero's job to be happy!?" Spinner exclaims also going after them.

"Tiger! I've talked to everyone trust the safety of the other students to Ragdoll, you can I will stay here and we'll hold them back. you kids return to camp, class rep you're in charge on the way there don't engage anyone!" Mandalay orders

"leave it to me! lets go!" Lida exclaims taking a few steps but then realizing that Midoriya isn't following.

"Midoriya!" he yells

"go on ahead without me. Mandalay! Kota, I know where he is!" he exclaims bolting off toward the mountains where he and that Kota were the other night.

"Wait I'm coming with you!" I yell chasing him down.

we run all the way up that mountain and arrive just in time. Muscular was about to attack Kota but before he could, Midoriya jumps in and grabs Kota bringing him out of the way, they both roll to the ground and cough while getting up.

"What are you doing?" Kota asks annoyed at the boy.

Muscular turns around staring at Midoriya.

"now you I recognize, you were on the list!" he exclaims still not noticing me behind him.

Midoriya gets up clenching his fists and green energy surging around him.

"hey... I promise everything will be ok" he whispers to the boy.



(so so sorry this was late I was busy and completely forgot to post!!!)

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